
The wife of the CEO

TAGS #CEO #SLICE OF LIFE #LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE #SWEET LOVE Cheng Yinan a beautiful, independent woman. She just returned from abroad and landed a job at one of the influential Corporation in the country. Lu muchen the CEO of Lu Corporation. He looks cold to the outside world, but very warm to the ones he cares about. What will happen when two people who know nothing about each other are expected to live together for the rest of their lifes. " Good morning beautiful " he greeted and planted a kiss on her forehead. " Good morning " she responded giving him a smile. " You should smile more.. You look really cute when you smile " he said lightly pinching her cheek. " Same goes for you Mr. Lu " she said also pinching him like he did to her. Lu Muchen was actually shocked, since she acted that way on her own accord. Cheng Yinan thought that since she decided to give their relationship a chance, why should she be shy around him when she could just act normal. She giggled upon seeing his expression.

lucky_star45 · Urban
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43 Chs

Stay home husband

Cheng Yinan drove back to Black Falls. She got through the great without a hitch. By now, the security men already knew who she was.

She spotted Lu Muchen sitting on the couch with his concentration on his phone.

As soon he felt her presence, he looked up and flashed her his killer smile. For some reason, his smile made her feel calm.

She plopped herself unto the couch right beside him. He noticed he gloomy expression and frowned. " What's wrong " he asked worried. " Nothing..just a mild headache " she replied. " let me give you a nice head massage " he said while laying her head on his lap. She didn't argue with him and quietly laid on his lap.

He massage her head slowly. Cheng Yinan closed her eyes to enjoy the treatment she was feeling. Lu Muchen smiled seeing that she was enjoying what he was doing to her.

In no time, Lu Muchen heard her slow and steady breathing. She had fallen asleep.

He gently scooped her up in his arms. He then headed upstairs, to their room. He somehow found a way to open the door and entered. He placed her gently on the bed, covered with the blanket and kissed her on the forehead.

Lu Muchen adjusted the air conditioner then left the room.

Lu Muchen saw his assistant in the living room. He wasn't really surprised to see him there. " Boss " Mo Xinyu greeted his boss.

Lu Muchen just simply nodded. " Is everything ready " Lu Muchen asked. " Yes sir..we purchased a place, the decorating is still in progress " he answered swiftly. " Mm.. " .

" Boss there are some documents that need your signature " Mo Xinyu said and brought out a few documents. Lu Muchen glanced through and signed. " Anything else " . " No sir " . " You may leave " Lu Muchen dismissed him.

Lu Muchen remained in his position for a while until his phone rang. The call was from his mother. " Mom " . " Son, is my daughter with you " she asked, bursting with excitement. Lu Muchen rolled his eyes at his mother's behavior and replied " No, she is asleep " . " Oh.. Anyway tell her the is a gathering among my friends tomorrow and I was hoping she would come with me " she said. " Mm.. I'll tell her when she wakes up " he replied. " okay, take care bye " mother Lu said and hang up.

Lu Muchen checked the time and realized it was getting closer to dinner time. He stood, and went towards the kitchen to make dinner.

After he was done with dinner, he took a quick shower before waking Cheng Yinan up.

Cheng Yinan who was fast asleep felt something soft on her cheeks but she didn't bother to open her eyes to see. The action was repeated several times until she opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Lu Muchen who was looming over her. He saw her flutter her eyes open, and he smiled. He then planted a kiss on her cheeks. That's when Cheng Yinan knew how she was woken up. " Sleep time is over.. wake up and eat your dinner " he said softly to her. She nodded and stood up. " Go take a shower then we can eat " he said pushing her into the bathroom. Cheng Yinan took a quick shower and came out. He lead her to the dinning area to eat.

Cheng Yinan saw all the delicacies he had prepared. " I guess I won't be cooking throughout my married life " she joked and chuckled softly. " Mm..if you want I could just become a stay home husband " . " Oh no.. I could never make the almighty CEO of LU CORPORATION a stay home husband " she chuckled softly and they went back to their food.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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