
The Widow's Game

After losing her husband, Queen Ana Sofia seeks a new king through a grand tournament. Amidst the competition, she finds unexpected love with a mysterious contestant. But as their romance blossoms, political intrigue and betrayal threaten to tear them apart. Will Ana Sofia choose love over duty, or will the demands of the kingdom force them apart?

Alia_Romano · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

Chapter 9

"Postpone the tournament. Work on evacuating our residents and ready our soldiers we'll set out first thing in the morning". She bellowed after a moment of quiet.

The council collectively sighed before a frenzy occurred. Ana Sofia's words hang heavy in the air, as the council members quickly disperse to carry out her orders. Advisor Mallorca approaches her, concern etched on his face.

"My queen, are you certain this is the best course of action? You have not yet fully recovered from your husband's passing."

Her shoulders tensed at the sound of her late husband, focusing on the seasoned advisor, she knew he only had her best interest at heart but, the only person she could rely on was herself to lead a successful operation. Though, she was not the most skilled fighter she knew enough about military tactics on procedures she had, after all, survived the past year on her own.

Ana Sofia meets Advisor Mallorca's gaze, her expression resolute. "I appreciate your concern, Mallorca. But I have made my decision. I cannot sit idly by while King Thalor and his people suffer. I must act."

He didn't seem satisfied with her response before he could continue Wesleynard approached the table. His golden hair was completely loose over his broad shoulders he was dressed in a sleeping tunic. She watched as he effortlessly made his way to her. Wesleynard's blue eyes meet Ana Sofia's, his expression full of determination like he was going to propose some outlandish suggestion.

He speaks with a steady voice, "My queen, if I may interject. I will accompany you on this mission I can't allow you to go alone." She didn't respond to him instead, she sighed he was back to being the knight she had met completely focused on only fulfilling his duty. Feeling herself unwilling to fight him anymore she reluctantly agreed. 

"Fine. but I won't be responsible for your death or injuries" she replied in a matter-of-fact tone she hoped she could discourage him but, she knew better.

Wesleynard nods, accepting Ana Sofia's terms. He knows the risks of accompanying her on this mission, without his group of familiar knights but he is determined to protect her and help King Thalor in any way he can. Advisor Mallorca, still standing nearby, watches the exchange with a worried expression. 

 "Your Highness there is the matter of leaving someone in your charge, we can tally votes if you'd like?"

She racked her mind for any possible candidates when a head of dark hair crossed her eye line. Ralthone.

"Let's do that" Ana Sofia nods, acknowledging Advisor Mallorca's suggestion. "Let's tally the votes for a regent in my absence."

She turns to address the council members, who have now finished their frantic preparations and are waiting for further instructions. As the council members gather around, Ralthone steps forward, his dark hair catching the flickering candlelight. He bows his head in respect, his voice steady as he says, "I will serve as regent in your absence, Your Highness." 

 The men and women erupt in an outroar at his electing of himself. Ana Sofia looks around the room, taking in the reactions of her council members. She sees a mix of surprise, admiration, and suspicion on their faces. She knows that Ralthone is a capable leader, but she also knows that some of the council members may question his loyalty. She runs her hands in her hair as the added stress continues to take a toll on her she doesn't trust him but, right now he is the only choice. Ana Sofia's gaze sweeps over the sea of faces, finally settling on Ralthone. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself for what she must do.

"Sir. Ralthone. You have my trust and my confidence. I appoint you as regent in my absence."

There is a clamor in the room as she sees his smile form in a twisted way, feeling fed up with his slimy personality she calmly added, "But know this you are to rule under my guidelines if I hear of any inconsistencies, I give my council full authority to remove you as regent".

The room falls silent as Ana Sofia's words hang in the air. Ralthone's smile falters, but he quickly recovers and bows his head once more. "Thank you, Your Highness. I will not let you down."

Ana Sofia nods, satisfied that she has made her position clear. The weight of her decision settles heavily on Ana Sofia's shoulders as she turns to Wesleynard. "We should go," she says, her voice quiet but firm. Wesleynard nods, offering her his arm. Together, they make their way towards the castle gates, leaving the bustling activity of the council chamber behind. As Ana Sofia and Wesleynard exit the council chamber, the sound of hurried footsteps echoes behind them. Advisor Mallorca hurries to catch up, her face etched with concern.

"Your Highness are you sure about this?" he asks, her voice trembling slightly.

Her resolve falters as she sees his frail shaking hands, fear creeps into her heart as she suddenly becomes aware that the future is uncertain and if the gods were cruel, she may not see his face again. She reaches out to take his hand when he wraps her into a tight hug.

As tears begin to fall from his eyes, "I promised your mother. I'd protect you Sofia". She returns his hug with an even greater force feeling the weight of his love and concern for her.

She whispers, "I know, Mallorca. I know." After a moment, she pulls away, wiping away her tears. "I have to do this, Mallorca. For Elynor. For my people."

 "I know. You've always been a leader even when that husband of yours tried to break you down, you always kept your head held high and pushed forward".

Mallorca's words bring a small smile to Ana Sofia's face, but it quickly fades as the reality of the situation sets in once again. She straightens up, taking a deep, steadying breath.

"I will return as soon as I can. Keep the council in check, and make sure Ralthone follows my guidelines."

Mallorca nods solemnly, his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and pride, "Of course, Your Highness. I will make sure everything runs smoothly in your absence."

Ana Sofia nods, as she quickly turns away, wiping her tears she approaches the castle gate, Wesleynard a few steps behind her she sees the bustling activity of the knights preparing for their journey to Thaloria. The once-empty courtyard is now filled with the sounds of clanging armor and whinnying horses. She nods in approval at the sight, feeling a sense of pride in her people. 

She turns to Wesleynard,"Are you certain about coming? You could turn back now. After all, I don't blame you for wanting to stay away considering earlier I just ----".

He interrupted her, as he turned to her, "Let not mix unnecessary emotions" he gave a slight smile masking his discomfort.

He straightened his back and glanced around the courtyard. She could see the tenseness in his jaw. his response takes Ana Sofia by surprise, but should she be surprised? one's actions do have consequences. She looks at him quizzically for a moment before regaining her composure.

"Of course, I understand," she says, nodding. "You're a knight, and you have a duty to attend to."

With that she dismisses him. She watched as he walked away her heart ached, but she had to push aside such feelings at the moment.

The night falls upon the castle, and the moon casts a soft glow over the preparations. Ana Sofia and her entourage gather in the courtyard, surrounded by knights and soldiers, all ready to embark on their journey to Thaloria. The atmosphere is tense, but there's a sense of determination and resolve among the group. Ana Sofia takes one last look around the castle, committing every detail to memory. She turns to address her entourage, her voice strong and steady.

"We embark on a dangerous journey, but I have faith that we will emerge victorious." As Ana Sofia speaks, her eyes meet Wesleynard's, and there's a brief moment of understanding between them.

Despite their differences, they are united in their pursuit to protect Elynor and its people. As the group sets off, the castle gates creak open, revealing the dark, foreboding landscape ahead. The sound of hooves and marching boots fills the air as the group moves forward, leaving the safety of the castle behind. Ana Sofia rides at the front, her posture straight and her gaze fixed on the horizon and the journey that may lie ahead.

The party walked throughout the night Thaloria was a two-week journey to the north as they left the outskirts of Elynor it was silent only the sound of hooves and metal clanking filled the air. As the first light of dawn breaks over the horizon, the group finds themselves in a dense forest.

The trees tower above them, this forest was known as, "The Whispering Woods," Ana Sofia murmurs, her voice barely audible over the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves.

The name comes from the eerie sounds that the trees make as they sway in the breeze, a soft whispering that seems to carry on the wind. She remembered stories from her youth where her parents lulled her to sleep with the messages and warnings of the forest. It was known to have a peculiar magic neither evil nor good. The unknown set the nerves by her neck alight as she urged her horse closer to the edge, she felt the change in the air it almost sounded like a wind chime she was about to cross when Wesleynard's voice cut through her she jumped internally.

Wesleynard's voice is steady and confident as he speaks, "My queen, I sense a disturbance in the air. We should proceed with caution. The Whispering Woods have a reputation for being unpredictable, and we would do well to respect its power."

He lined his horse next to hers she wanted to stubbornly refute him, "It's just a forest don't tell me you believe those children's stories?" she asked.

He didn't glance in her direction, and she studied his expression he was scanning the forest with an almost predator-like precision his blue eyes seemed to darken the longer he looked.

Wesleynard finally turns to Ana Sofia, his gaze steady. "I do not discount the tales of old, my queen. There is always a grain of truth in legends and myths. The Whispering Woods may appear to be just a forest, but I can sense a disturbance in the energy around us." She rolled her eyes as he continued speaking, "I'll go first. It's said the forest favors targeting non-believers." 

Wesleynard urges his horse forward, leaving Ana Sofia little choice but to follow. The air grows thicker as they delve deeper into the forest, the whispering of the trees becoming more pronounced. It's as if the very forest is alive, it's breath hot and heavy on the backs of their necks. The horses' hooves echo softly on the damp forest floor, and the air grows heavy with an unseen force. Ana Sofia can't help but feel a sense of unease, the stories from her childhood creeping into the forefront of her mind. She recalls one of a witch that would enter your dreams and lead you to madness. She pressed on looking straight towards Wesleynard's back she focused on it so intensely she felt she could detail every curve by memory. The forest's whispers grow louder, and Ana Sofia can make out individual voices, almost as if the trees are speaking to her directly. She shivers, despite the heat of the day, as goosebumps rise on her arms.