
The Widow's Game

After losing her husband, Queen Ana Sofia seeks a new king through a grand tournament. Amidst the competition, she finds unexpected love with a mysterious contestant. But as their romance blossoms, political intrigue and betrayal threaten to tear them apart. Will Ana Sofia choose love over duty, or will the demands of the kingdom force them apart?

Alia_Romano · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

Chapter 10

As night falls, they finally see the edge of the forest as relief washes over her, she knows the stories have no real value or evidence to support their claims. She began to internally praise herself for such critical thinking when a voice Sudden, quick, and sharp entered her frame of mind. She whipped around the other soldiers seemed to tense at her sudden reaction. She glanced around but, saw nothing. The voice, barely human, seemed to emanate from the very air around her. It was a whisper, a hiss, a chilling reminder of the tales she had dismissed.

"Queen...Ana Sofia..." The voice seemed to grow louder, more insistent. "Join us...Join the Whispering Woods..."

 The voice continues to echo in her mind, and Ana Sofia can feel a cold shiver run down her spine. She tries to shake off the feeling, but it remains, clinging to her like a shadow.

What, is that?

 Wesleynard, noticing her distress, turns his horse around to face her, "What is it?" he asks, his voice filled with concern.

His gaze searches her face, trying to discern the cause of her distress. Ana Sofia hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to explain what she's experiencing. She glances around the forest, her eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement.

"I Heard a voice calling out to me....I...did you hear it?" she hesitatingly asked.

 His expression of concern deepened but, he shook his head. Wesleynard turns to address the soldiers, his voice firm and commanding. "Did any of you hear a voice just now?" he asks, his eyes scanning their faces for any sign of recognition. The soldiers exchange uneasy glances, their faces a mixture of confusion and fear. They all shake their heads, denying having heard anything.

 Wesleynard turns back to Ana Sofia, his brow furrowed in concern. "My queen, I fear you may be exhausted from our journey. Perhaps we should make camp for the night and rest." He suggests, his voice gentle and soothing, "We are but a short distance from the castle, and I will ensure that you are safe."

She agreed feeling her cheeks flush as embarrassment stretched in her stomach, "Y-yes I-I think you are right". She quickly pushed passed him. Trying to distance herself from the uneasy eyes the knights were casting her way. 


As they make camp for the night, Ana Sofia can't shake off the feeling of unease that has settled over her. She tries to focus on the tasks at hand, helping the soldiers set up the tents and start a fire. But her mind keeps drifting back to the voice she heard in the forest. She knows isn't crazy, she felt unsettled. She always trusted her judgment but, in that short moment, she faltered. That unfamiliar almost nostalgic fear seemed to layer her in blankets of doubt the longer she spent time thinking of it. The fire crackles and sparks, casting a warm glow over the campsite. The noise is a comfort. She used the sound as an anchor to keep her thoughts from drifting too far. Ana Sofia sits huddled by the fire. She glances up as Wesleynard approaches, a concerned look on his face.

 He towers over her, as annoyance washes over her, he was going to fuss over her, "What is it?" she commanded. His expression never faltered a thin line of serious lips opened to speak.

"My queen, I am concerned for your well-being. You seemed quite distressed earlier, and I want to ensure that you are alright."

She glares at him, "You mean you aren't going to throw it in my face? That you were right about the mysterious woods?" she questioned sarcastically.

He smiled at her response as he took a knee beside her his scent filled her nose. Wesleynard chuckles softly, his deep voice resonating in the cool night air. Her demeanor often resembled a small child.

 "No, my queen, I would never throw such a thing in your face." He reassures her, his eyes shining with warmth. "I only want to help you in any way that I can."

 She waved him off, she didn't want to think about the softening of his eyes as he took in her scowl. Or the way his laugh cut through the tension built up from the previous days.

"Go, I'll be resting in my tent shortly. " She focused on the fire once again trying her best not to steal a glance that he'll notice. 

Wesleynard nods, understanding the dismissal in her tone. He stands up, giving her a small bow before turning to leave. As he walks away, Ana Sofia can't help but feel a pang of guilt for snapping at him. She watches as he returns to the soldiers, instructing them on their duties for the night. After a few more minutes of warmth, she decides it's best to retire for the evening she undresses from her heavy clothing a wears a soft tunic dress as she settles under the covers, she finds her new living accommodations to be quite comfortable. As Ana Sofia lies in her tent, she finds it difficult to fall asleep. Her mind is still racing with thoughts of the mysterious voice in the woods and the growing unrest in the kingdom. She tosses and turns, the sound of the fire crackling outside her tent doing little to soothe her nerves.

She lays on her back staring at the tent's highest points taking notice of the darkness that amassed in the rounded corners it unsettled her a bit. The longer she focused the more her imagination formed creatures and shapes, but she couldn't turn away. She always had a tendency to look too deep into the dark and the darkness always stared back at her. She was almost falling into a trance when the voice from the woods entered her mind again.

She shoots up trying to find the direction it's coming from.

To the left? no. right? no.

She almost instantly breaks into a sweat as she rises slowly from her bed. The voice, though soft and almost hauntingly gentle, sends chills down Ana Sofia's spine. It seems to be coming from everywhere and yet nowhere in particular, making it impossible for her to pinpoint its location. She takes a deep, steadying breath, trying to calm her racing heart. She exits her tent into the cold night air, her eyes scanning the surroundings warily. The camp is quiet, with soldiers sleeping peacefully in their tents and the fire crackling gently in the center of the camp. However, the peaceful scene does little to quell Ana Sofia's unease.

 The voice continues to whisper in her mind, and Ana Sofia feels a sudden urge to follow it. She takes a few tentative steps forward, her bare feet sinking into the dew-covered grass. The voice now seems to be emanating from the forest bordering the camp, beckoning her to venture deeper into its shadows. Despite the danger, Ana Sofia can't help but feel drawn to the mysterious voice, as if it may hold the answers to all of her questions. She takes a deep breath and begins to walk towards the forest, the whispering voice growing louder with each step. She reaches the edge and the trembling in her body rattles her to the bone she can't seem to will herself to be still like all the sugar and energy were being sapped from her being the closer she ventured. 

"Come." the voice called once again.

She looked back at the camp she should at least bring someone right?

"Alone." the voice answered her question.

If she wasn't afraid moments earlier, she was now petrified. Could this voice read her thoughts? or maybe it was just anticipating her movements. She took a shaky step forward, crossing the threshold into the forest when her gut plummeted as her instincts urged her to step back. At the same moment, the forest seemed to still waiting to strike the second She showed a small chance of hesitation. She slowly pushed her weight back as she slid her foot backward without lifting it. When a net of darkness wrapped around her legs. A scream and then silence. filled the night. As the darkness envelops Ana Sofia, she feels a cold, clammy sensation spread through her body. She struggles against the net, trying to free herself from its suffocating embrace, but it seems to only tighten with each movement. She couldn't stop the screams that curdled through her chest, her mind racing in different directions, but only blank solutions came to mind. She was being propelled deeper into the darkness she had no sense of direction of which way she was being tossed around. She kept kneading the net furiously trying to lessen its crushing embrace. However, she quickly felt the pain that shot through her arm at its tightening. Soon the net was a mere inches away. She closed her eyes as she wished for a quick death. In the same breath, its coiling stopped, and a light entered her vision. As the light grows brighter, Ana Sofia feels the crushing weight of the darkness lessen, and the net around her loosens slightly. She opens her eyes to find herself in a small clearing, surrounded by trees that stretch up towards the sky like ancient giants. The mysterious voice that led her here is now gone, but in its place stands figure. 


Wesleynard jolts awake from his slumber, he feels disoriented as his eyes adjust to the darkness of his tent. His senses are on high alert as he tries to make sense of what woke him from his sleep. He hears the faint sound of screams echoing in the distance, and his heart skips a beat. Was that Ana Sofia? he thought, not sparing a single second he quickly puts on trousers and a tunic. Grabbing his sword he quickly but quietly makes his way to her tent. He was hoping that he was just hearing things, but his paranoia wouldn't let him settle until he knew she was okay. He reached her tent in less mere seconds he could see some light filtering through the small opening most likely her fire. That settled his stomach slightly, as he pictured her comfortably slumbering in her warm tent. He approaches the entrance cautiously, sword at the ready. With a deep breath, he pushes aside the flap and steps inside. The sight that greets him fills him with dread. She wasn't in there. He frantically stepped in making sure to check every corner of her tent as panic began to settle deeply in his chest.

Another scream.

This time he registered her that was indeed her voice. It was coming from the forest.

He quickly alerted the men with a fierce strike of the signal bell as they frantically awoke from their sleep automatically moving to put on their armor and grab their weapons.

Wesleynard, with a determined look on his face boomed through their movements, "The Queen is missing! gather your wits we head back into the forest immediately!".

At the sudden realization the men scrambled to quickly finish preparing themselves. They knew the importance of their queen's safety and were not about to let any harm come to her. Wesleynard's eyes seemed to be dead fixed on the forest. Her screams sent his into a quiet frenzy. Not being able to wait much longer, he readied the men and set off into the forest.