
The Wicked Magical Girl

The world of Magical Girls and Witches, had been in war with one another. Awaken from her original time period as a Witch, She have to learn to not only to adjust to the modern world, but also the world of Witches and Magical Girls. The Magical Girls had evolved into a global bureaucratic organisation, while Witches had been forced to be in the light and become world wide criminals for abusing and conducting black magic. So quickly, she had learn that she's still in Kansas but not in the Kansas she once knew. Cover credit on X: Amelia_Lee_18

LC_Rowan · Teen
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130 Chs

The Catch-Up Cabin

All of them are waking up in their own rooms, where Dorothy is presented with the main room of a single queen size bed, while both Makayla and Olivia are staying in another room together, due to being her underlings, are sleeping in two full beds. Serena is resting in a cat tree in the living room of their room.

They do their morning routines, eating breakfast that is being served by the cabin. Brushing their teeth afterwards, then taking a hot shower later on.

'Alright then!' Serena is sitting in the middle of the table, with all three finally getting up. 'I want you three to be on your best behavior. I don't want you three to screw up, and what I had heard, that we will be having guests. Meaning, you three aren't the only ones that are also taking the program. So be on your best behavior and play nice with them. Don't want you three to be getting into trouble, and you three don't have your Lockets, you three will be on your own without their abilities.' Serena leaps off the table, then goes to her heated up cat bed, 'Have a nice day, and let me enjoy bliss right now.' She instantly started to sleep.

All three look at each other, then smile with a giggle.

'You heard her ladies! Time to catch up with modern society!' Dorothy raises her fist up while both Olivia and Makayla join with their own take.

After leaving their room, Dorothy had been shoulder shoved aside.

'Hey, watch it!' Olivia got up to the person's face.

It is revealed to be the Greaser Leader, Karen.


Surprised to see the Wicked Witches, 'Johnston! Why the hell are you here?' Karen walked up to her. 'For the one time I can finally enjoy myself, I ended up walking up to you! So bring you here?!'

Karen's Greaser Guild went up to join her, a small number of four.

Olivia seems to be brain dead by the time Karen finally stops complaining. Turning over to Dorothy. 'Boss, this is Karen McIntyre. The Leader of…?' Turn to Karen. 'Wait, what's your Guild Name?'

Karen seemed to be ticked off by that question while showing off her electrical sparks from her curly hair while answering the question, 'We're the Pink Lightning!'

'Right!' Olivia turns back to Dorothy. 'She's the leader of the Pink Lightning, due to that she loves to short circuit, and pretty much shock anyone. Not much of a threat.' She chuckled.

'Oh really?' Dorothy dust herself off. 'The name's Glinda Gardner, the Northern Good Witch. And the Guild Leader of the Wicked Witches.' Offering her hand, but she noticed that her hand is covered by the amount of electrical aura, Dorothy decided to match it by using her electrical aura from her newest Spell; Heaven's Smite. Only in a small voltage, not wanting to release the full of it but will suffer consequences of nerve reboot for a full minute.

Karen accepted the handshake, but was overpowered by Dorothy's electrical aura that made her completely shocked and her hair was completely fried.

'Boss!' All four of her Pink Lightning members were completely shocked and came to her aid.

'Boss!' The Pink Lightning are preparing for a fight, but both Olivia and Makayla are ready to fight back with Makayla having guns appear out of nowhere, and pressing at all their heads.

Everyone is preparing for a fight, minus the both Leaders as Karen is completely shocked down on the ground while Dorothy is standing still, being prepared by Makayla's firearms.

'Our boss here, didn't mean it. Look at her now, she's standing still due to her spell effect. Meaning she doesn't mean any harm.'

After a full minute of a staredown. 'Oh! I'm so sorry!' Dorothy bows that accidentally headbutt her down, completely knocking her out. 'Woah! Woah! Woah!' Dorothy is calming everyone down. 'Let just try to smooth everything over. This is all a complete accident. I didn't mean to electrocute your leader, I honestly didn't think I would shock her that much, even though it was my least amount of volt outage.'

Dorothy's words had struck Karen's heart to wake her up. 'What?!' Karen is surprised as she gets up. 'That didn't shock me at all, Johnston! You should know that I'm much tougher than you left my Guild.'

'But I never joined your Guild.'

'And now, you're a member, a sidekick, to a much lesser Witch than I. I bet I can beat her, any day of the week.' Karen seems to be getting closer to Olivia which made her completely annoyed.

'Please take a step back.'

'Already feeling fear of the might of the Thunder of the Pink Lightning?!'

Dorothy remembers. 'You know, this is how I met both Abbie and Ollie. Abbie had some kind of complex, while Ollie, she pushed me down too.'

'Complex?' Karen felt offended.

'Yeah, boss. We were the first two Witches that you met here in Colorado.' Ollie happily smiles then feels awkward. 'But I honestly do feel bad that I kind of bullied you.'

'Kind of? You pull your Wand at me.'

'We all had odd ways to meet with one another.' Makayla gives off an awkward smile at both Dorothy and Olivia.

'The Thunder?' Dorothy is confused about what Karen calls herself. 'Is that another special leader title? Like Diamond, and Eva?'

'Sound pretty accurately, since she never shuts up. But you should have a fancy title for yourself, boss.' Olivia suggested.

'I don't know.' Dorothy doesn't seem to like the idea, then starts walking. 'Pardon me, and sorry for hitting you.' She bows to Karen then starts walking away from the Pink Lightning. 'I always prefer the simple term of Leader, nothing more. And seeing how much operation that Wolfgang or even Callaway have, I don't think I can manage an entire Guild of Witches. I like to keep it small.'

'But how else are we supposed to assert our dominance?' Makayla said. 'Because with more members means more power for our Guild.'

'But I always believe in the "Less is More" type of mentality. Besides, having a Guild of 6 people is fine with me.'

Karen seems to be offended by the Wicked Witches, she mutters to her Guild. 'She just walked away from a fight! She was afraid of getting these hands.'

They amused her as they're walking behind the Wicked Witches.

They walk into the dining area where they see another Guild that seems familiar to them. The Gothic Guild with the leader is having a drink of tea.

The Gothic Leader is completely in shock to see both Dorothy and Karen with a spit take.

'Why are you two here?!' She stood up and pointed. 'First off! I'm not here for combat! I'm here to enjoy some peace!'

Charlotte adds, 'And to catch up to modern society, Master.'

'That too! But also here to have some peace time for myself.' She poses on the top of the lounge chair.

Dorothy doesn't seem to mind her antics, but Karen is completely annoyed by it.

'So what brings my rivals here? Charlotte, my Wand!' Charlotte teleports back to grab her Wand, then passes it to her. 'I, the Celestia of the Dark Sky Guild! Ambrosia Branwen! I will bring you death, Glinda Gardner!' She points her Wand at Dorothy.

Karen made an obvious cough to signal her.

'That's so nice.' Dorothy slightly pushed the Wand at the side by her finger. 'Pleasure to meet you too.' Turns to Olivia and Makayla. 'Again, the fancy titles of leadership. I think everyone is trying to stand out here.'

Both of them nod.

'At least this one is a bit more creative. "The Celestia of the Dark Skies"? Very creative, Ambrosia.' Makayla complimented her.


Karen again with a loud cough.

Dorothy turns to her. 'Do you need a cough drop? Because I think I have one in my pocket.' Dorothy pulls out a cough drop stick and gives her one.

Karen looks at it then declines it. 'No thank you, Gardner.' She goes up to Ambrosia. 'You forgot about me! Karen McIntyre, the Thunder of the Pink Lightning Guild!' Karen poses up to Ambrosia.

'Why would I want to pay attention to a Guild that I had beaten to win my reward!' Ambrosia doesn't acknowledge Karen at all while looking down at Dorothy, which she continues to smirk at. 'So as I see Glinda Gardner here, the Northern Good Witch, as my one and only true rival!'

Karen's eye twitch then calms herself down then insults Ambrosia, 'At least we took down our Vigilante. You seem to have a hard time beating the cow one.'

Ambrosia felt like her heart had been stabbed by her words. 'Well… wel…' Regain her prim and proper pose, 'I was only hiding my true power till the time came! I wouldn't let myself be beaten by a mere cattle. But now Gardner is here, and her Guild, we shall battle. And epicness to a scale that nobody has seen before!' She gives an evil laugh. 'Do you accept, Gardner?!' She points her Wand again, but Dorothy and the Wicked Witches aren't there.

Both Guild Leaders were left confused when they noticed.

'Where did she go?' Ambrosia drops her Romanian accent as she seems to speak normally of an American.

Both of them got off of the chair then walked up to catch up with the Wicked Witches.

Dorothy is looking around. 'First day, and I honestly don't know what to think. But they seem nice. When they're not trying to kill us.'

'Pretty much.' Olivia smiles.

Their words had struck both Ambrosia and Karen hearts.

'Then how about we have ourselves a duel, Gardner!' Ambrosia spoke up. 'Me and you.'

'Then I want a duel with Johnston over there.'

Olivia turns to Karen. 'You remember the last time we duel, Karen? I killed ten of your Witches.'

'And Ms. Branwen, I'm not interested in fighting a Witch who can't defend herself. I don't want to look like a bully.' Dorothy respectfully declined her offer.

They passed by another familiar face, the Black Leader back at Ralfston.

'We're having duels around here?' She spoke up. 'Because I didn't know we would be duelling around here.' She stood up and noticed all of the Witches. 'And I didn't know I would be meeting the groups that I was trying to kill yesterday.'

'How about an introduction?' Dorothy asked.

'No need from you, since you're the snitch who brought down the Neo Brauns Army.' She chuckled. 'I guess that's why you're the so-called Northern Good Witch. Snitching at the good girls.'

'And what's your name? Since I never got the chance to hear it.' Dorothy asked.

'Name's Bianca Myles.'

Makayla noticed the name, then walked up to her. 'Bianca Myles? As in the Big Sister of the Harlem Beaters?'

Bianca smiles down at Makayla. 'Not surprised that a former member of the MGK actually remembers our group.'

'Harlem Beaters?' Dorothy asked.

'A Guild that is built by an ideal of a group of Witches that came from domestic abuse.'

'And they choose Beaters?'

'They would have chosen Heaters, but there might be a copyright issue there. They're not a bad Guild, and they're trying to be a sub-division for the Magical Girl Killers when they first formed earlier this year.'

'Then you're a reborn Witch of this year, like us right?' Dorothy asked Bianca.

'Yeah. As for the name, we were formed in Harlem when we woke up. But as for the name of Beaters, we take revenge on those who did horrible stuff to us, knowing how much power we had been granted. Give them the treatment that they gave to us.'

'Something I would have joined, since I was an underage prostitute.' Makayla says while nodding.

'Sister Makayla,' Bianca placed her arm around Makayla. 'I and the rest of my Guild can understand your pain.'

'You weren't loving when you were trying to kill us yesterday.' Makayla said.

'Some girls need some money, and when we heard all of the American territory of the Neo Brauns are being taken over, we need to act up.'

'Speaking of introductions,' Karen got in between them. 'I don't need to hear about a couple of…'

Multiple guns had appeared and aimed at Karen's head, all guns had been cocked up.

'What's your next word, snowflake?' Bianca asked.

'Now, now! We don't need violence in my beloved home!' A voice is heard from the building itself, and the guns had been pulled as everyone was trying to find where their host was, till Ambrosia noticed a person walking as a shadow person, behind Dorothy. Hands appear behind Dorothy arms then walk by her to reveal herself.

5'9". Long black hair. She has an overall black color theme unlike Ambrosia Gothic attire. Fingertips. Heels. Suit top and dress. Lipstick and eye shadow.

'Welcome to the Catch Up Cabin! I am your host, Lady Beatrice Alighieri. I am here to guide you all from the shadows of your past, and update you all to the future! So please, no need for any violence till you all leave your trip from here.'

The black color of her outfit and makeup melt out of her to reveal her true color theme of blue suit and purple makeup. The black from her color turned into shadows of people, taking away all of the Guilds weapons and Wands away from them.

All of the Guild Leaders are looking at each other, then look back at Beatrice to see all of the shadows return to her.

'Now, shall we begin.'

She grins.