
The Wicked Magical Girl

The world of Magical Girls and Witches, had been in war with one another. Awaken from her original time period as a Witch, She have to learn to not only to adjust to the modern world, but also the world of Witches and Magical Girls. The Magical Girls had evolved into a global bureaucratic organisation, while Witches had been forced to be in the light and become world wide criminals for abusing and conducting black magic. So quickly, she had learn that she's still in Kansas but not in the Kansas she once knew. Cover credit on X: Amelia_Lee_18

LC_Rowan · Teen
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130 Chs

The Calm Aftermath

After a short while, both Dorothy and Becky are waking up.

"Where the hell are we?" Becky asked.

"Becky!" Serena walked up to her. "I'm so glad to see you awake!" She snuggled up next to her cheek.

Dorothy got up and held her head. "What happened? And..." Remembering, "Where's Crimson!" She looked around to see that she's at the farmhouse that they used earlier that day. "Ollie, why here?"

She looked up to them. "Ollie?" Playing coy. "I think I must have hit your head..."

"I know that you're a Witch. Both her and that short one. I'm utterly shocked to see Witches using Magical Girls Lockets in order to deceive us." Serena spoke up.

"Wait?!" Becky stood up to Ollie's face, "You're a Witch?!"

Ollie looked at her with her tough girl attitude. "Huh?! You gotta have a problem with me?!"

Both of them go face-to-face.

"How about I kick your ass, and bring down Glinda here!"

"I'm not afraid to kill a wolf, but seeing you, you're more like a little bitch!"


Becky and Ollie are preparing for a fight.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Both of you!" Dorothy shouted.

"What?!" Both of them turned to Dorothy.

"Let's work this out first."

"Why should we, boss?!" Ollie asked.

"I will never work with a Witch!" Becky added.

"You worked with the boss here to bring down Crimson!" Ollie shouted.

"Only to bring her down, but she fought as a Magical Girl. Not a Witch." Becky retorts.

Dorothy slapped her face out of frustration alongside Serena.

"How long has she been in your little group?" Serena asked.

"About a day." Dorothy answered.

"A day?!" Serena was surprised. "That's a lot of loyalty for someone you just met!"

"Honestly, I beat her, Abbie and MK in order to form the Wicked Witches." Dorothy added.

"Does that make you more powerful than them?" Serena asked as she went onto her shoulders.

"Ah! So she kicked your ass?!" Becky with a smirk. "So that makes me so much more powerful than both of you."

"What are you applying for?" Ollie is annoyed.

"I kicked her ass, and she kicked yours. Thus making me more powerful than both of you. I'll become the most powerful Pink Magical Girl of them all." Becky is standing tall.

"Yeah, right." Both Ollie and Serena said the same thing then pointed to Dorothy. "She has a better chance of becoming a Pink Magical Girl than you."

"Why me?!" Dorothy questions them.

Both of them observe her body and look. "Do we need to ask?"

Serena signed. "Speaking of Magical Girls, Ms. Ollie was it?" She nods. "You could become a powerful Magical Girl. If only you abandoned your Witch life."

"Why would I?" Ollie tilted her head. "I like my life. I follow my boss wherever she goes. But first, we're hunting this bitch name, Katherine Fitzgerald. She appears to have the same model as you, but honestly doubt it."

"Why offer them those spots? I doubt they could be taken in, Serena." Becky patted the side of her head.

Dorothy looked around. "Wait?!" Standing up and walking up to Ollie. "What happened to Bloody Mary?"

Ollie is confused. "I only found you three. There's no fourth." Ollie answered.

"Perhaps I can provide a service?" Serena got in between of them all. Showing them all an article from her collar. "I do believe if you two did bring Crimson down, but Allison Mathews had taken credit for bringing her in. Also the list of casualties have you two in it." Turn it off. "So once we go to the nearest Magical Girl Global Association building in Texas, then we can correct this mistake."

"Question?" Dorothy walked up to her. "What happens if we announce that we're both Witches? Even my Guild mates are also Witches that used the Magical Girl Lockets."

"If you leave your lives as Witches alive, then perhaps I can cover up for you two, and maybe your friends. Plus filing some Witches locations in order to prove your loyalty." Serena answered.

"Sorry, but I gotta pass on that one." Ollie shrugs her shoulders.

"Then we're gonna have ourselves a problem." Serena is walking behind Becky, then she leaps onto Dorothy's shoulders. "Then how about you? We can benefit from you."

"I would love to, but I'm planning on becoming a Plague Witch to change the system." Dorothy declines the offer.

A hole opens up to reveal both Abbie and Makayla.

"Dorothy! Ollie!" Abbie called out and then saw them all.

"Oh shit!" Makayla is preparing to pull the trigger.

Dorothy stops them. "Hold your fire. We're all here to talk."

"Master!" Darien happily walked up to Dorothy, but noticed Serena. "And is that the lovely cat I saw a day earlier?" He leaps over Becky's shoulder to get a closer look.

Serena looked disgusted. "You Irish punk. Why on Earth would I take an interest in you?" She goes around Serena's shoulders.

"Why not, lass?" Darien trying to woo her over. "I can see that you can't resist my Irish charm."

"More like disgust over it." Serena rolled her eyes.

"Master, how about we take her in as well." Darien gives her a flirtatious look.

Looking irritated. "Bugger off, you Irish bastard!"

"I'll take that as a compliment." Darien grinned.

"Wait a minute?!" Serena realised. "He said master, does that mean he's your Familiar?!"

"Pretty much, but I didn't expect him to be Irish. Thought he would be more southern."

"Sounds the same regardless, but at least the South has some kind of class than an Irish." Serena talked it down. "But please, consider my offer."

"What offer?" Makayla walked up to them.

"Dorothy can join the Magical Girl Academia and leave this silliness of being a Witch behind." Serena is taking pride over it.

"What?!" Makayla is shocked. She rushed up to Dorothy. "You can't! That's suicide!" Holding her then shields her away by respectfully placing Serena onto Becky's shoulders and taking Darien. "If she does, she'll only be a target for my sister, and once she'll figure it out, she'll be in even more danger."

"Wait!" Serena had an idea as she walked up to Makayla. "Then perhaps we can make a compromise, but how do you know about that?"

"Because she's a former MGK." Abbie revealed that made both Becky and Serena on the defensive.

"Wait!" Dorothy got in between them. "She's a former member and she doesn't agree with her sister's ways. But I want to hear her out."

Both Becky and Serena look at each other then accept it.

"Speak." Serena nods.

"My younger twin sister is the Plague Witch of Crime, Layla Jackson. And she's nothing like Crimson." Makayla is showing her concern.

"Younger twin sister?" Becky is remembering what Layla looks like and comparing her to Makayla. "I..."

"She was reborn before me, you idiot!" Makayla snarls at her which annoys Becky. "But I don't see her as that little twin sister anymore. She's nothing more than a cold hearted murderer who holds grudges like she's married to them. Like ten minutes ago," Makayla pulled out her phone and showed them an emergency news cover of a home being bombed with a special needs teen, the houses next to it with one family dead and one son surviving, "This is my sister's work. Over Michael locking away my entire family." Putting away her phone.

"Then perhaps you all can join us." Serena trying to persuade them. "If you can give us the location to their headquarters or their main hideout, we can protect you four and... we can never say that you four are Witches."

"I have no interest in such an idea!" Abbie spoke up. "I just want to live a simple life after this. I'll help Dorothy, but going to the MGA, that's too much for me."

"And besides," Dorothy walked to a nearby stump out of frustration. "I made a deal with Belle on changing the whole system."

Both Becky and Serena seem interested in the idea.

"What kind of deal?" Becky asked.

Dorothy looks at them. "Both Belle and I were planning on reaching the top of the ranks. Her as a Magical Queen, and I as a Plague Witch. Both of us can talk it out in the end, and change everything." Dorothy looks over her Cinderella Locket. "That was the original plan, but now she's dead and hearing this deal, I'm tempted but I can't accept it unless my terms are met."

"What kind of terms?" Becky stares at her.

"Only one," Dorothy stood up then pulled up her phone and made a small notepad screen for them to read, "Me, my Guild, and two of our Mentors are safe and will not be arrested. That's my only term, if I agree on doing this."

"I can't agree with that." Serena shakes her head.

"And why are you so interested in Glinda?" Becky questioned her.

"Because she's a sure fire away on my promotion."

Becky looked disappointed. "You're still caring about that?"

"Yes. Because with this promotion, I can be the person I find a personal guide and can provide such important information such as the next Magical Queen. Plus banking information, and anything governmental problems you might face. Plus a lifetime health care and a wealthy finder's fee."

"Such a narcissistic play." Ollie calls her out.

"It is, but I'm also looking out for others." Serena replied.

"Speaking of looking out for others, Glinda, I have a question." Becky reveals her eyes have Glyphs. "When I was in the forest, taking care of the Sniper. I ended up sucking her blood to heal my wounds. I know that isn't a Magical Girl technique, but is it a Witch?"

Dorothy looked at her eyes but couldn't find an answer.

Makayla answered. "Yes. Because us Witches use unnatural techniques to heal ourselves. The Salem Witch bathe in blood, is true. And if you're some kind of an Artificial Witch, then you have some traits of such. Sorry to say."

"I see..." Becky looked dejected after hearing that. "So I'm a Witch."

"More like a Werewolf they way you look." Ollie pointed out.

"Anyways, since we're talking about compromises, then how about we submit Dorothy into the Magical Girl Academia and I'll look the other way." Serena offers.

"Why Dorothy?" Becky asked Serena with a death stare. "Because my goal is to become a Pink Magical Girl."

"I'm sorry, Becky. But time and time again, I keep telling you that you don't match the qualifications of such. You fit much better in the Green Dorm. Just take what you can get, or just give up on being a Magical Girl." Serena is being brutally honest with her.

Dorothy then got an idea then walked up to them. "And how about this second term, or more like, a deal."

"A deal?" Everyone is baffled over Dorothy's idea.

"Let's have ourselves a Witch's Dual. Since Becky here had been an experimental Witch by Crimson, so it qualifies to a degree."

"What's the deal then?" Serena asked.

"If Becky wins, she gets me and I can take a claim of causing all of this, and you will have to convince them all to accept her as a Pink Magical Girl. And to add extra, I can tell you about the tax evasion that my mentor had been going through for decades."

Serena raised an eyebrow. "And if you win?"

"I'll accept being a Magical Girl, but you have to accept the first term with no question, and let me cure you from what Crimson put inside of your body by becoming a reborn Witch."