
The Wicked Magical Girl

The world of Magical Girls and Witches, had been in war with one another. Awaken from her original time period as a Witch, She have to learn to not only to adjust to the modern world, but also the world of Witches and Magical Girls. The Magical Girls had evolved into a global bureaucratic organisation, while Witches had been forced to be in the light and become world wide criminals for abusing and conducting black magic. So quickly, she had learn that she's still in Kansas but not in the Kansas she once knew. Cover credit on X: Amelia_Lee_18

LC_Rowan · Teen
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130 Chs

Magical Girl Bounty

The Vigilante Trio are having breakfast in the Emerald Complex as both Allie and Kenzie are eating cheap breakfast while Becky is brushing her teeth who's looking down the Complex.

"What the hell is happening down there?" Becky asked as they're looking at their smartphones.

"Nothing new to us." Allie said as she's eating cereal.

Kenzie is taking selfies.

"Anyone want to go down to the cafe, for some real coffee?" Becky offers.


A black haired girl in a suit dress and glasses is sitting at a cafe. She's having tea. Arriving at the cafe, Becky, Kenzie and Allie arrive with their cats, but they notice multiple MGGA officials out there in the streets. When they all entered the cafe, they noticed a Goddess-like woman among them was sitting there, having tea. She has this angelic aura around her.

Serena noticed the cat. "Oh for goodness shake..." Walked up to her. "Hello, Lita." Awkwardly wave at her.

Lita rushed up and punched them all on the arm. "Hey yo! What took you so long? I've been waiting here since 8!"

All of them look at the clock of 8:15 AM, but the cats know how she is.

"Sorry, but Lita here is somewhat lost track of time. Anyways, my name's Annabelle Rose." She offered her hand. "Or my Magical Vigilante alias, Sleeping Rose."

"Sleeping Rose?" Becky thought long and hard, but both Kenzie and Allie know the name.

"You mean the Vigilante that solved multiple cold cases from Chicago?!" Both Kenzie and Allie said together.

"I wouldn't say cold cases, but I do understand that feeling." Annabelle felt overwhelmed. "And feel free to call me either Anna or Belle. Either worked."

"Hell yeah!" Lita shouted. "She fought and brought down not only other Witches but also a bunch of criminals. With this accomplishment, she'll be entering the Pink Dorm for sure!"

"Pink Dorm?" Both Becky and Serena felt threatened due to Belle being the perfect Pink Magical Girl. Right build. Right cup size. Becky looked down at Serena. "Why are you feeling threatened? I'm the one here who been saying about it for weeks." She muttered at.

"Because out of all of those who got a Pink, it's that brute?!" Serena shouted.

Lita placed her arm around Serena while giving her head a noogie. "And what's amazing, she's a total AeroAce. And from multiple professional Magical Girls she got recommendations. She'll be the next Pink Magical Girl!"

Kenzie and Allie give her a standing ovation, but Becky, Serena, Mina and Raye give a slow clap.

"Guess I'll be having that promotion if she does get in!" Lita poses in front while Belle is trying to bring her excitement down.

All of the Guides were annoyed by this.

"I wouldn't say that, but she thinks that I'll be heading into the Pink Dorm but in reality, I'm aiming for the Blue Dorm." She smiled.

Becky looked up with a smile. "Wait? Really!" She grabs her hands which both Kenzie and Allie are just watching.

"Well yeah. I never want to be a front and centre type of Magical Girl. I want to be someone with a job and can provide intelligence to a team." Belle replies with an honest opinion.

"Oh!" Both Kenzie and Allie are shocked, but the Guides are still annoyed as Lita nodding and imagining herself as a Human.

"So why waste such an opportunity?" Allie asked as she felt jealous of Belle's beauty and purity aura that seemed to be casting down onto all three.

"I don't want things to be handed over to me. I prefer the good old fashioned hard work. Plus I prefer to use my brain more rather than using brute strength or magic usage."

Kenzie looked around Belle to see a Spinning Wheel Locket on her suit jacket collar. "Woah! You got the Sleeping Beauty model?!" Kenzie is impressed.

"What?!" Becky is surprised by it. "That's one of the most expensive ones. Next to Cinderella and Snow White!" Becky felt intimidated by seeing both Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty holders in front of her.

Allie looked at all three and thought to herself, "I got to somehow use them in order to make my plan work out. And how to make myself look good in order to get accepted into the MGA? I got a Goddess in Sleeping Beauty. The zombie looking skank of Cinderella. And an idiotic of Riding Hood. How can I use these three?" Allie looks up to her phone then looks at the time schedule. "So anything interesting that brought you here?" She asked.

"Lita brought me here. But by the time I got here, I brought down a few Witches before coming into Oztown." Belle said to them which impressed them.

"Woah! Then it's gotta be the two I fought?" Becky said to her.

"I doubt it, but when I ask them, they're all here for you three." Belle revealed.

"What?!" All six are surprised.

"Before they were sent away, they told me that you three in total got a $50,000 bounty on your heads. Don't know who that work is but it was organised by a Salem Witch named Mariel Crimson." Belle revealed.

"Crimson?!" Both Becky and Serena realised the name.

"You know her?" Belle asked them if both Kenzie and Allie are interested in it.

"That's a Witch we've been hunting down, and requested backup for." Serena said.

"So when do you think the rest will be here?" Becky asked.

"First off," Belle stood up with the entire cafe standing up. "We need to evacuate this entire town. Because it's gonna be a battlefield here."

Lita got an earpiece call. "Got it." She walked up to them. "We got word that within a day, we'll have some professionals coming in. And as for the evacuation..."

All of the television sets and texts had been sent to everyone in Oztown area that read;

'To all of the civilians in Oztown, Kansas. You are hereby ordered to evacuate from the town due to a concerned Witch attack that has been reported to be coming towards you. And an assistance message had been sent to the Independent Magical Vigilantes that haven't been granted a Guide will be coming down to Oztown. The government will provide you all shelter at Kansas City, Kansas. And when the dust has settled, the Magical Girls will let us know when it's safe to return to your homes. Thank you.'

Everyone in Oztown starts making their way, as only the three and Belle remain. The Anti-Witch Military are making their way to the police station where the police have been upgraded to military grade weaponry.

Serena goes onto Becky's shoulder. "Let's talk in private, Becks!" She muttered into her ears.

"Alright?" Becky hesitated but stood up. "We'll be right back."

"Don't take too long, and be careful out there. Don't know if a Witch will be coming by." Belle waves at them.

Both Becky and Serena leave.

"Son of a bitch!" Serena punches Becky cheeks that didn't do much.

"Ow?" Trying to humour her.

Serena leans on the head while foot tapping on the shoulder. "I can't believe it! Such a loud mouth, muscle brain cat like her managed to score herself an actual Pink Magical Girl! I can't believe it!" Serena is showing off her frustration then looks down onto the chest area as her foot taps on it for a bit. "You wanted that breast surgery?!" She asked her.

"Yeah. Everyone keeps saying that I'm one cup too big, but you're against the idea."

"Well I changed my mind. I would accept anyone else at this point, even you!"

"Okay, that actually hurts this time." Becky looked gloomy.

"So after this whole situation is under control, I'll make sure you'll be transferred elsewhere! Even in Turkey if possible! That's where the highest breast reduction surgery tends to happen!" Serena's foot taps the breast as she continues to show off her frustration.

"Turkey? But it's not Thanksgiving." Becky is playing coy as a joke.

Serena punches Becky again. "Take it seriously, Becky! I don't even mind my other classmates like; Amara, Amy, Hotaru, Michelle, and Trista. Anyone but Lita!"

"Those feel like references." Becky grinned. "Like an old 90's Magical Girl show done poorly." Chuckled.

Serena gave her an ugly look.

"She wasn't well liked in school, was she?" Becky asked.

"Actually it's the opposite. It's her muscle brain personality that rubs me the wrong way. She's by far the most talented actress too. And you remind me of her, that's why I had been harsher towards you." Serena lazily placed herself on Becky's head. "I'm like you sometimes, because I want to find a Pink Magical Girl since I could be promoted and look like a Human. I even heard rumours that it can be however you like. I can only imagine what Lita does." Imagining her as a muscle bound pretty girl.

"Don't be spiteful." Becky carries Serena off. "But as for the Turkey trip, I don't even have money to go there. I could barely save enough for the Paris trip when I'm about to apply for the MGA."

"I'll cover you. Actually, right after summer, I'll make calls for breast reduction surgery. But work on the damn weight problem you have?! I don't care if you do have to look like Callihan if you have to go that low in order to shed the 10 pounds."

"8 pounds."

"I don't care, it's still fat for a Pink!" Serena shouted. During her shout, she noticed a small bright spot from the billboard sign then realised. "Becky dodge to your left!"

Becky does so and quickly transforms. "What the hell?!"


Three Witches are hanging out at the billboard.

"Shit! I missed it!"

"Go get our C4s. We're gonna bomb the crap out of this town if we're gonna collect some bounties!"

One of them started making her way back under a small bridge while the Anti-Witch Military made their way to the front and started firing.

"Go to Hell you Magical Bitches!" They're flipping them off.

The Anti-Witch Military are making their way but are being grounded.


Becky and Serena are observing.

"Becky!" Kenzie came up to her. "What the hell happened?"

"A couple of Witches up there. Trying to take a pot shot onto me. Lucky for me, Serena got my back." Becky answered.

Everyone transforms into their Magical Girls uniform when Allie and Belle go up to the AWM.

"Lucky for you, there's several blindspots from that spot. So can someone keep them distracted?" Becky gives out the orders.

"Gotcha!" Kenzie nods.

Kenzie is up on top of the building that Witches saw, flipping them off.

"Hold on, is that the Pink Magical Vigilante?" One of them said,

"Jackson did say that it's the Cinderella look, and she fits the bill!"

"Take your shots! Kill the Bitch!"

Multiple Witches start shooting at Cinderella from a long distance while also taking cover from the AWM gun fire.

Becky goes around the town, hiding low behind building rooftops.

"Question, where's the Green one?" One of them asked.

"Maybe she's going around?" Becky talks from above them, without their knowledge..

"Are there blindspots?" One of them asked.

Becky lands in between them to point them out. "About right here."

"Right here?" Both of them asked then realised that it was Becky.

"Oh shit!"

Becky grabbed both of their heads then headbutt each other then tied them up.

"That's two!" Becky smiled but her ears twitched. "What the...?" Becky goes around then pulls out a makeup mirror to stretch out her arm to let the mirror be the only visible item. "Kenzie? Can you see anyone coming?"

Kenzie's eyes turned into glass as she's seeing through a mirror or glass item. "There's a couple of Witches coming by. 6 in total."

"Thanks!" Becky smiled as she closed the makeup mirror. Becky's eyes shift as she can hear another Witch is slowly making her way to a gun. "Nice try." Spoke up.

The Witch grabs the gun, Becky goes under the billboard to monkey climb then arm pulls flip to kick the Witch through the billboard.

"That's three!" Becky grinned then quickly hides behind the billboard to avoid multiple blast spells and a firing squad shooting up onto the billboard.

Serena caught up to Becky. "The AWM are making preparations down there. Can you draw them out?!"

"Sure thing!" Becky smiled.

Kenzie and Belle join up with Becky.

"What's the status?" Belle asked.

"6 Witches coming by." Kenzie answered.

Becky does the mirror check up with Kenzie behind the billboard.

"Correction, at least 8 Witches. They're hiding behind the tree line."

"Did they pass the SD Cards?" Becky asked after putting away her mirror.

"No, we need to draw them in closer." Serena answered. She looked around. "I put one behind each sign, something that requires an actual worker in order to remove them. So they'll be located in the sewer system."

"Wait? What SD Cards?" Belle asked.

"Detective Blueprint wants to try out a new Anti Teleportation Weapon which doubles as a barrier to prevent Witches leaving a certain area." Becky answered. "So they'll be trapped inside."

"Then I'll tell the AWM to move away in order for you three to lure them inside." Serena said.

"Right!" Both Becky and Kenzie agreed.

Belle looks over while both Becky and Kenzie are flipping and insulting the Witches. Kenzie calls one of them the C-word.

"What did Cinderella say?!"

"Alright! Screw killing her instantly, I'm gonna torture and bath in her blood!"

"Send in the Familiars!"

Multiple Rats and Snakes are making their way into Oztown that Serena noticed.

"We got Familiars incoming!"

Allie joins the rest in uniform. "I'll take care of these Familiars."

Both Becky and Kenzie hold her back which pisses her off. "We got to lure the Witches in. We can't let any of them remain out of the barrier!" Becky said to Allie.

"So for now, let's go for a tactical retreat!" Kenzie added.

Becky and Kenzie quickly grab the three Witches that Becky beaten down as they're making the tactical retreat.

Kenzie decides to taunt them. "We're gonna make the AWM have fun with these ones!"

The insult made the Witches angry.

"What did one of them say?!"

"Those Magical Bitches!"

"They already look like whores as it is, but are they going to use our comrades as sex dolls?!"

"This is a retrieval mission then! Move in, and bring in our weapons!"

"If they're gonna treat our comrades as sex slaves, then we're gonna treat these whores as what they really are!"

They're making their way towards Oztown while keeping firing. Their Familiars are making their way into Oztown, passing the invisible barrier.


"Was that really smart?" Allie asked Kenzie.

"It's to get them into the barrier." She replied.

"Whatever tactic works, it works." Becky backs Kenzie up.

"Then we need to believe they got the advantage. That way we can slowly move out, then trapping them inside, we can rush up and get them all." Kenzie added.

"Then I know a perfect place where we can look weak but have the advantage. Follow me!" Becky leads the group as they're all making a tactical retreat.


Almira and the Wicked Witches made their way to the outskirts of Oztown, seeing what happened through the binoculars.

Almira had only one thing to say, "Shit!"