
The Wicked Magical Girl

The world of Magical Girls and Witches, had been in war with one another. Awaken from her original time period as a Witch, She have to learn to not only to adjust to the modern world, but also the world of Witches and Magical Girls. The Magical Girls had evolved into a global bureaucratic organisation, while Witches had been forced to be in the light and become world wide criminals for abusing and conducting black magic. So quickly, she had learn that she's still in Kansas but not in the Kansas she once knew. Cover credit on X: Amelia_Lee_18

LC_Rowan · Teen
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130 Chs

Breakfast with Wolves

Both Darien and Johnny are walking to the restaurant, making sure their self defense weapons are hidden away.

Walking up to the restaurant to see Emma is having a large amount of breakfast food with two other Witches next to her; Hilda von Kaiser and Ursula Jaeger. And along with them, they are joined by Evan von Wolfgang who's being a butler person to Emma.

"More of them?" Darien asked himself.

"I'm not surprised that they would go that route." Johnny said next to him. "You take the lead, since it's your Master accords."


Emma noticed up then wipe herself then dust herself off, trying to look impressive towards them.

They sat across them.

"Hello there. What brings you to my table? Other than offering for dinner, I won't accept any cat calling." Emma smiles at them.

"We were sent by our Masters."

Emma went from smiling to a devastated expression. "Oh."

Hilda giggles.

Emma looks at her. "Something funny, Hilda?"

"The fact that you think they would be interested in you. An Eva? Second to the Princess herself? I was willingly to wager that they were here for me, or these modern boys are interested in muscular women like Ursula here."

Ursula stares at Johnny which makes him feel uncomfortable.

"Hilda, please. We have guests here." Emma is trying to change to subject.

"Technically, you're unwanted guests to our Master's estate of the day." Darien corrects her. "So I deeply apologize on my Master's behalf, since they got a full morning schedule."

"Oh." Emma wipe some food off of her mouth. "Sorry to hear. And I thought we were starting to become good friends, and discuss of the payment. But I can remain here till she's ready."

"That's what I've been sent down here to do so. Master Dorothy want to reschedule for a lunch meeting than a breakfast meeting."

"I see. Oh well, I can remain nearby for a lunch meeting till then." Emma isn't planning on leaving the hotel due to its high standards.

"She was hoping on having a lunch meeting over at Garfield Park. So would you mind on taking a rain check for today?" Darien asked.

"It seems that I'm not welcome here? Dorothy and I have a verbal agreement on payment, but why at Garfield Park?" Emma is curious.

Evan spoke up. "Eva, permission to speak on your behalf?"

"Permission granted. I shall dine more on this delicious breakfast." Emma smiles happily.

Hilda giggle. "And if you eat more, you're gonna regain that weight you had lost."

"Then I'll lose it again." Emma stood up then both Hilda and Ursula walk up to the breakfast buffet.

Evan sat down, across them.

"You have disrespect the Eva by not giving a proper explanation on why your Master fail to show herself. She should had been honored to have the Eva acknowledge her. Even consider her as a friend."

Darien scoff it off. "A friend? Who the hell wants to be a friend with that piece of work?"

"Clearly someone who doesn't appreciate such fine art as the Eva." Evan chuckles. "Then again, I am talking to a Irish who's consider whiskey as a masterpiece."

"Then your taste on booze gotta be filled will cheap beer of the Germans. And like a dog you are, your taste will always be shit itself while us cats have both class and tasteful divine."

"You're quite right on the taste of shit. Because every time I have a cat as a meal, they always taste the same. Worst than shit itself, and believe me, Irish. I'm gonna take my time on biting you down. Ever heard kittens screaming for their mothers while being left all alone in a box in the streets?"

Both Darien and Johnny are slowly grabbing their melee weapons.

"Music to my ears. I even let one kitten keep their front legs so they can crawl for help before I put it down." He chuckled as both Darien and Johnny are uncomfortable over his story.

Johnny calm Darien down then took a deep breath.

"Master Dorothy wanted to get ingredients for the picnic, so she an prepare for the meeting." Darien answers.

Emma quickly snaps back to the table that nearly scares all of the Familiars.

"A picnic! Why didn't you say so, earlier!" Emma happily smiles. "Then yes, I'll gladly take a rain check for later today. So what can we expect for lunch?"

Johnny remembers, "That what we wanted to know. What do you feel like having?"

Ursula slams a her plate next to Johnny.

"I'm sorry, do you have a problem with me?" Johnny ask her.

She didn't seem to acknowledge him but continue to stares at him while she eats another plate of breakfast.

"Then how about you keep your eyes to yourself, and leave me alone you overgrown she-bear." Johnny snaps back at Ursula quiet nature.

"So about 12 at Garfield Park. My Master wants the meeting to take place there. She'll bring the meal."

"Then I want something simple. Some Chicago deep dish pizza, subs, and some beer would do."

Both Darien and Johnny were confused with her request then look at each other due to it.

"Then we'll let my Master know that we'll prepare for the meals." Darien said.

Emma looks at Evan. "Can you get the bill. After this meal, we'll take off and get you groomed up." She pets him which he tolerates it but annoyed by it.

"Yes, Eva." He stood up and goes up to the cashier to grab the bill.

Emma looks at both of the Familiars. "So as for Pizzas, I want it to be a meat lovers. Ursula got me into it."

Hilda rolled her eyes. "Can we have anything else that isn't pizza? Or at least have something else for topping?"

"Then what would you want to have, Princess Hilda?" Emma snarks at her.

"If you're taking orders, Familiars. Then I want salad, cheese and wine." Hilda smiles.

"That we can do, since Master Dorothy wanted to bring that. Salad is new though." Darien confirms it.

Evan grabs the tab for the breakfast meal then shocked on the value then pass it to Emma, who reads it.

"Oh my!" She cover her mouth.

"We're not going in debt again because of your eating habits, Emma." Hilda scolds her.

"Not my fault if I had a bigger stomach size." She cleans herself in proper.

Emma then pass it towards Darien and Johnny. They look at it then find it astonished by the price.

"It's quite unladylike to eat that much." Darien jokes then Hilda giggled.

Emma gives him a smug smile then jokes back. "So does sending me into MGK territory, but I'll play along." Emma is opening up a schedule book.

Darien pulls out his wallet then pay the bill with tip. "Then consider this as part of your payment plan, Wolfgang." He carries the bill tray back to the counter.

Johnny is looking at Hilda who's having a small breakfast. "So you're the Princess?"

Hilda looks at him then turn to Ursula who shake her head.

"Well you're no Abbie, but a Princess is quite old fashioned to today's standards. While Ms. Bones upstairs could be a better princess than you." Johnny have a confident smile but turn to mere horror as Hilda gives him the death glare.

She's mouthing words but not speaking. Johnny didn't bother then stood up as Darien got up.

"Time to inform the Masters." Johnny said.

"Yeah, mate." Darien turn to them. "Thank you, for the rescheduling."

They're about to walk away after paying the bill with tip, but Ursula walk up to Johnny then stop him for the moment.

Leaning forward and whispered in his ear. "And tell your Master that I'm gonna have some fun torturing her till she's begging for mercy." Ursula walk back to her seat with Evan present her some hand wipes.

Both Darien and Johnny snarl at them then they left the restaurant.

Emma is thinking then turn to Hilda.

"Tell Johanna to start preparing a countermeasure for any double crossing, since we're gonna be entering MGK territory. I want some "civilians" to be ready if anything goes down."

"Yes, Emma." Hilda stood up then walk away.

"Ursula, I want you and Mia to join up with Amalia down at Oztown. Set up a camp or take over a house nearby in order to scout out the area."

"Understood, Eva." Ursula nods then stood up and leave.

Turn to Evan. "And Evan, I want you to be station here. Outside of the hotel. Keep an eye out for anything unusual, and if Dorothy is trying to deceive me, then we'll beat her down in order to teach her a lesson on not trusting my word."

"Yes Eva." Evan then leaves as Emma continue to eat her breakfast.


Darien and Johnny are waiting in the elevator door, but Johnny mind is starting to fill with... commands. Hilda mouthing words.

"Stab yourself! Stab yourself! Stab yourself!"

This repeat in his mind till his eyes went pitch black then pull out Olivia's Switchblade Wand then aim it onto his midsection.

"Johnny! Wait!" Darien shouted.

Johnny stabs himself then heard Hilda's final command.

"Stab yourself to leave a message."