
My best friend, my love

Noble suddenly became fond of Veronica they were to close freinds Veronica started developing feelings for noble she tried telling him but became shy to speak, one day Noble came to see David he knocked the door Veronica came out to know who was knocking at the door she was surprised to see noble she welcomed him and told him that David was not around so he stood up and wanted to go home Veronica held him and push him to the chair and said where the you think you are going to suddenly she started kissing him noble was shocked she then started pulling of his clothes noble embraced her tightly and took her inside the room they had sex that day and David was not aware of the insidence that occurred that day Veronica started cheating on him David became suspicious of Veronica not giving him attention the way she normally does David decided to travel for some business Veronica and noble were very happy so that they could spend time together David board a flight to the united state noble and Veronica were left together alone in the house they started their romance, month passed there was no sign of David he didn't even bothered of calling Veronica and Veronica wasn't even bothered noble showed love to Veronica the way she wanted, years passed no sign of David return Veronica became pregnant for noble he was scared about the news so he decided to run away and left Veronica with the baby.

it was an early morning Veronica went to check on noble but she could not find him in his room she started screaming noble please come out is this a joke or what please come out, she shouted for hours with no results she kept looking for noble for weeks but no results her dilivery period came she was rushed to the hospital she gave birth to a baby boy the news of Veronica giving birth got wild David came to knew about it he was shocked that he never laid a hand on her how did it happened he began to ask questions he travelled back to know if the news he was hearing was true he boarded a flight and arrived safely he went straight to the house he got annoyed pushed the door wild open and began to ask Veronica series of questions he began to shout who is the father of this child I want an answer you fool" Veronica began to shed tears David continue with is interrogative questions will you give an answer or what Veronica began to plead for mercy I am sorry my love David shouted who is your love and where is noble Veronica wept and wept David started felling pity for her he went to check on noble and ask him some questions but he couldn't find noble he was very annoyed and went back to Veronica and said so you have finally killed my best friend right Veronica became shocked and started asking David who or what killed noble David started laughing you pretender you think you can outsmart me or what you know what you did will you start talking or you want to see the other side of me right before he knew it the baby woke up and started crying David went closer to him he felt the baby was is own tears began to roll down is eye balls he carried the baby and went to put him in Veronica lap he walked away slowly Veronica wept and wept for hours telling her self I am a fool he gave me so much love and I betrayed him she tried commiting suicide but David always came to her rescue he began to treat the baby as his biological son he was left with no choice but to take responsibility as a father Veronica was so upset with herself she tried all her best to please David but David was not pleased the more she tried begging him the more he felt hatred for her the baby became older, he grew up resembling noble David lived with one question who is the owner of the child the baby name was Kelly he grew up as a stubborn and naughty boy who's hobby was fight he was hated among his friends and community because of his stubbornness despite that David still loved him unconditionally he was ready to harrass anyone who lay a hand on Kelly, he was over pampered by his father he loved his father the same way his father loved him, Kelly was also fund on going errands for his father one day he met four boys who was going the same direction as his Kelly saw some children playing with sand he ran towards them and jumped on the sand splashing it everywhere part of the sand touched the four boys they went to confront him to stop playing with sand and ask for forgiveness immediately Kelly shut them up and started saying who do you think are or try to tell me what to play with instead of Kelly to say sorry he began to throw insult at them one of the four boys came out and slapped Kelly the remaining three rushed him with anger immediately a fight started before Kelly could raise a hand he met himself on the floor they turned him into a punching bag he began to shout "help oh" somebody help me oh" before he knew it David shouted are you guys okay will stop this right now do you know who's son you are messing with before David could finish is statement the four boys had already disappeared he went towards Kelly and picked him up he rushed him to the hospital where he was taking medication David went to the house and explained to Veronica everything that happened to Kelly and Veronica became worried she quickly prepared his meal and rushed to the hospital to check how he was doing when Veronica set her eyes on Kelly she began to boil and started shouting who did this to you my son do you know them Kelly replied mom I don't know them from anywhere I just saw them on the street and they started beating me he burst into cry Veronica consoled David discharged him and took him home he was worried about the pain that Kelly would have to face. But Kelly was a very strong boy.