
the wicked deities

At the age of sixteen, selected teenagers are assigned the role of Gods to protect mortals and rule the human realm as their kings and queens. Morana Asmoray lives in a small village outside the city of Cetaleen where she lived a normal life with her mother. Until the day of her sixteenth birthday, her mother disappears, and she gets taken away by the royal guards to the palace in the sky where she finds out she is now a God. She then joins an organisation of Gods who defeat Shadow Cleavers that takes the souls of humans and live in a city in the clouds where she learns how to become powerful and learns the ways of the Gods. But something isn't right. The Shadow Cleavers are hatching a plan to destroy the Gods and the humans are rebelling against their leaders. Gods are backstabbing each other, and an evil cult is rising to take over the mortal realm. Morana will learn to become powerful and to find out the truth about her mother and what happened to her. Her heart that was once locked away has now been unleashed and romance is rising in the air. Will she fall in love and save the world of Gods and mortals or will both worlds be destroyed?

Zoey_Mirbaz_J · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 1 - What brings you here?

"You Morana Asmoray are the next goddess of darkness" Yelled a high-pitched voice.

The throne room shook in fear as the whispers of the Gods were heard throughout the room.

Gods began to mutter to themselves as they stared at me in disgust.

"Your wrong! There hasn't been a goddess of darkness in years, you must have gotten her mixed up!" Shouted a voice in the crowd.

Everyone agreed to what they said as it was hard to believe a person like me could be so dangerous.

I stared at my arm in dread, wondering how this could be.

Just a couple of days ago I woke up to find out my mother had disappeared on my sixteenth birthday and now I have been dragged to the royal castle in the sky where I have become a God.

I never would have imagined this day to come.

"Don't you understand your majesty! This woman is dangerous and must be dealt with accordingly!" The king's advisor stood next to the throne where the king sat.

"It seems as if you are all fussing over nothing" The king rolled his eyes.

"But your majesty, darkness is the root of all evil. What if the same mistake happens again!" The advisor cried out.

"Do you see Dabria in front of you?" The king asked.

The advisor looked confused as if he didn't understand what the king had meant.

"N..no your majesty" He whispered.

"Then stop worrying. Morana is different from that witch. I know she wouldn't do a thing" He chuckled a raspy laugh.

Who was Dabria and what was wrong with my role?

Right now I was in a throne room where the Gods were lined up together to find out what my role was as a God and stood next to me was a woman wearing white robes as she held a dagger in her hand.

She had dark blue hair that was long and silky.

Her eyes were like the deep blue sea and her skin was golden brown.

They called her priestess as she oversaw the holy temple of wisdom and she had an important role to unlock God's roles and tell his highness 'valuable' information.

"Your majesty you are correct. We don't know anything about this woman, so why kill her when I can look over her as her personal guardian and see if she truly is what you dimwits think of her to be".

The whole room became quiet as they looked down in embarrassment.

The priestess sighed in exhaustion as she put a hand on my shoulder.

"If you think this is the best option then why not. Morana is a good child and I hope that she will be useful to me in the future" The king tapped his finger on the arm of the throne, looking bored.

I gritted my teeth in frustration while I held tightly onto my dress.

The palms of my hand were close to being drenched in blood by my nails.

"Don't you dare say that you know anything about me, you bastard" I yelled with a face of outrage.

Everyone looked in shock as they turned their heads towards me.

"I beg your pardon young lady?" The king said.

"First you kidnap me, then you drug me to sleep and you believe that I will listen to what you say" I slammed my foot on the ground as the room shook violently.

The Gods screamed in fear as they held each other for support.

They looked at me as if I was the monster here.

The king held the arm of his throne tightly as he plastered a face of irritation.

"Don't you understand Morana? You were the one who acted like a beast while my guards tried to peacefully take you away" He spoke in an innocent tone of voice.

Now I know what he was up to.

He is pretending to act like a good king to hide his ugly side from everyone.

"If dragging me away forcefully without telling me what was going on was peacefully taking me away then stick your head in a fucking dictionary and learn what being peaceful actually means" I spoke in a cold tone of voice so he can see how ugly I could truly be.

The priestess held my arm tightly as she squeezed it with all her force.

I winced in pain as I tried to pull away from her grasp but she was too strong.

"How dare you speak like that to your king. He is showing you mercy and yet you speak to him with such a foul mouth" She pulled me towards her as her nails dug into my skin like razors.

"Let go of me you bitch" I pushed her away from me.

All of a sudden the king slammed his fist with fury making the whole room shudder.

"Both of you be quiet! Priestess Salma please calm yourself, Morana is just a young girl whose mother left her. At least show some kindness to the poor girl".

"But your majesty-".

"No buts Salma. I will leave the girl in your care".

"You don't get to make that decision and just to let you know my mother never left me. You did something to her and I know it" I interrupt the king before he could say anything insulting about my mother.

I took a couple of steps forward until two guards blocked me by pointing their swords at my chest.

"Say what you want Morana but you know that your mother left you. All I want to do is to protect you" His voice became calmer like an angel had appeared, pretending to cover its demon form.

"You never wanted to protect me. You just want to tame me just like the rest of these Gods" My blood began to boil in wrath as I could feel nausea creeping up from my body.

I don't care if they hate me and I don't care if they believed I was a witch.

All I needed to do was escape this city and find my mother.

"Morana, I will say this once and only once. You are now Adriana Darcia Goddess Of Darkness. You are midnight, the untameable, the beast of children's nightmares and the moon itself. You will accept this title and forever until the end of your days take the role of darkness" He waved his hand and two guards held me by the arm as they dragged me away.

I shouted and yelled in rage for them to let me go but none of them listened to my cries for help.

I was alone yet again.

I kicked my legs fiercely but they were strong enough to ignore it and still take me away.

"I swear on my mother's life I will end you!" I screamed with my eyes wide open.

"Such a pity your majesty. I can't believe her mother raised a beast" The king's advisor chuckled with an evil grin.

This will be the day I plan my revenge.

The oversized doors slammed shut as the two guards threw me on the cold hard floor like garbage.

I felt a sharp pain in my waist.

The guards walked away from me while I was left in the hallway by myself.

"Your quite the savage aren't you?" I turned my head to see priestess Salma looking down at me.

"What do you want?" I demanded.

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to kill those guards" She laughed gently as she placed the golden dagger back into her pocket.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry I am not that dumb to kill them now".

Salma reached out her hand for me to grab onto but I slapped her hand away from me as I could stand up myself.

While I stood up, dusting off the dirt on my dress Salma gave me an odd look.

"I am worried about you," She said softly.

"What for?" I asked.

Salma fiddled with her fingers as she gazed at the paintings in the hallway.

The castle was indeed captivating as the king had said.

The castle was made out of white marble which made it look elegant and pillars were in every corner.

Statues of famous Gods stood like time had stopped and paintings were lined up as if this place was an art expedition.

It was all simple yet whoever designed this must have been a genius.

This place reminded me of those greek architectural buildings the old civilisation had once made.

I guess the king was a fan of Greek mythology.

"Morana. I can see Dabria in your eyes and I am worried that in time she will consume you".


Who was she and why is everyone thinking that I am her?

"I don't understand. Who is she and what does that woman have to do about my role?" My question stunned Salma as she muttered a couple of words to herself.

I couldn't make out what those words were but they seemed to be in Latin.

"It's better if you don't know who she was".

"And why is that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because she is a dangerous woman who nearly destroyed this city. She was once an innocent girl just like you until the darkness corrupted her. You may think darkness is under your grasp but it is powerful. One day someone will kill you and you will have to decide who will be the one pointing the knife at your throat!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as she breathed heavily.

Her face became pale as a ghost while her eyes expressed the anger she was holding in.

She realised what she had done and quickly composed herself back into her original form.

"I cannot stay for long as I have duties to attend. Adora and Azami will show you around the castle grounds and the building you will be staying in" Two girls appeared from behind Salma as if they had just teleported out of nowhere.

It gave me quite the fright but the girls didn't seem to be at all frightening like the rest of them in the throne room.

"Thank you girls for coming. I hope that Morana won't be a burden to you" Salma smiled.

"Don't worry Salma! We will have it all under control!" A petite-looking girl smiled like an angel.

"The cute-looking girl is Azami and the brown-haired girl is Adora. They are nice girls so don't worry about building a wall towards them, they have a good heart" Salma waved us goodbye as she walked away, getting smaller into the distance.

All I wanted was to get into bed and sleep yet I was stuck with two unmatured children.

I sighed softly as my gaze turned back to the girls who seemed to be afraid of me.

They stood like frozen statues.

Azami was a small girl who looked like a fairy.

Her hair was more white than blonde and her eyes were gold.

She had elf-like ears and a red carnation flower blooming out of her left eye.

She had short hair and she was wearing a cream-coloured cloak that reminded me of Christmas.

But what interested me was her cream-coloured flower dress.

The girl standing next to her was indeed Adora.

Her hair was wavy and hazel brown yet the ends of her hair were bright pink.

She wore a silver tiara with a red gemstone hanging from it and her pupils were shaped like hearts and her eyes were a deep pink.

She reminded me of a doll I had when I was six.

She was wearing a baby pink dress that was covered in bows and hearts.

They were both pale yet they had bright pink cheeks.

"It's good to meet you, Adriana! I am Adora Goddess of Love and this is Azami Goddess of nature, we are very pleased to meet you" Adora clasped her hands together while Azami looked flustered.

"First of my name is not Adriana and secondly why is there a child here? I thought you had to be sixteen to get your role?" I questioned as I put a hand on my hip.

"I..I am not a child!" I am eighteen years old!" Azami huffed in annoyance.

"Wait your eighteen? I thought you were ten" I mocked her.

"I am not ten!" She yelled.

"Both of you please calm down! Adriana, I understand it is your first day here but at least try to be kind when it comes to others. Azami is more easy-going than the rest of those beasts and many Gods are not welcoming like us" Adora held her hands in mine, she was better than the rest of those dimwits.

I guess she wasn't as rude as the others so I will try being nicer to her and see if I can get any information out of that mouth of hers.

"Fine. But since you guys are here, I need some answers before I can trust you guys".