
The Wicked Creator

Kyle Fowler is the young master of the Viscount household Fowler House A slice of life story in a magic academy setting But will that stay true after discovering the dark past of his family?

one1_fl4me · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Letter of Acceptance

Kyle was elated while reading the letter as he found out that he was accepted, such an achievement meant honor and status in these times.

However, there was someone at the dining table who was not very happy with the news. It was his mother, the one who should've been the happiest upon receiving such news was not.

Obviously, she wanted Kyle to receive the best education possible and make friends with those around his age especially since he was an only child and he only had one friend since birth, his fiancée.

Kyle's parents, Kaden and Pearl were told by the doctors early on in their marriage that they couldn't have children. However, Kyle's arrival seemed like a blessing to them and was their only hope to continue the family line, yet right after his birth he experienced an accident which turned his mother into the overprotective person she now is.

Although Kyle never asked what exactly happened during his birth, he never felt the need to as he was loved and was sure that if it were necessary for him to know they would let him know when the time is right. Setting that aside, his mother calmed down as she knew that it would be insulting to not be happy on such a joyous occasion.

"It's alright, Mom. I'll come around on the weekends" said Kyle hoping to cheer his mother up.

Trying to hide her unhappiness, Pear said: "You know I only want the best for you but I'm just worried. What if you get into a fi-" Kaden cuts her off as he boasts: "You don't have to worry about that! Our Kyle is the most talented magician of this generation! If anything he'll be the one doing the beating."

"Come on, Dad. You know I hate it when you start talking like that" said Kyle while being deeply embarrassed. Kaden always teased Kyle about being the best magician of his generation. However, Kyle didn't like the teasing because one can only become an official mage when he/she reaches the 3rd circle and some 'monsters' of higher nobility his age have already reached such a level, indicating that he is inferior to them.

However, what Kyle doesn't know is that although they exceed his level he is still more talented for the condition to reach the 3rd circle is to absorb enough magical power to evolve their magical core. Normal people can only wait till it naturally accumulates and breakthrough after a long time passes, some people have special breathing techniques that help with the speed of absorbing mana which results in them breaking through faster.

'Monsters' from high nobility though, have access to places where mana is concentrated many more times than normal, in addition to exceptional breathing techniques that help them breakthrough even faster than the geniuses.

The letter that came in included the date on which the academy will open and as well rules that students must follow during their stay in the Magical Academy.