
The Whole Family Went Crazy Listening To My Thoughts, I Was Responsibl

[Family reading skills + cannon fodder + group pet + boss wears books + pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger + cool article] Lu Chaochao went through the book. He was transformed into a cannon fodder who was drowned at birth and whose identity was taken over by the heroine. The heroine killed her relatives out of righteousness and reported that her adoptive mother and grandfather were collaborating with the enemy and treason, causing the whole family to be wiped out. The heroine takes back her mother, escapes from her scumbag father, Jin Chan, and lives a beautiful life together. Only Lu Chaochao and his whole family are stepping stones. Lu Chaochao looked at his mother who had been brainwashed for many years: “Mom, your beloved husband is waiting for the birth of a child outside the house.” The love brain mother is awake! Lu Chaochao looked at his disabled elder brother and sighed: “Brother, you are being abused, you are so beautiful, strong and miserable! Fortunately, I can heal your leg!” Turning around, the eldest brother hit three yuan in a row, trampling all the talents in the capital under his feet. “Second brother, what you believe is inhumane. Your best friend is Daddy Scumbag’s concubine! ” “Third brother, you were deliberately raised to be useless. You are uneducated and have a gambling habit. In the end, you became a human pig.” Lu Chaochao complained, realizing that the whole family had changed their fate against fate. The scumbag was divorced, and the three brothers became the best among men! Even holding a milk bottle in her mouth, she is admired by the whole world!

Line_Huang · Teen
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444 Chs

Chapter 61 Seizing the Crown Prince

"Miss Su is the daughter of an innocent family, and it is Marquis Meng Lang who is responsible for this matter. As an aunt, doesn't it mean that the Marquis family is ungrateful and repays kindness with hatred?"

"I intend to raise Qingqing to be an equal wife, but now that the Marquis is getting promoted, I'm afraid he won't want to."

"We are raising everything in the house according to the rules of an equal wife. Let's not talk about it to the outside world for now. What do you think?" Ms. Xu looked like she was thinking about her.

"When the Marquis agrees in the future, I will carry you in gracefully."

Su Zhiqing immediately bowed her head and said, "Qingqing, thank you, Madam. Qingqing is willing to serve Madam as a slave and maid. I am grateful for Madam's kindness."

 She could almost hear her heart beating wildly.

 As expected, Mrs. Xu is a fool.

"It's enough to be a slave and a maid. If you save Zheng Yue's life, you will save me."

"The courtyard where you live will be renamed Qingping Courtyard, and Miss Su will live there. I won't allocate the maid. You can go to the accountant to pay three hundred taels of silver and choose for yourself." Mrs. Xu is sincere, so you have to choose the one you want. Yes, I will compete with Pei Jiaojiao in the future.

Su Zhiqing responded shyly.

Of course she can understand the implication of Mrs. Xu's words. As long as the Marquis has no objection, then she will be the equal wife of the Marquis.

 She knows everything about the Marquis.

 When Su Zhiqing retreated, the smile on Xu's face slowly fell.

"Madam, she was talking about you all the way." Dengzhi snickered.

"Hide it from the outside world for the time being, and don't reveal her identity. In the house, everything is treated as an equal wife." Pei Jiaojiao must be given a hard blow.

Xu simply used this incident as an excuse to stay behind closed doors and claimed that he was seriously ill.

 And Lu Chaochao.

He sat cross-legged in front of the small box and stuffed the jade pendant given by the emperor into it.

He was still mumbling that the emperor was stingy and wouldn't even give him a chicken leg, so what's the use of giving him a broken jade pendant!

God knows, people are breaking their heads because of this jade pendant.

I don't know if the little prince escaped this disaster.

Originally, the young prince took care of the queen mother all night, and when he returned, he had a high fever that did not go away, so he was time-traveled.

 But now, mother directly pointed out the epidemic, and your majesty conducted a thorough investigation all night, thus saving the young prince from disaster.

 You should have escaped a disaster, right?

Lu Chaochao held the milk bottle and took a few sips.

Damn it, she is just a milk baby who knows nothing and doesn't care about anything except drinking milk.

 In the afternoon, Lu Zhengyue came to look for Xu.

It's the Laba Festival today, and it's very lively outside.

Lu Chaochao grabbed his brother's hand and wanted to go out and join in the fun.

 "Please…please, it's Erguo." She looked at him eagerly.

Lu Zheng was more interested in teasing her: "Well, what are you asking for?"

The little guy clicked, bent his knees, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to him.

 [I kowtow to you in the morning...]

 "Dong dong dong…" The knocks were heard one after another.

 "Zishu, ah, ah, you guy..." Lu Zhengyue jumped away suddenly and hurriedly picked her up.

"That's all, I'll take you out. But you have to be obedient, or my second brother won't take you with me next time." Lu Zhengyue even gave himself a haggard look.

 Lu Chaochao nodded happily.

Before leaving the house, I happened to meet Su Zhiqing in the outer courtyard, coming out of the Marquis's study.

 The woman's face is pink, her lips are watery, and her eyes are as picturesque as water.

When he bumped into Lu Zhengyue, he was stunned on the spot.

Lu Zhengyue stared at her with a pair of red eyes.

 And Lu Chaochao…

He shouted loudly: "Xiao...Xiao Niang!" The voice was childish and full of milk, and the two of them took a few steps back in shock.

Lu Zhengyue opened his mouth, yes.

 She is already her father's woman, so it's time to call her "little mother".

His voice was dry and he said word by word: "My dear!" After saying that, he ran away with red eyes.

Su Zhiqing was startled.

 From today on, the young masters in the house began to call her "Miss Niang".

 It directly confirms the identity.

Lu Zhengyue curled his lips.

 "Chaochao, the fun is coming later." He held Chaochao while strolling on the street. Xiao Chaochao looked so naive that everyone who came and went would look at her more.

  [It's my second sister-in-law, it's my second sister-in-law, second sister-in-law! ] Lu Chaochao suddenly became excited.

Lu Zhengyue was stunned.

They saw Lu Chaochao pointing to the carriage in the distance: "Hurry!"

 "Kangkang, letwokangkang!"

  {That is the second brother's official wife, the sister-in-law who is engaged to the second brother! Sister Wen Ning! ] Lu Chaochao screamed in his heart. Lu Zhengyue's eyes fell on the carriage. Sure enough, it was the symbol of the Wen family.

 Has the Wen family returned to Beijing?

In his memory, Wen Ning was always chubby, following behind him, calling brother Zhengyue.

 At this moment…

 A pair of hands stretched out from the carriage. Their hands were white and slender, as if they were filled with tiny starlight.

The girl revealed her face, her eyes were as bright as stars, her face was delicate and somewhat reserved.

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, and the dimples he once had could be vaguely seen.

  [Ah ah ah, it's my second sister-in-law! ]

  [Idiot second brother, get up quickly, get up quickly! Second sister-in-law has returned to Beijing! ]

  [Second brother is a fool, a big fool! The second sister-in-law has liked the second brother since she was a child, but the second brother forced her to break off the engagement with Sister Wen at the risk of death for Xiao Baihua! later…]

  [Later, the heroine killed her relatives out of righteousness, and her mother and brothers were caught and were about to be executed. Sister Wen asked for help everywhere, but no one came to her, causing the Wen family to be implicated...]

  [He was also dragged into an alley by others, woo woo woo woo...]

   [Sister Wen died naked in an alley...]Lu Chaochao's eyes were red, and he didn't notice at all that Lu Zhengyue seemed to be sluggish.

Lu Zhengyue only felt a fishy sweetness in his heart.

 Wen Ning, Wen Ning! !

At this moment, he looked at Wen Ning from a distance, such a bright and beautiful woman, but she died naked in a dark alley.

 Just to save him.

 [Hey, hey, second brother, don't run away, second brother, why did you run away...]

Lu Chaochao was speechless for a while, and her second brother actually ran away.

Lu Zhengyue felt his heart was heavy.


Lu Chaochao pointed to the distance: "Two...Two, sister-in-law!" His little head moved little by little.

Lu Zhengyue shook his head: "Chaochao, that's not the second sister-in-law."

"Second brother, you are not worthy." He touched Chaochao's head. Chaochao was very smart and had seen Wen Ning's portrait.

Chao Chao tilted her head, she didn't understand.

"Wen Ning is a good girl. She is not worthy of the second brother. She deserves better." Lu Zhengyue looked at Wen Ning from a distance, feeling extremely bitter in his heart.

Lu Chaochao blinked his eyes, seeming to understand.

As he was talking, he saw the boy coming in a hurry.

He was sweating profusely and panting as he ran: "Second Young Master, I finally found you."

"Hurry, the eldest son has gone to the East Palace. I want you to take the girl from Chao Chao." The young man's face turned pale.

  [Ah, is the little prince going to die? ]

Lu Chaochao was a little surprised. He clearly avoided the prince from contracting the epidemic, but the plot still pushed him back?

Lu Chaochao's heartfelt words frightened Lu Zhengyue out of his wits.

Although I don't know why I want to find the court, I still run to the East Palace at this moment.

 The East Palace is heavily guarded. Normally it would be difficult for him to even enter the gate, but now he can get through without any obstruction.

 There was already panic in the East Palace.

 "What's going on?" Lu Zhengyue pulled the person and asked.

"The prince fell into the water. When he woke up, he seemed to have lost his soul..." The servant was frightened.

Lu Yanshu was sitting in a wheelchair with a stern look on his face. He glanced at the Chao Chao and then took it.

Lu Yanshu was very close to the prince during this period.

 Today, he happened to be in the East Palace.

The prince just woke up and suddenly covered his head.

There was obviously no one around him, but he shouted to get out! Get out! Leave my body!


There are two different spirits hidden in his body, fighting for control of his body.

Lu Yanshu felt that he was crazy.

 He really dares to think.

 "Don't be afraid of going to court."

"It's the prince, he's looking for you." For some reason, the prince called out Chaochao's name urgently.

  Continuously shouting Hao Chao.

 One sound is faster than the other…

  [Oh, the prince can't win, he's going to die...]Lu Chaochao held the milk bottle and took a few sips.

 Haven't noticed at all, the pale faces of the brothers behind hi