
The Whole Family Went Crazy Listening To My Thoughts, I Was Responsibl

[Family reading skills + cannon fodder + group pet + boss wears books + pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger + cool article] Lu Chaochao went through the book. He was transformed into a cannon fodder who was drowned at birth and whose identity was taken over by the heroine. The heroine killed her relatives out of righteousness and reported that her adoptive mother and grandfather were collaborating with the enemy and treason, causing the whole family to be wiped out. The heroine takes back her mother, escapes from her scumbag father, Jin Chan, and lives a beautiful life together. Only Lu Chaochao and his whole family are stepping stones. Lu Chaochao looked at his mother who had been brainwashed for many years: “Mom, your beloved husband is waiting for the birth of a child outside the house.” The love brain mother is awake! Lu Chaochao looked at his disabled elder brother and sighed: “Brother, you are being abused, you are so beautiful, strong and miserable! Fortunately, I can heal your leg!” Turning around, the eldest brother hit three yuan in a row, trampling all the talents in the capital under his feet. “Second brother, what you believe is inhumane. Your best friend is Daddy Scumbag’s concubine! ” “Third brother, you were deliberately raised to be useless. You are uneducated and have a gambling habit. In the end, you became a human pig.” Lu Chaochao complained, realizing that the whole family had changed their fate against fate. The scumbag was divorced, and the three brothers became the best among men! Even holding a milk bottle in her mouth, she is admired by the whole world!

Line_Huang · Teen
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444 Chs

Chapter 434 The Abandoned Queen

Xu Shiyun put on Chaochao's shoes and socks calmly.

  Leading Chao Chao towards the lobby downstairs.

  Already, the hall was filled with cries of collapse: "How can we live like this? How many people have died if our hearts can be ripped out quietly!"

  "God wants our lives."

  "Don't be afraid, I said yesterday I specially went to the temple to invite a statue of the god. It will definitely keep us safe!"

  The old man took out the statue of the god wrapped in red cloth from his arms.

  He even dared to touch the statue after purifying his hands.

  "This is the God of Dawn, which symbolizes light. He represents justice and fairness, and he is also the most partial to mortals. Even his name brings dawn to mortals."

  Lu Chaochao was following his mother downstairs, his steps involuntarily pause.

  My heart stabbed sharply.

  'Li Guang! "

  What's wrong with Chaochao?" Mrs. Xu couldn't help but ask. She had never seen Chaochao look so ugly. Even in her heart, she was taboo about Li Guang's name.

  Lu Chaochao lowered his head, not daring to look at the people.

  "No...nothing..." The voice was low.

  "Xiao Er, is there anything to eat now? Please bring some stomach-warming pots." The waiter immediately went to the kitchen to prepare.

  It wasn't until half an hour later that Rong Che went downstairs with a calm face.

  "Strange, the whole inn was unconscious, but no one's heart was ripped out."

  But it was certain that the other party had been to the inn.

  Xu Shiyun glanced at Chao Chao, raised her head and gently touched Chao Chao's head. The other party kidnapped Chao Chao!

  Just as he was talking, bang bang bang, there was a knock on the door.

  Everyone screamed in fear and huddled together.

  The waiter asked with concern: "Who... who?"

  "Find someone to send lotus roots to the Tianzihao guest room." The young man's voice was clear, and when Lu Chaochao heard it, he jumped out of his mother's arms.

  "He's looking for me. It's a person, it's a person..."

  Xu Shiyun also felt that the voice sounded familiar, and immediately asked the boy to come forward and open the door.

  The boy was covered in mud, and even his meticulous black hair was covered in mud. His sleeves were rolled up, as if he had just stepped out of the fields.

  In his hand he also carried a large bundle of lotus roots as thick as a baby's arm.

  The lotus roots have been washed, shining white, and tender when you look at them.

  Lu Chaochao looked at him suspiciously...

  No, why did the clothes turn green? ?

  Look, it looks a bit familiar.

  The young man handed the lotus root to the boy's hand without changing his expression: "This is the lotus root that Chao Chao wanted."

  Xu Shiyun quietly glared at Chao Chao.

  The young man looked extremely mysterious, coming and going without a trace, and there was a sense of coldness and alienation about him that made him feel like he was thousands of miles away. Just like the clouds and moon in the sky, I dare not touch or get close.

  Sometimes a casual look in his eyes would make Mrs. Xu feel frightened.

  And Chao Chao...

  let him go to the fields! !

  "Go and wash up. How can you do such a thing? There are slaves at home, just leave everything to the slaves." It was like the clouds in the sky fell into the mire.

  The young man nodded gently to her.

  "It's okay." He went upstairs to change.

  The young man lowered his head and glanced at the green clothes on his body, which he took off from Qi Jue.

  As for Qi Jue, he casually grabbed a shroud from the mass grave and gave it to him.

  "Mom, these lotus roots and lotus seeds taste great. I'll let Sister Dengzhi make some soup later." Lu Chaochao smiled and held his mother's hand.

  Denzhi responded with a smile.

  It was just dawn, and Lu Chaochao was holding a small bowl and drinking lotus root soup.

  Then I heard the people outside the door cheering and shouting: "We have invited the disciples of the Imperial Master. They have entered the county government office now. We will catch the monsters in a moment."

  The people went to the county government office one after another.

  "This lotus root soup is extremely sweet. Even the lotus seeds have a refreshing fragrance." Xie Yuzhou said while taking a sip.

  Black Dragon was wearing a large flowered coat and squatting by the door holding a bowl.    

  Ouch, what a sweet thing, this is spiritual energy! !

  Incomparably rich spiritual energy! !

  Dear mother, I have eaten well too.

  When the young man came down in green clothes, he saw Heilong drinking and sweating profusely, and glared at him angrily.

  The hair on Black Dragon's body stood up as he stood up.

  Looking at the sky suspiciously.

  Damn it, he squatted at the door and drank a bowl of soup, and he actually felt the gaze of Heaven! !

  The bowl in his hand almost fell to the ground.

  Xu Shiyun saw him coming downstairs with his hair disheveled, and asked with a smile: "Do you want to try the lotus roots you dug yourself?"

  Before the young man could speak, Lu Chaochao immediately said: "He doesn't eat the fireworks of the world..."

  The young man was about to stretch his hand. I put my hand down...

  silently, hanging on both sides.

  "I don't drink." He said slowly.

  Inexplicably, Mrs. Xu could hear a hint of grievance.

  In front of Lu Chaochao, he always looked like he dared not speak when he was angry.

  Xu always felt that he was like the boy who cried to her in her dream. But it felt weird and I didn't dare to say it.

  They rested until noon when news came from the county government.

  "Have you heard? The monster that ripped out the heart is dead! It is said that a cave was dug in Beishan, and there was a lot of blood in the cave..."

  "I don't know why he died..."

  "I heard that he was a mountain demon, and even his true form was unknown. He was beaten out."

  Everyone was talking about it, Lu Chaochao put his hands in his pockets and looked like it didn't matter to him.

  "Okay, okay, the mountain demon is dead, and the people can live in peace. However, I don't know who stepped in to do justice for heaven! It has done a great thing!" Rong Che felt relieved for a moment, and originally planned to ask the national master to take action after returning to Nandu.

  Mrs. Xu looked at Chao Chao. She was finishing her spicy snacks and secretly twirling her fingers.

  Outside the door, a priest wearing a sacrificial robe came to pay his respects.

  The young priest raised his hand and bowed respectfully: "Meet the princess."

  "The national master has found the elves and returned to the southern capital today. The world has been uneasy recently, so the master specially ordered his disciples to escort the nobles back to the palace." The young priest frowned. Smiling.

  Xu Shiyun's heart skipped a beat.

  "The Imperial Preceptor has found the elves?"

  The young priest smiled and nodded: "Yes, the Imperial Preceptor went all the way north. He originally thought that he could not find the elves and planned to return to the court with him. However, he did not expect that they actually came to find them on their own..."

  " It is said that we have the aura of our tribe."

  "Your Majesty is finally saved."

  Xie Yuzhou asked curiously: "It is said that the elves are extremely beautiful, but is it true? I have never seen it before."

  A hint of surprise flashed in the priest's eyes. .

  "I have seen a lot of beauties, but this is the first time I have seen such beauty." When they entered Beijing, they even caused a sensation in the capital.

  The long street is crowded with people, just for a moment of beauty.

  Anyone who has seen it will take a breath of cold air.

  "They have extremely good looks, and their eyes are as clear as a pool of spring water. Behind them are a pair of wings as thin as cicada wings. God has placed all the good things on them."

  "You will know when you go back to Nandu."

  "Now Nandu The city is filled with joy, and red silks are hung everywhere. The palace has already begun to arrange weddings..."

  "The queen indulged the Su family and committed a heinous crime. Your Majesty has ordered the queen to be abolished and to marry the new queen immediately." The young priest secretly looked at Xu Shiyun, After all, her mother is still in Nandu.

  She is also the wife of Ming Media.

  Xu Shiyun's face was expressionless, but the anger in her heart could not be extinguished.

  The entire Taoyuan Village was massacred, and the Su family massacred countless children, but the emperor tried to protect the queen and the Su family.

  Now, for longevity.

  Depose the queen without hesitation.

  Since ancient times, emperors have been so ruthless, she has seen it with her own eyes!