
The Whole Family Went Crazy Listening To My Thoughts, I Was Responsibl

[Family reading skills + cannon fodder + group pet + boss wears books + pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger + cool article] Lu Chaochao went through the book. He was transformed into a cannon fodder who was drowned at birth and whose identity was taken over by the heroine. The heroine killed her relatives out of righteousness and reported that her adoptive mother and grandfather were collaborating with the enemy and treason, causing the whole family to be wiped out. The heroine takes back her mother, escapes from her scumbag father, Jin Chan, and lives a beautiful life together. Only Lu Chaochao and his whole family are stepping stones. Lu Chaochao looked at his mother who had been brainwashed for many years: “Mom, your beloved husband is waiting for the birth of a child outside the house.” The love brain mother is awake! Lu Chaochao looked at his disabled elder brother and sighed: “Brother, you are being abused, you are so beautiful, strong and miserable! Fortunately, I can heal your leg!” Turning around, the eldest brother hit three yuan in a row, trampling all the talents in the capital under his feet. “Second brother, what you believe is inhumane. Your best friend is Daddy Scumbag’s concubine! ” “Third brother, you were deliberately raised to be useless. You are uneducated and have a gambling habit. In the end, you became a human pig.” Lu Chaochao complained, realizing that the whole family had changed their fate against fate. The scumbag was divorced, and the three brothers became the best among men! Even holding a milk bottle in her mouth, she is admired by the whole world!

Line_Huang · Teen
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444 Chs

Chapter 331: Women sing and husbands follow

Lu Chaochao shook his head and returned to the house dejectedly.

 Handwriting, I have mountains of gold and silver in my pocket, but I dare not take them out to spend them.

 You can only survive by beating the autumn wind.

 No wonder, countless gods from the three realms actually asked her, an ancestor of swordsmanship, to offer sacrifices.

Co-author, she herself is unwilling to ascend.

Lu Yanshu chuckled.

The little guy always looks so proud, but seeing her deflated now, it was actually a little funny.

 The Rong family, the Xu family, and Xu Shiyun and his wife gathered together late at night.

"This group of people from the Southern Kingdom seems to be coming with bad intentions. I'm not worried about Yun Niang going to the Southern Kingdom." Zhen Guo Gong immediately expressed his stance.

  "The old emperor played a white face and missed his daughter and became ill. The eldest princess Nan Fengyu played a black face. Before we even met, the play started. Yun Niang went over and was going to be eaten up and wiped clean by them."

"Speaking of which, when he lost his memory, the old emperor gave the dragon-patterned jade pendant as a gift to Mrs. Ning."

"Later, he was invited back to the palace by the eldest princess, but the eldest princess didn't know that the jade pendant was given away. The whole village was burned down with a fire."

"After the old emperor recovered his memory, he learned that the jade pendant and Ning had disappeared together."

 "In these years, I have been shouting for true love and looking for Ning."

"After finding the Ning family, I couldn't find the jade pendant. I started looking for my daughter..."

"The people in the Southern Kingdom are still grateful for the old emperor's deep affection and righteousness, and they highly respect him. His reputation has not been affected at all."

"Ning grew up eating the food of hundreds of families, and the whole village is like a family member to her."

"Ke Nan Fengyu burned everything to ashes with a fire. If he really loved the Ning family, he would have dealt with Nan Fengyu long ago. Is Nan Fengyu affected by this in recent years?"

The Duke of Zhenguo raised his eyebrows frivolously: "I guess Ning doesn't want to enter the palace. Firstly, the queen and the eldest princess are blocking her, and secondly...it's because Ning has a grudge against her."

Yes, how could Mrs. Ning not hate her?

She hated it so much, but what could she do?

 She has no children and no family background to support her. She was filled with hatred, but could not retaliate.

 She was born as an abandoned baby and grew up in the village eating the food of hundreds of families. She has a strong affection for the villagers. Even when she got married, someone from the village would give her something and make the wedding clean and beautiful.

   They were all destroyed in the hands of the old emperor.

 Just because she picked up a man.

Taifu Xu nodded: "The Southern Kingdom will never allow the jade pendant passed down from the country to wander outside. The old emperor is already old and is holding on for a while waiting for the jade pendant to return to the country. If Yun Niang cannot get there, they will not give up."

"Besides, Ning cannot wait."

"Ning is innocent, she must take a look." As parents, Mrs. Xu understands Ning's thoughts.

"Yunniang, what do you think?" Mrs. Xu looked at her daughter.

 Everyone looked at Xu Shiyun.

Today, she said very little.

The old lady patted her daughter's hand gently, her brows full of kindness and her eyes always smiling: "Whatever you decide, your parents will support you."

"When I picked you up in the snow, you were still a soft and small ball. You cried heartbreakingly and your cheeks were red, but as soon as I hugged you, you smiled straight at me."

"Over the years, my mother has almost forgotten that you are the child I picked up."

 The old lady's eyes were moist.

Behind her, the maid handed over a package. She opened the package and revealed the small clothes and swaddling clothes inside.

  "The stitching of these clothes is fine, and there are several words embroidered on the bottom of each piece of clothes. Peace and good luck."

"This swaddling clothes is even embroidered with Sanskrit characters from the Buddhist world. It means a smooth life and the protection of gods and Buddhas."

"Ning has expectations and affection for you."

"As a mother, I can't stop you." If her daughter had been living outside the home since she was born, she would probably shed tears every day and find it difficult to get out of this life.

Yun Niang shed big tears.

"Mom." She held her mother's hand tightly and looked at the old lady with tears in her eyes.

"But you have to remember that Beizhao will always be your retreat. The Xu family will always be your home." The old lady's voice choked with sobs. The three brothers of the Xu family also had firm faces: "Sister, no matter what you decide, you will always be our sister!"

"If you want to see it, go and see it."

Yun Niang has two children and a good husband like Rong Che. Apart from Lu Yuanze, her life is almost perfect.

 The biological mother was bullied and lived a miserable life, which was ultimately a thorn in her heart.

 "Dad, mother, my daughter wants to go and visit." But she won't stay long.

Yunen is as great as heaven, and her home will always be in Beizhao.

"I'm not worried about Yun Niang going alone. Now that there is Zhengyue in Beizhao, I will go to the palace tomorrow to ask Your Majesty to go with you." Rong Che looked like a married woman following her husband.

Yun Niang pursed her lips and smiled softly, her eyes filled with smiles.

"Where is my wife, I am." Rong Che could no longer look around.

 After getting married for a month, he had just lived a life of a hot bed with his wife and children, how could he bear to be separated?

The Xu family secretly watched Zhen Guogong and his wife, fearing that they would be dissatisfied.

 I didn't know…

Zhen Guogong and his wife nodded with satisfaction, their faces bursting into laughter.

"The prince is now unconscious. Master Shikong has figured out that Chao Chao is the one to break the catastrophe. So let's take Chao Chao with us." Lu Yanshu knew what was wrong with her and would follow her secretly without her.

 With good things in front of you, look at it with peace of mind.

"Master Shikong's calculation is correct, right? Chaochao is only three years old, can he defeat the prince?" Mrs. Xu looked surprised.

"Whether it's true or not, just bring Chao Chao with you. This girl is wild-minded, and she will run away without you." Lu Yanshu was not worried about his mother going to the Southern Kingdom, but he was relieved to take Chao Chao with her.

This girl is not the one who suffers.

As the night got darker, Yun Niang and his wife sent everyone out.

And Lu Chaochao was already sleeping peacefully with his arms spread out.

 She could always hear the sound of banging wooden fish in one ear, which disturbed her and kept scratching her ears.

 "It's so noisy..." He muttered in his mouth, turned over and continued to sleep.

 In the dream, Master Shikong hugged her short legs and cried: "Princess Zhaoyang, tell me your name, the poor monk received a lot of beatings!"

 The highly respected Master Shi Kong was so angry that she cried.

 She said that she was famous in the world of gods, but she did not say that she caused public anger.

Lu Chaochao stood in the white mist. Before he could say anything, he saw Master Shikong disappearing with a cry.

"Hey, my dream is just a broken sieve. Anyone can come into the dream..."

 Lu Chaochao passed through the fog skillfully, and sure enough...

 Saw the familiar jade bed again.

"Well, it is indeed an underground palace..." Lu Chaochao muttered softly. Unfortunately, his grave was dug up.

 At this moment, several disciples gathered together.

 Everyone gathered around her with solemn expressions.

"Why did it fail? After finally succeeding in gathering souls and being thrown into reincarnation, how could I be drowned?"

 "It's the rules of heaven and earth."

 "The rules do not allow her to re-enter reincarnation."

"The master died as a sacrifice, and she has the power to save the world. Once resurrected, she will become the master of the three realms. She will overthrow everything that exists."

 "Heaven and earth are restricting her. Just like the God Realm does not allow her to be resurrected."

  She died to save the world, and all auras can be superimposed on her. No one cares about the dead.

 What if, once resurrected?

Then she will be above all living beings