
The Whole Family Went Crazy Listening To My Thoughts, I Was Responsibl

[Family reading skills + cannon fodder + group pet + boss wears books + pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger + cool article] Lu Chaochao went through the book. He was transformed into a cannon fodder who was drowned at birth and whose identity was taken over by the heroine. The heroine killed her relatives out of righteousness and reported that her adoptive mother and grandfather were collaborating with the enemy and treason, causing the whole family to be wiped out. The heroine takes back her mother, escapes from her scumbag father, Jin Chan, and lives a beautiful life together. Only Lu Chaochao and his whole family are stepping stones. Lu Chaochao looked at his mother who had been brainwashed for many years: “Mom, your beloved husband is waiting for the birth of a child outside the house.” The love brain mother is awake! Lu Chaochao looked at his disabled elder brother and sighed: “Brother, you are being abused, you are so beautiful, strong and miserable! Fortunately, I can heal your leg!” Turning around, the eldest brother hit three yuan in a row, trampling all the talents in the capital under his feet. “Second brother, what you believe is inhumane. Your best friend is Daddy Scumbag’s concubine! ” “Third brother, you were deliberately raised to be useless. You are uneducated and have a gambling habit. In the end, you became a human pig.” Lu Chaochao complained, realizing that the whole family had changed their fate against fate. The scumbag was divorced, and the three brothers became the best among men! Even holding a milk bottle in her mouth, she is admired by the whole world!

Line_Huang · Teen
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444 Chs

Chapter 120 The smallest debt collector in history

 "Summon those old men into the temple."

 The emperor looked ugly and clenched his fists.

The national treasury is empty, there is no money for disaster relief, and these dogs are still unwilling to repay their debts!

 "Announce…" The prince announced to a large group of courtiers.

 They are all old ministers with gray hair and beards.

Everyone had their eyebrows lowered and prostrated themselves on the ground as soon as they entered the door.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to devote myself to Beizhao and die. But I really have no money." One minister burst into tears and even opened his trouser legs to show Your Majesty the patches under his official uniform.

 When he entered the house, he cried out about poverty and blocked his mouth to collect debts.

 The emperor's face turned gloomy.

The old minister straightened up and said with determination on his face: "Your Majesty, I am willing to donate three years of salary to do my best for the Beizhao victims!"

Another veteran minister stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I don't dare to be corrupt. I only live on my salary every year. I'm afraid I won't be able to repay the money I owe you. But I can donate the house in the mansion. I... am willing to rent a house with my family."

 Emperor: Very good. Then rumors will spread that I treated the courtiers harshly.

"Your Majesty, I still have one thousand two hundred taels in my account, and I am willing to donate all of it."

"Your Majesty, my first wife still has some dowry..."

Seeing that what they said was getting worse, the emperor raised his hand.

"I just ask you if each family can contribute thirty thousand taels!" There are eighteen borrowers in total. Even if they take out thirty thousand taels, they can get back hundreds of thousands.

 The courtiers all looked troubled.

The eerie silence in the imperial study room.

The Minister of Household Affairs complained endlessly: "My lords, please help me. You have borrowed money for decades, up to one million taels. Now, Beizhao is short of money, and it is time to pay it back." All this followed the late emperor. A veteran who conquered the world.

At the time when he was conferred the title of Marquis and became the Prime Minister, the late emperor took pity on the founding heroes because they had no money in their accounts, so he approved IOUs for the important ministers one after another.

 For example, the Minister of Civil Affairs borrowed a small amount of 30,000 taels.

  But he borrowed many valuable calligraphy and paintings from the treasury, which cannot be measured in money.

For example, Prince Heshuo, the late emperor only had one brother, so he approved a full one hundred thousand taels of silver!

For example, the protector of the country did not borrow much, only fifty thousand taels of silver.

For example, the father-in-law of the country, Empress Dowager Xiao's natal family, borrowed 150,000 yuan! Here today is my uncle, the emperor's uncle.

The Minister of Rites was also among them, but he didn't borrow much, just twenty or thirty thousand.

 This group of people are all of higher seniority.

 He made great contributions to Beizhao.

After all the calculations were made, the late emperor approved a loan worth millions as soon as he ascended the throne.

 So far, no one has repaid me.

 This huge number makes people's scalp numb.

The courtiers knelt down and trembled. Lu Chaochao held the sandwich biscuits in his hand and gnawed them loudly.

 The baby is one and a half years old and has nine teeth.

 Like millet grains, very cute.

 Just can't bite hard things.

"I only ask you for thirty thousand taels!

 The emperor spoke again.

"I have tried my best for Beizhao, worked diligently, and am willing to sacrifice my life for Beizhao. But I really have no money."

"I am willing to do my best for Beizhao and serve the imperial court, but the price is thirty thousand taels…"

Uncle Guo even sighed: "Uncle is really powerless."

  [Hahahahaha...]Lu Chaochao laughed in his heart, especially arrogantly.

The prince gently rubbed his ears. These people were all the elders left behind by the late emperor, so he couldn't speak too harshly, lest he hurt the old minister's heart.

It's really annoying.

They can live for Beizhao and die by Beizhao, but they can't pay thirty thousand taels. ]

   Because they really have thirty thousand taels. Hahaha. Mr. Guozhang, he also said that there is nothing he can do, so he can pull him down. He is the richest. ] Lu Chaochao complained mercilessly in his heart.

 The small mouth is like a squirrel, clicking and clicking.

  "Get out!"    The emperor had a sullen face and watched helplessly as the old minister retreated.

 "A bunch of old and immortal things! Relying on their seniority to suppress me!"

 The prince sighed and poured the emperor a cup of tea: "Father, calm down your anger. The late emperor couldn't get this money back, let alone you?"

 When the late emperor passed away, he also mentioned this money.

 But I didn't get a cent back.

Now that they were old, they believed that they had founded the country and conquered the world. The emperor did not want to be accused of treating the founding heroes harshly, and he did not dare to give heavy medicine.

"This world still belongs to the Xie family. It's not their turn to be arrogant! A bunch of old people, relying on their old age to sell their old age!" The emperor was really angry.

 "Your Majesty, why do you need to ask for money, so as not to hurt the feelings of the emperor and his ministers?"

"It's better to let others ask for it." Seeing that His Majesty was very angry, the prince hurriedly comforted him.

"Others? Those idiots in the Ministry of Finance will only complain about their poverty to me. They will not collect debts! They are a bunch of losers! What's the use of raising them!"

 The Minister of Household Affairs lowered his head silently.

 I feel aggrieved. Your Majesty doesn't even dare. How dare he?

The prince glanced at Lu Chaochao. The little guy was swinging his feet on the chair and was eating happily.

Well, he has a bold idea.

 "Father, my son has a plan."

"Since he relies on his old age and is unreasonable, let's also send someone who is unreasonable." The prince pursed his lips lightly, with a smile in his eyes.

 The prince pursed his lips towards Lu Chaochao.

"The child is young and ignorant, and he will not offend anyone if he says or does something wrong."

 "Besides, you have seen the power of Chao Chao." God can summon him.

The emperor looked at her suspiciously, one and a half years old to collect debts? ?

 The prince is crazy?

The prince had an enchanting confidence in Lu Chaochao and carried her to the desk, where she happened to sit on the memorial.

"Chaochao, can you do the prince a favor? If it works, will the prince give you a favor?" Xie Chengxi smiled like a wolf grandma.

 "What's the benefit?" She didn't ask about anything, only the benefit.

"I will give you 10% of the money before I get it back. How about it?"

Lu Chaochao sat up straight in an instant, and then stretched out a fleshy finger.

 After counting ten fingers, he took off his socks again, revealing his soft feet.

 As I kept counting, I always felt something was wrong.

 He hit his head angrily, it's really annoying.

 Damn it, she is returning to her true nature more and more and is assimilated.

"If you ask for one hundred thousand taels, I will give you ten thousand. If you ask for one million taels, I will give you one hundred thousand taels. How about that? Moreover, your mother is not allowed to take this money away!"

"You have made such a great contribution, how about your father giving you a favor?" The prince winked at the emperor.

The emperor's eyes brightened slightly and he said in a deep voice: "If you can really collect your debt, I..."

"How about I accept you as my adopted daughter and give you a jade certificate, a serious princess?"

 He rubbed his hands secretly, hey, I really appreciate his wit.

 The debt has also come back, and Chaochao has become his daughter as she wished.

 Lu Chaochao gave him a disgusted look.

  "It's only if Liangqin agrees." Dad can't admit it blindly, it will hurt if mother hits someone.

 The emperor nodded.

 "That's okay."

 The emperor immediately issued an order, and Lu Chaochao followed the order to collect debts.

The smallest debt collector in history.

 One and a half years old.