
The Whole Dynasty Spoils the Tyrant’s Two-and-a-Half-Year-Old Daughter

Emperor Yongning wanted a daughter, but had eighteen sons in a row instead. So, he went looking for a Divination Master and asked whether or not he was fated to have a daughter in this life. The Divination Master told him, “Your Majesty, you have a daughter. She’s already been born a long time ago.”Emperor Yongning waved his hand and said, “I only have eighteen sons, no daughter.” “No, you have seventeen sons and one daughter.”Emperor Yongning: “That’s impossible!”Until one day, Emperor Yongning saw his eighteenth son, Jun Ning, wearing his hair up in two buns and dressed in a pink skirt, looking like a little girl. He came up to the emperor excitedly. “Father, I’m not a prince! I’m a princess, just like you always wanted!”Emperor Yongning: “...What nonsense is this? You’re my son.”Jun Ning: “No, I’m your daughter.” “Come! We’ll give you a checkup!”After the checkup, Jun Ning turned out to be a girl. Emperor Yongning: “...I…I have a precious daughter!”

Jin Linma · General
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40 Chs

She Must Have Been Seeing Things

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Of course, this was all a story for later.

Jun Yu was still working hard to get Jun Ning to be his study companion.

Although he respected Jun Ning's decision, he would not give up on convincing her.

He begged Jun Ning for a long time, but no matter what, Jun Ning refused to agree. Even though he had promised Jun Ning with his life that he would not let his father cause her any trouble, that he would not let anyone trap her, and that she would not go hungry too, Jun Ning still refused.

In the end, Jun Ning turned down Jun Yu's request, saying that she needed to grow vegetables and could not be distracted. She said that she did not have time to be his study companion. She did not even try to be tactful.

Jun Yu did not get the outcome he wanted. Seeing that there was no hope in continuing to beg, he could only leave feeling depressed.

The two of them seemed to have parted on bad terms, but in Jun Ning and Jun Yu's hearts, neither of them was angry at the other.

The only reason why Jun Yu was unhappy was that he did not have the opportunity to study and play with his boss. He could only come over occasionally to look for Jun Ning. This made him feel a little disappointed.

As soon as he left, Qiong Hua appeared. After watching Jun Yu leave, she said to Jun Ning, "Yiyi, you've made the right choice. I support you."

Jun Ning looked at Qiong Hua and said, "Mother, I thought you wouldn't support me."

Because whether it was an opportunity for her or for Qiong Hua, being offered the role of study companion to the empress's son was a big deal.

Perhaps one day, this role would help them get out of The Cold Palace and they could be done with these bitter and tiring days. If they were lucky, they might even be successful.

However, Jun Ning let go of such a good opportunity so easily.

"You're overthinking." Qiong Hua hugged Jun Ning and said, "It's dangerous outside. How could I risk your safety? As long as you can grow up safely, you'll always be healthy. As for whether you'll be rich or whether you'll become skilled in anything, those things don't matter to me."

Qiong Hua's words were things that all mothers in the world hoped for.

"Mother..." Jun Ning hugged Qiong Hua back and rubbed the back of her head. She sighed and said, "If only Yu's mother felt the same. Then Yu wouldn't have to live such a hard life at such a young age."

"What's wrong? Does the empress not treat him well?" Qiong Hua asked somewhat anxiously. It was hard to tell but there was a bit of worry in her expression.

However, Jun Ning could tell because of her sharp observation skills.

"Mother, you seem to be very worried about Ah Yu?" she wondered, puzzled.

She seemed overly concerned. It did not seem like any ordinary adult's concern for a child, but more like a mother's concern for her son.

At the thought of this, Jun Ning was shocked. How could she think that way?

The seventeenth prince was the empress's son. How could he share any relationship with her mother, a maidservant who was locked up in The Cold Palace?

She must have been seeing things.

"Do I?" Qiong Hua smiled awkwardly and cleverly changed the topic. "The porridge sent by the palace servants today is still fresh and thick. I have heated some up for you. Come with me and we'll have some?"

Jun Ning could tell that Qiong Hua did not want to say more, so she did not pursue the issue. She jumped up and went to have some porridge with Qiong Hua.

The question that Qiong Hua had not answered just now had simply been brushed off.

On Qiong Hua and Jun Ning's side, the mother was kind and the child was filial. They seemed to be living a peaceful life. On the other hand, the seventeenth prince's life was miserable.