

Eric silently sat on the sofa. Eva had gone, and she would never return...

He remembered those days when these three were used to be best friends of the town. He remembered when Hebrew's mother used to love all three of them equally and a bit more to Hebrew.

He remembered how she used to scold Eric when he used to talk about the biased love of Hebrew's mother for Hebrew.

A smile crept on his face. He kept looking into the void, his eyes wet remembering those days. Now nothing seems the same. Hebrew had become more of a secretive person ever since he went to jail and came out.

But why wouldn't he be like that, he thought the same? Hebrew was all alone when he went to jail. Eva had betrayed them and Eric was on the run.

Hebrew bore it all, all insults and all accusations.

"If only I was by his side!" Guilt could be heard in his murmurs.

Thinking about all this, his eyes fell on the slightly ajar door of Hebrew's bedroom like it was inviting him. Eric was just wondering what Hebrew was hiding from him and he didn't realise when he stood up and started approaching the room in actuality.

He opened the door slightly more, getting a proper view of the entire area. He stepped in as he remembered from last night. There were cartoon boxes all over the room scattered on the floor.

He opened one of them only to find it filled with black files, titled as the cases he had solved. He opened another, still the same content.

Feeling he won't find anything in these boxes, he went towards the study table, kept in the corner. He grasped the loosened drawer knob and opened it, exposing it filled with bandages and cotton.

Eric frowned.

"Why would he need so many. He rarely involves in a fight!"


He opened another, and it made him frown even more. There were driving licences, not one, not two, there were three. And there was a lady's purse too. Picking up several driving licences, he read the names, "Martha Stewart....., Abigail... Audrey? Who are they?"

He opened the purse, and it had only a passport-size photo of a woman; he looked at it for a while.

"Not a chick I know..." He concluded.

Finding no clue further, he closed the drawers and opened the cupboard. "You always had just six pairs of clothes..." He chuckled.

Finding nothing much in the closet too, he closed it and turned around when his eyes fell on the dustbin. It was, as usual, filled with tissues with bloodstains, but this time cotton and bandages were also there.

Eric tilted his head and frowned.

"Why you feel so mysterious, Flynn?..."


"Mr Flynn Hebrew!" He gritted his teeth.

"Umm...Mr Stone, there's no time left for more debates, it's best to just arrest Ms Winchester. The way he murdered the victims makes it obvious that the law should hang him to death." Hebrew concluded.

"I' will make sure he will be hung to death," Winchester and Jessica both looked at Robert, utterly confused and terrified.

"But not him! The actual murderer!" He completed.

Winchester gulped, and Jessica once again looked at Hebrew.

Keeping both of him hands in his trouser's pocket Hebrew chuckled, "The way you're trying to defend your friend right now, only if you had been offered money..." He looked at Winchester.

"Wouldn't he have changed the boats?" Winchester looked away.

"Anyway..." He looked back at Robert.

"You will have to arrest him, not today, but tomorrow. Cause truth cannot be hidden forever."

"And by the way...good work on that note beside the dead body!" He sarcastically complimented and patted Winchester's shoulder before walking away.

He walked out, followed by Jessica...

They were now standing outside, waiting for a taxi to be seen.

"Mr Hebrew..."

He glanced at her.

"Go ahead!" He replied, seeing her hesitating over something.

"You...really think Mr Winchester is the murderer? I mean...he-"

"What I think is not something people will believe, Ms Lennon!"

"It is the proves and witnesses!"

His voice was low yet full of anger, his eyes had an unusual coldness in them.

Jessica wondered if solving this case was something Hebrew had intended to do from the start cause he knew who the murderer is?

"Now shall we?" He said and sat inside the taxi again followed by Jessica.

After twenty-five minutes, the taxi stopped in front of the street leading to Hebrew's house.

"Why here?" Jessica looked at Hebrew.

"Because he will be dropping you off at your home, Ms Lennon. I cannot afford your visit now and then."

He stepped out after paying the fare and walked on his way.

Jessica kept looking at the back of this man, he seemed who is opened and yet so secretive. She wondered if had lived always this way, haughty and sarcastic, anguish and mysterious.

She wondered if he ever had a family which he never mentions, or he was an orphan. With all these thoughts, she also wondered if she was after the right person or...they also framed him, just like her father.

"Where you want to head, ma'am?" The driver asked.

"Huh? Oh! Back Church Lane, please." She replied, and the taxi drove away.

Here, Hebrew walked back to his apartment only to find Eric sitting on the sofa.

"Don't tell me you've been sitting there all this time?"

And he shrugged.

"How was your date?"

Hebrew rolled his eyes. "It was not a date!" He claimed.

Eric chuckled, "How would I know what you've been up to when I was away."

Hebrew stopped on his way and looked at his friend. Eric kept looking at him with a smile on his face, a simple, small smile.

"Whatever I've been up to, I can assure dating was not a part of it, at all!" After a moment of silence, Hebrew spoke up.

He made his way towards the kitchen, and Eric walked towards him. Hebrew opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water.

"Don't you think, the temperature of the water is quite low for the season?" Eric was concerned.

Hebrew gulped down half of the bottle without uttering a single word and kept it back in its place.

"Okay...as you wish."

Hebrew walked away and so did Eric, being beside him. "But tell me this, who was that urban lady, came to take you out?"

"Urban lady? Jessica Lennon?" Hebrew narrowed his eyes and Eric nodded vigorously.

"Just a person from work..." He simply answered.

"Just a person? Come on! Flynn. She's so beautiful and you know what?"

Hebrew kept glaring at him for stopping him midway just to talk about Jessica.

"I get this feeling that she is just like Eva. So I wondered if you'll ever-" And he chuckled.

"If she's beautiful and just like Eva and I think she might be a betrayer too." Hebrew simply answered and suddenly got lost in his thoughts.

"What happened?" Eric asked.

"Lennon? I've heard this name before..." Hebrew mumbled.

"What?" Eric questioned.

Dodging him away, Hebrew sprinted towards his room. He opened each cartoon box inside his room and flipped over all the black files in them, until; he found one file named Michael Lennon.

Kneeling he opened it, Eric bent just beside his shoulder.

"Isn't it that case from 1945?" He questioned and Hebrew slightly nodded.

'Personal information:

Client name: Michael Lennon.

Spouse: Dorothy Lennon.

Occupation: Small businessman.

Children: Jessica Lennon.'

And Hebrew smirked while Eric frowned and looked at his friend.

"Flynn she-" He wasn't able to contemplate.

"She is here to avenge someone's death. I wonder how I never noticed her before. I never questioned her actions."

Hebrew stood up, the file still in his hand. Eric also stood up straight.

"What will you do now?" He questioned.

Keeping the file on the desk, Hebrew simply answered, "Just let her do what she wants."

He walked past him while speaking.

"I don't care what others think of me."

"YOU HAVE TO!" Eric yelled, making Hebrew stop.

"You can't always live ignoring everyone.

He chuckled sorrowfully.

"Who knows how much more days are left in my life's calendar."

Jerking him by his shoulder, Eric yelled again, "You have to defend yourself, Hebrew. Jessica seems a pleasant woman. She doesn't know what you are, you-"

"It's true..." Hebrew looked up at Eric, his eyes glistened.

"Actually...no one knows what I am." He barely whispered.

Eric pushed him away. "Flynn, you..." He rubbed his forehead.

"Live a normal life, at least...for once..."


Here Winchester arrived at his home, he looked at his neighbour, who, he never knew, were noticing each step of his. Sighing, he opened the gate and stepped on the path made of pebbles.

Before he could move ahead, his eyes fell on the letter lying away from his feet. Wondering why was it there instead of being there in the letterbox, he frowned.

He picked up the letter, no name or address of the sender. Just 'Simon Winchester' written on the envelope with black ink.

He huffed and walked towards the door of his house. Unlocking it, he turned on the lights and shut the door.

Sitting on his sofa he opened it, the page of the letter was yellowish and creased, as if the page was quite old. Opening the perfectly folded page, he started reading,

'Mr Simon Winchester, I thought before you're hung to death, I should at least write you a letter. Only I know where you were on the days when the murders were committed, but they don't. The detectives think you're the murderer, and that makes me laugh. I hope your last stay at your home goes very peaceful. For everything, you did to the prisoners all this time, and to the other people for your greed, this is my gift to you.

From the person who they called 'The Whitechapel Murderer...'

Thanks For Reading!

Aislinn_Jaspercreators' thoughts