
A Hero's Beginning

As me and Jean arrived at school. I was thinking about starting a company with Peter as my co-founder, so it can benefit me and Peter as superheroes. Even though I have valuable resources from the houses at the temple, I wanted to know what they were capable of before I sold them and the other sacred houses haven't been unlocked yet which means I can't use the vibranium or proto-adamantium. I also wanted Peter's help in starting a company because it would allow me and Peter to create projects together that we could sell to gain their superhero supplies (and maybe a little more character development). I already made an appointment with the fantastic four and Tony Stark so we might be able to gain the unstable molecule technology or the nanobots. Peter probably going to agree knowing that it useful for superhero work. I'm also pretty sure that Jean might know that Peter and Cindy are superheroes too considering that she probably read their minds or thoughts.

At school, Jean and Cindy are discussing something of the utmost importance.

"So, did he confess?" Cindy asked as she wrote down the notes for their last class.

Jean sighed with an ounce of defeat. "No, but I'm pretty sure he was going too when we got to the cafe. The problem was that we were... occupied with how much we needed to study for our exams." Jean blurted without much thought.

"Are you sure that was the problem? That seems highly unlikely. You usually have no problem passing any exam without studying and Shiron is one of the smartest guys in school next to Peter. There's no way that's the issue." Cindy said with suspicion

"Yep, that was totally the issue. No other reason. "Jean quickly said

"Well... that sucks but hey, at least you got some studying time for our exams." Cindy said

"Yeah... So, what about you? Did Peter make any moves yet?" Jean asked

"Yep, Peter kissed me when we were out on a date." Cindy said with happiness

"OMG, spill the details now." Jean said with excitement


I was in class with Peter while studying the molecular structure of different types of metals and alloys. Then suddenly Peter asked one of the most important question of my life.

"Did you ask her out yet?" Peter asked

"No" Shiron whispered

"Ron, you had four months!" Peter said in frustration

"I had too much studying to do. Besides it's not like you asked Cindy out yet." Shiron said in shame

"As a matter of fact I did. While you were studying, I was making moves on Cindy and now she's my girlfriend." Peter answered in the happiest tone possible

"No way. I refuse to believe that you of all people got a girlfriend before me!!!" Shiron shouted in disbelief

'This shouldn't be possible! Peter is supposed to be the quiet nerd. Why is he so god damned smooth.' Shiron wondered in disbelief

"Mister West, if you would like to shout how much of a loser you are, then do so outside." Mr.Trait said in annoyance while trying to teach a class that no one was listening to.

"Sorry Mr.Trait, please go on with your lesson that none of us are going to use. Anyway I have a proposition for you Pete. I want you to be the co-founder of my company and don't worry I have the forms already set up. All you have to do is sign." Shiron proposed

"I would love to be the co-founder of a company and all but how will you convince my aunt that I can do this without interfering with my work at school." Peter wondered

"Don't worry, just let me take care of that part. Besides we both know that you probably memorized and completed all of the assignments before they were even assigned. Your school work is non existent." Shiron said

After school Jean and Cindy went back home while me and Peter walked to his house to talk to Aunt May and Uncle Ben. As we arrived Peter unlocked the door with his house key and went inside followed by me. In the kitchen we saw Aunt May cooking but she stopped when she saw me and Peter.

"Hey Aunt May, Ron is just coming over to hang out and discuss some stuff with us." Peter said

"Sure honey, what did you want to talk about Ron?" Aunt May asked in curiosity

"Well Aunt May I was wondering if you would let Peter be the co-founder of my company that I'm starting too benefit our education on the world and for our studies in school." Shiron said

"Ok, as long as it's for education but Peter has to stay in school. Ben what do you think about this." Aunt May said

Ben, who was in the living room sighed. "As long as Peter gets to stay in school then he is allowed. All I asked is for you to do it the best you can." Uncle Ben said

"Thank you guys so much for letting me do this. I'm going to make you guys proud." Peter said with enthusiasm as he took Shiron to his room to discuss what their going to sell and how they're going to make money.

"Alright I've got a few products ready to sell but first I want to know if you got anything you want to sell first." Shiron said

"To be honest I was already going to make my own company so I made a few products for selling. I have a permanent webbing compound that is very durable and can be used for many uses. It has a very strong resistance to impact forces and can be used as armored clothing to stop bullets." Peter stated professionally with the can of webbing

'This is actually just my organic webbing that I put in a spray can.' Peter thought and realized in laziness

"Impressive, but can it beat this?" Shiron asked as he pulls out a ten inch vial of a white glowing liquid

"Whoa, what is that?" Peter asked in intense curiosity

"This is pure electrical energy that I transformed into a liquid. This vial is enough to power a skyscraper." Shiron said

'All I needed to do was put three percent of my energy into water and it turned white with energy.' Shiron thought in equal laziness

"I called it White Dew." Shiron said proudly

"That's incredible and maybe revolutionary. But minus points for not being a soda. Well I'm ready to sign, just hand me the forms." Peter said

"Alright!" Shiron said happily as he gave him the forms

Peter signed his name instantly.

"Aren't you gonna read it. It could be a contract to sell your life away." Shiron said in a playful manner

"Naw, I have absolute trust in you because you would never do that. It just not your style. Besides, you honestly never done anything to harm or hurt me. Why would you start now?" Peter answered

"Thanks Pete that means a lot to know that you trust me enough too sign this contract. So, let's head out to sell these products to some important buyers." Shiron said

'It's a little reassuring to know that Peter may be a little trustworthy but only time will tell to know if he is someone I can trust too hold my secrets.' Shiron thought

"Right now?" Peter asked in surprise

"Yep, there's no time like the present, right." Shiron said as he and Peter bolted out of the room to the front door

Me and Peter headed to the Baxter Building where we could hopefully sell our products to a good cause. As they arrived me and Peter waited in the building's wait room until someone entered.

Through the door came Sue Storm, also known as Ms.Fantastic. She looked like she was in her mid twenties. She was wearing a lab coat over her fantastic four suit that looked stunning. Me and Peter were shocked for a few seconds before regaining our composure.

"I heard some people wanted us to license a product for them." Susan Storm said

"You heard correct. Hello Susan Storm it's an honor to meet you. My name is Shiron West and this is my friend Peter Parker. Where here to ask if you would give us the chance to present our product to you and your team in the hopes of having you patent our products. And we promise that we won't disappoint."Shiron explained

"Oh, you must be Bell's little brother. Pleased to meet you Mr.West and Mr.Parker. I think the team would be happy to see what your generation of inventors are making these days. Follow me." Susan said as she directed them to the Fantastic Four's lounge

As Me and Peter enter the main headquarters of the fantastic four, they were so amazed by all of the advanced tech and merchandise that we began to pass out. Ben Grimm was relaxing on the couch. Jonny Storm could be seen working on his car in the garage. Reed Richards was working in his lab. They all looked about the same age. Surprisingly Susan is not married to Reed yet but is in a romantic relationship with each other. Hopefully Reed proposes soon because without their children the world would be in some serious trouble. Susan decided that it was time to alert the team of their arrival.

"Guys, we have two new young inventors requesting are attention and one of them is Bell's little brother. Come to the lounge were they will present their products." Susan announced to the team

A few moments later everyone was gathered in the lounge where the fantastic four was waiting to see what these young adults are presenting. Up first was Peter who was eager to talk science with the Reed Richards himself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Peter Parker and I'm here to introduce my product called silk. This compound is a very durable substance, capable of stopping the impact forces of a bullet and can be used as padding for clothing, armor or vehicles. It's also fire proof so you can use it in many emergencies. It is very sticky once you spray it on but hardens once exposed. I also have a chemical solution that can dissolve the compound. Any questions?" Peter asked

"Amazing, I can think of so many military operations that would kill for stuff like that. Mr.Parker, we would love to patent and auction your product, just tell me what percentage of the funds do you want." Reed said

"Wait, before you we get started on the funds you have to see mine first." Shiron said that as he pulled out a different vial of white dew that was ony three inches long.

"This is my product which I call white dew. This small vial is capable of powering a house for at least three months. But in order to prove to you that this can power something as big as a house I need something that uses lots of power to function." Shiron said

"Don't worry, we have a energy drainer right here. Just install the vial into the device." Reed said

I installed the white dew into the energy drainer. The energy drainer activated and started to drain the white dew. The energy drainer stopped draining after five minutes. Me and Peter look at Reed to see if it approaches his expectations. But Reed fell into a state of absolute shock for what felt like 1 minute until he shouts:

"HOLY @#$%!!! This is revolutionary!" Reed shouted

"Reed, language!" Susan said

"Sorry Sue, but this is amazing. I'll admit it, I didn't believe you when you stated it can power a house but I was wrong. I shouldn't have expected less from Bel's brother. There's so many uses and possibilities for this product that it would be a shame if we didn't patent it. Now is that all, because it's time to see what percentage you want of the income." Reed said

"We would give you 50 percent of the gain for each product. And if you would be so generous we ask if you would become business partners with us and give us the unstable molecule technology and formula. Shiron said

"Deal! We would be happy to become business partners with such talented young minds and besides it would be interesting to see what you can do with the unstable molecule technology. As a gift of our partnership we will give you two of your very own lab facility. We'll send you the the location, just lend us your phone number." Reed said

'Hell Yeah I have my own lab now!' Shiron and Peter thought simultaneously

"Wait, are you really Bel's little brother?" Jonny Storm asked in disbelief

"Yep, by the way do you know where she is?" Shiron asked

"Yeah, Bel's on a business trip but she doesn't want you to know where until she comes back. She said it was important that you only find out when she gets back." Susan said

"She talks about you all the time. She really cares about yah kid." Ben Grimm said

"Well, she was always very strange and loving but I think she will be fine. Anyway we have to head out. See yah later." Shiron said

Me and Peter decided to give them our phone number and we were actually able to gain the phone number of the whole team before they left. As me and Peter waited in a taxi that was on its way to stark tower, Peter was overjoyed with how well this was going. But he still needed to do one thing.

"Ron, I just want you to know that my lab is off limits." Peter said

'Even though it won't be in plane sight I don't want him to gain any clues that hint to me being a superhero.' Peter thought

"Whoa, paranoid much but sure. I'll respect your privacy if you respect mine." Shiron said

'He probably doesn't want me to find out about him being spiderman. Please. Your not the only one with secret powers Pete. You should be worried about your aunt may finding out your secret identity.' Shiron thought

"Sure." Peter said

'I wonder what he's hiding that made him decide to be so secretive but it doesn't matter. I already agreed to respect his privacy.' Peter thought

"So where are we going now?" Peter asked

"Were heading to stark tower. I made an appointment with Tony Stark." Shiron said

"You what?!" Peter said

"Yep, oh were here." Shiron said

Me and Peter arrived at stark tower but just as we were about to enter, the ai named Jarvis spoke.

"Hello Mr.West and Mr.Parker. Tony is expecting you." Jarvis said

"OMG, Ron did you hear that. The Tony Stark is expecting us." Peter said

"Yeah, yeah fanboy. Just try not to embarrass yourself." Shiron said

We enter the tower and see Tony Stark working on one of his latest suit. We explain why we are here and present our products.

"Wow, this is really impressive for kids your age. I"ll sponsor it for 50 percent of the funds." Tony said

"Actually we'll give you 75 percent of the funds and in exchange we get that nanobot technology." Shiron proposed

"You know if this technology were to fall into the wrong hands it would be very dangerous."Tony said

"That's why we won't sell this to anyone who might want it. I promise you that it won't come to that."Shiron said

"Ok, deal. As long as you keep your promise I'll give you the nanobot technology."

'Thank Stan Lee. He was becoming way to suspicious. He may do some investigation in the future if I'm not careful.' Shiron thought

"Thank you Mr.Stark. We greatly appreciate it." Peter said

"Please, call me Tony. I hope you are successful with your product." Tony said

Me and Peter left stark tower with the nanobot technology and Tony Stark's phone number. I called up Jean and told her to meet me at the temple. As I arrived Jean could be seen talking to Mr.Chuo.

"So, are you a celestial beast too?" Jean asked

"Yes Jean. I'm the Yellow Dragon of the Center." Mr.Chuo said

"Hey guys. Sorry, I think I heard you wrong Mr.Chuo. Did you just say that you're the Yellow Dragon of the Center?" Shiron asked in disbelief even if he has a super sense of hearing.

"Yes Ron, that I am." Mr.Chuo answered in amusement

"I don't get it Ron. Why is the Yellow Dragon such a big deal to you?" Jean asked

"You don't understand Jean. There are only four celestial beasts which are the White Tiger, Phoenix, Azure Dragon and Black Tortoise. The Yellow Dragon is an exception to that rule as the fifth celestial beast and the physical manifestation of the balance of yin and yang in the universe. He is literally the center of the universe." Shiron answered

"This is true Ron. How did you know?" Mr.Chuo asked

"Well, I'm kinda interested in mythical beasts. I research them when I'm bored. " Shiron said

"Wait, so if you're a celestial beast does that mean you're a mutant too?" Jean asked

"That is correct Jean. It is true that celestial beasts can choose any avatar they want but they usually choose mutants that have powers, personalities, traits and more that are similar to their own. In your case, you're the the physical embodiment of that celestial beasts. Therefore you are the perfect avatar or vessel for it. For example, the White Tiger usually chooses someone with energy or strength based powers. Shiron's mutant abilities consisted of electricity manipulation, chi manipulation and strength manipulation which made him a potential candidate for the White Tiger. When the tiger chose him he was given the white lightning of the tiger and the pure chi of the tiger." Mr.Chuo said

"Wait I thought I only had electricity manipulation? When did I gain strength manipulation?" Shiron asked

"Your strength manipulation is a second mutation that is dormant inside you. You must unlock it first and only then will you be able to use it." Mr.Chuo said

"So what are your mutant powers?" Jean asked

"My mutant abilities are light manipulation, darkness manipulation and earth manipulation. The Yellow Dragon granted me many other powers including manipulating the forces of yin and yang in complete balance." Mr.Chuo stated

"That must be why you were able to punch Ron on the throat at the speed of light. But if you're capable of so much power, why didn't you use all of it when we were sparing?" Jean asked

"He probably didn't use it because it would've ended the fight instantly. The forces of yin and yang combine to form a greater whole with almighty effects such as creating anything or all things. Dark and light, low and high, cold and hot, water and fire, earth and air are all thought of as manifestations of yin and yang. If he were to fight us with his full power then it would be over before we could blink. Is that right Mr.Chuo?" Shiron said  

"You are correct Ron. The moment I unleashed my full power, you wouldn't even realize the fight was over. But that doesn't mean you won't be able to surpass me in the future. If you train long and hard enough, you two will be able to surpass me by light years. But for now, I can still kick your @$$ by eons. Anyway, you two must be attending your super hero work. I will dismiss myself now. You will find me in the Yellow Dragon chambers or what you might call the bedroom." Mr.Chuo said as he disappeared in a flash of yellow light

"Well, now that I have the means to make the suits, I should begin. Jean, you can head home now if you want." Shiron said

"Oh no you don't. Like I said yesterday, hand over the supplies." Jean said

"Fine, but do you even know how to make the suit. Your gonna have to make nanobots out of the material and fuse them with the unstable molecule technology. Jean, you're smart but you're not that smart." Shiron said

"Whanna bet?" Jean asked

"What?" Shiron asked

"Whoever's suit looks and functions better than the other wins the right to ask the loser to do or say whatever they want." Jean proposed

"Sure, but this is going to be an easy win." Shiron answered

'Hell Yeah! Once I win she has to do what ever I want. There's no way I can lose. To create this suit you must have the perfect set of skills to make it. Thanks to my metal manipulation abilities I can mold this suit like I'm molding clay. This bet is my &^%#$!' Shiron thought

I gave Jean the unstable molecule and nanobot tech. Jean went back to the House of Phoenix to work on her suit while I headed to the House of the White Tiger.

Five hours later:

Me and Jean arrived at the main temple where Mr.Chuo was waiting. We stood there for what felt like minutes until I spoke.

"I think it's time to suit up." Shiron said

"Are you sure you want to do that." Jean said

"Yeah, I think I'm ready to win." Shiron said

"What ever you say sparky. Mr.Chuo will be our referee." Jean said

"That's fine with me." Shiron answered

"Ok, when I say start you both must suit up. Ready, Start!" Mr.Chuo shouted

Instantly nanobots covered our bodies and showed our suits. I had a white suit and mask with glowing blue eye lenses and black claw marks on the sides of the suit with a blue eyed white tiger insignia in the middle of the chest or torso(looks like Hector Ayala suit but less buff, no cat ears and a blue eyed white tiger insignia instead of jade. Or a male version of Ava Ayala's suit. It has the same body type as spiderman). Since it is made up of nanobots the entire suit is kept inside my body. The neurokinetic user-controlled morphologic nanoparticle bundles that form the suit reside in my body. It can be commanded to turn into any type of structure upon my skin. The nano-machines can turn into clothes, weapons, other suits, or even different beings completely, by having the nano-machines change their properties into whatever I want them to be. It can also dissociate to transform into the White Tiger suit whenever I wish. The suit is powered by the pure electricity and energy that my body emits 24/7. Because the suit has unstable molecules it was able to mimic my physical properties which allows me to use my white lightning without frying the suit. I've even added an AI in it that I named Tigris. He's capable of hacking in some of the most secure digital places. The material is consisted of yin and yang alloy which helps me regulate my spiritual and physical energies like chi.

"Hmmm. Good suit design. Very advanced technological concepts and spiritual and physical energy balance from the use of the yin and yang alloy. Final result 7/10." Mr.Chuo examined

"Why's it 7/10? It should at least be a 9/10." Shiron said

"Points deducted for no mystical or magical means installed in the suit." Mr.Chuo said

"Das some bullsh-" Shiron starts but gets cut off by Mr.Chuo

"Moving on." Mr.Chuo said

Jean's suit is a red and gold suit with a phoenix on the front and a gold mask with green eye lenses(The suit from Phoenix Resurrection comic but with a gold mask). The suit definitely complements her curves in all the right places. Wow, she might be the sexiest being in the universe. She has the the same unstable molecule and nanobot technology but the material is gold uru which looks like it's enchanted.

"When I was making my suit I went to Mr.Chuo and asked if he could help me with it. That when he told me about gold uru and how you can strengthen it with magic and enchantments. He told me he was a onmyoji which was a practitioner of onmyōdō magic(translates to: The Way of Yin and Yang). He enchanted the suit with many talismans that are inscribed on it which I can use to manipulate the forces of yin and yang which regulates my spiritual and physical energies. Not to mention my AI named Firefly." Jean said

""Hmmmmmmm. Good suit design. Very advanced technological concepts and spiritual and physical energy balance from the use of talismans and very good use of magic. Final result:" Mr. Chuo said

"I won, right. Please tell me I won." Shiron said with worry

"My apologies Ron, but no. 10/10, Jean wins." Mr.Chuo states

"What! But she had help. That's cheating. How did you even make the suit? It's not like you're some type of talented metallurgist." Shiron said

"Using my telekinetic powers I was able to mold the metal like clay. Who knew!" Jean shouted with joy

'How!!! Did she read my mind? She couldn't have. Metal mind is active right now. And she was able to use telekinesis to need and mold golden uru! That's stuff should be stronger than Thor's hammer. How powerful is her mind." Shiron thought in shock

"Besides I never said I couldn't find help. You just lost to the Phoenix, tiger. Guess you have to do whatever I say now." Jean sang happily

'God dammit. I can't believe I lost the one bet that actually matters. All the things I could've made her do is wasted.' Shiron thought

"Fine, what do you want?" Shiron asked

"Well, I don't have anything in mind yet but I'll let you know when I do. Anyway firefly hacked in one of the nearby police intercoms and found out there's a bank robbery that isn't too far." Jean said

"Lets head out. Bye Mr.Chuo." Shiron said as he white flashed towards the bank robbery

Just as we arrived at the robbery, 9 thugs with guns could be seen threatening the occupants.

"You ready for your first rescue mission." Shiron said

"Of course tiger. Just make sure you don't lag behind." Jean said

"Don't count on it." Shiron said as he entered the bank at top speed

In a burst of electrical energy I white flashed towards the three nearest thugs and knock out each of them with a single punch. Then I shot a blast of white lightning at the three other thugs which sends into the wall. Jean flies in and takes care of the rest with a few telekinetic and psionic energy blasts that knock out the remaining thugs. Afterward we console the occupants and call the cops to arrest the criminals.

"Wow, that was... easy." Jean said

"Yeah, really easy. Lets head home. It's getting late." Shiron said as he white flashed home

After my arrival at home I realized that this was probably our beginning as superheroes.