
Chapter Four: Stella

The room goes pitch black and I scream. An old rag gets pressed against my mouth to muffle my sound as I get picked up off my feet. He holds my arms tight together to reduce my movement. I struggle in the arms of my holder.

"Calm down," they whisper in my ear. "The real fun will begin soon." He starts moving us around in the dark for a while until he places me on a chair. I try to get up and out only to be pushed back down.

A rope quickly gets tied around my ankles and wrists to make me sit still. I feel a cloth put around my eyes and tied in the back. My other four senses are heightened.

I wait.

The scent of burning fills the room before the smell of a candle.

What are they doing?

The sound of a water drop is heard before a burning sensation is placed on my left thigh. I yelp in pain from the shock as another drops on my leg again. Tears well up in my eyes from the heat. I fail to not whimper that shows my weakness.

Another drop of wax falls on my right leg as I struggle in the restraints. I try my best to get up and out of the ropes, but my attempts lead to disappointment.

The wax slowly cools down and hardens on my skin. I wait until there's another drop of wax placed on my bare arm.

Hours go by as I get burned by wax. I feel the wax all over my skin.

The person torturing me steps closer and moves his face to my ear. "This is only the beginning," he whispers. I cry harder.

The ropes around my wrists and ankles loosen and I'm picked back up, being thrown over the mans shoulder. I try to wiggle my way out, but his hold on me is strong.

I'm thrown into another room as I hear them walk away. I sit on the floor as I take off the blindfold they put on me. My instant reaction is to look at my wax covered skin.


White wax covers almost every inch of my skin. How long was I in there? I could make a whole candle with the amount of wax they burned me with. I remember there's a bathroom to the left of me and I stand up and walk in. I hop in the shower and scrub myself with the white cloth they provided to scrub off the wax.

After ten minutes of scrubbing my skin til it's raw, I get out and put on the new set of clothes that were put on the end of my bed.

The lights start to dim as I climb into bed and hide under the covers. The static from the speaker can be heard.

"Goodnight Stella."