
The White Luna

[WARNING; MATURE CONTENT] ‘Is my fate this cursed?' ___     Two years after her father, and twin brother died, Emilia Herbert and her family are left with no choice but to move to town as they could no longer cope with the high cost of living.. On getting there, she discovers that the town was dominated by werewolves, a creature she had grown to despise.. ___      Darien Gretta was a cold hearted Alpha who ruled his town with love and care, yet with fear and trembling.  Every full moon, he'd absent himself, although the celebration would be held the way it is meant to. Everyone wondered why he does that, and why he doesn't bother finding his Luna.  He found out that his Luna was Emilia, a weak, feeble human, and he despised it even more. He didn't want her as a Luna. She was a weak creature, and most especially, she wasn't ‘her'. But what happens when he begins to have a strong urge to protect this feeble creature despite having someone else who he had always longed for?  What would Emilia do when she finds out that she is the Luna to one of the creatures she loathed?  Excerpt…      “Get on my back, you stubborn woman". He growled. I shook my head as I limped away from him.  His anger boiled within him, evident in his expression, and I felt he could explore at any time. Why does his body, and emotions react to everything that concerns me? Why couldn't he just let me be?  ”I'm absolutely fine". I replied, although pain shot through my legs. He stood tall, then stood in front of me, his face hovering over mine. ”What.. what are you.. doing?". I asked, as I bent backwards as his face inched closer..  As I continued to bend, I lost my footing, swaying my arms in the air. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of the fall, but it never came. Instead, I felt a strong grip on my waist, pulling me close. I opened my eyes, looking deep into his deep blue eyes. There was something intriguingly familiar about them, but I brushed the thoughts off.  His lips caressed my nape, as he whispered “Don't you remember this?".

Cessa_Writes · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Emilia's P.O.V

I blinked in surprise. This was a near death experience, but Dawn didn't seem to care about that as she was already out the door and stood with both hands akimbo, staring at the huge tree..

"Let's go back". Cassie shouted. "Its a bad sign".

Although I would have loved to agree with her, I couldn't as I knew Dawn better. Instead, I came and walked to her side, then asked "Is this the only route to where we are going?". I asked and she nodded.

"How do we get this tree out?". She wondered.

Huh? Even if she, my mum — if she was here, Stephen, Cassie, and Ria joined hands together we wouldn't be able to lift it.

Who am I kidding? If the entire town joined hands, we'll only be able to lift a morsel. The tree was huge. Like really huge. This is the type of tree used in making wood — timber.

"I don't think there is anything we can do". I stated. She seemed to agree with me as she slumped her shoulders.

"Then let's go back". Cassie poked her head out the window and said..

"We'll wait here". She said firmly. "We might be lucky enough to see able bodied men.who can help us move it aside". She said and walked back to the car. I couldn't believe my ears.

She was so determined to go, that even though the path was blocked, she was willing to risk waiting here for someone to come. Sheesh!

Who was this person I'm looking at? "Do you want to stand out there?". Dawn asked, as I didn't follow her back into the car.

I walked back slowly, taking in the entire place. One word –creepy. The kind that sends shivers down my spine. Tall trees surrounded the area, and the sounds of crickets wasn't helping either.

"Damn, your battery is low". Cassie groaned, waving the phone at me..

The charger was in my bag. There was no place to charge though. I wondered if there would be electricity there. "Which town are we headed?". I wanted to ask, but when I looked at Dawn, her eyes were closed. Was she sleeping?

I swallowed the question. "ugh". Cassie opened the door and stepped out. "Sis, should we stroll?". I looked at Dawn again. She was indeed asleep, else, she would have probably countered the idea. I shrugged. As creepy as the place may seem, I still wanted to move about and explore for a bit. "But we won't go in too far". I pointed out and she nodded excitedly. We moved to the path by the left, opposite where our car was parked.

As we walked, holding hands, I could have sworn the red marble inside my pendant glistened. It was swift, like a gust wind on a snowy day.

"En..". Cassie wanted to say something, but stopped herself. She was looking ahead.

"What is the matter?". I asked.

"No — nothing". She shook her head as if trying to convince herself too, that it was nothing.

Ignoring this, we walked a little further, but I began to feel uncomfortable. I felt like I was being watched from a very far distance. "Let's go back". I pulled Cassie's arm. She wasn't reluctant, so we both walked out.

Dawn had woken up, and was pacing about worriedly. As soon as she set eyes on us, she kept a straight face as she strode towards us, and I got ready to be scolded.

"Where did you two go without my consent. This isn't your home or a familiar place where you wander. Beside, the log has been moved and we needed to continue our journey. I had to stay put so I won't get lost myself. Get into the car, both of you". She ordered.

With lowered heads, we entered the car. My eyes darted to the logs which has been moved to the side. When Dawn entered, I asked "Who moved them?".

"I don't know. I woke up and saw that it has been moved, and that you too were no where to be seen". She glared at me.

I looked away, and she started the car. Luckily, on the fourth trial, it finally started, and we continued our journey.

The booth and even the top of the car was filled. We carried our furnitures, the ones which were not bad and worn out. The car was really stuffed, and I had to put some bags at the front with me. Luckily, my bag was one of them. I pulled it up, unzipped it and pulled out my cord with hopes that it fit into the phone. I tried it and it did, so I connected it to the car. Who knows if the town had electricity?

My fingers lingered on the pendant for a while. What i saw, was it a fiction of my imagination?Was I hallucinating?

I shook my head. Maybe I was. Maybe it was the fact that I wasn't in a familiar place, and I began to think differently.

What about Cassie. She must have seen something right? Maybe that thing was the cause of the glow? Who knows? I couldn't ask her now. It'll be weird to explain to Dawn, which would only make her worry. I made a mental note to ask her once we got there. I dropped the bag down, and looked around. Bushes still, not even a sight of a house. I wonder when this journey will come to an end. I then remembered that I still didn't know which town we were headed. As I turned to ask Dawn, I noticed how focused she was, and once again, swallowed the question.

With a sigh, I leaned back on my card, shut my eyes and drifted to sleep with the hopes that we'll be there once I open them.