
The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

A man is reborn as a dragon seed during the times when the "Dragons Danced"

Last_Quincy · Book&Literature
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Chapter 42- The Boy from Hull

124 AC

The sixth day of the fourth moon

Addam Pov

"The winner of the Joust is none other than Ser Addam, the greatest knight in the seven kingdoms! He valiantly defeated the White Knight in the final joust!"

"Yes, I did it!" I shouted triumphantly.

But suddenly, I was rudely awakened as a bucket of freezing cold water cascaded over me. I opened my eyes to see Alyn, wearing a mischievous grin.

"Are you well, Ser Addam?" he asked, trying to suppress his laughter.

"I'll have my revenge, brother," I declared, leaping out of bed and giving chase.

"You'll never catch the elusive Sea Snake, Addam!" he taunted, sprinting away.

"Bah! Nothing is impossible for me, Ser Ulf, the youngest and greatest knight in the seven realms!" I proclaimed.

Alyn snatched up the wooden sword Mother had given us and tossed me one, challenging me to a duel.

Our swords clashed in a playful mock battle, filling the room with clattering noises, until suddenly, the door to our house burst open with a resounding thud.

"You two are making an absolute mess of my house! This is the end for the mighty Sea Snake and the White Knight!" declared the intruder.

"I shall never bow down to such injustice!" I proclaimed defiantly.

"After all, there are two of us and only one of you," I added, hoping to intimidate the intruder.

"Well, I believe the Sea Snake has mysteriously disappeared," the intruder said, and in that moment, Alyn seized the opportunity and bolted out the window.

"You traitor!" I shrieked, left alone to face the intruder.

After a brief struggle, I found myself pinned to the floor, pleading for mercy.

"You win, you cunning woman of tricks," I conceded.

"How dare you call your mother that, Addam," the intruder scolded.

"No, Mother, I thought we were merely playing a game," I stammered, my eyes wide with fear as her gaze bore into mine.

"Well, since you seem to have forgotten your manners, I shall ensure you won't be able to sit comfortably for a month, my boy," she declared with an evil grin.

"No!" I screamed, a solitary tear escaping my eye.

"You will pay for this, Alyn," I vowed silently, nursing my wounded pride.


"Addam, finish the food on your plate," Mother scolded me lightly, her voice filled with maternal concern.

Alyn couldn't help but giggle at the sight of me being reprimanded, earning a playful glare from Mother.

"And you," she said, turning her attention to Alyn, "Remember to never abandon your brother like you did today, even if it was just a game."

A sense of seriousness washed over both of us as we realized the weight of her words.

"Do not worry, Mother. I will never abandon my younger brother," I reassured her, unable to resist adding a playful jab, "even though he's a lousy swordsman!" This elicited a burst of laughter from me.

Alyn, always quick with a witty retort, responded with a mischievous grin, "And I will never abandon my older brother, who is a lousy sailor!"

Mother shook her head, a mix of exasperation and affection in her expression. "What am I to do with you two? Only the Seven know," she sighed, unable to hide a smile.

"Now, listen carefully. I have an important meeting with the merchants from Gulltown, so I expect both of you to lend a hand on the 'Mouse'," she instructed, her olive green eyes piercing into our purple ones.

"Yes, Mother," Alyn replied eagerly, his love for the sea shining through. He longed to explore every corner of the world, just like the legendary Sea Snake.

I let out a sigh, my dreams of becoming a knight momentarily overshadowed by the duties I had aboard the ship. However, my love for the sea was undeniable, even if my aspirations lay on land, in the path of becoming a noble knight like Ser Ulf.

"Take care of yourselves, my darlings," Mother said, planting a gentle kiss on Alyn's forehead before making her way toward me.

"Mother, I'm ten namedays old now, not a child anymore," I grumbled, feigning annoyance.

She chuckled softly, her eyes filled with warmth. "No matter how old you are, you will always be my child," she replied, leaning down to plant a loving kiss on my head.

With that affectionate gesture, she left for her meeting, leaving Alyn and me to embark on our own adventures aboard the "Mouse."


As we approached the majestic shipping cog that our mother owned, I was lost in a whirlwind of thoughts.

"Addam, she will undoubtedly say yes, do not fret," Alyn declared, his voice brimming with unwavering confidence.

"But brother, you know how she disapproves of us venturing to High Tide," I replied, my remorse evident in my tone.

"Imagine the grand tournament that will grace the shores there tomorrow," I mused aloud, picturing the array of noble knights and valiant warriors who would gather to compete.

"They whisper that even the illustrious White Knight shall grace us with his presence," I continued, my mind consumed with the prospect of encountering the legendary figure.

"Gods, all you ever talk about is the White Knight this and the White Knight that. Truly, you are obsessed with him, brother," Alyn remarked, a trace of amusement in his voice.

"Well, you are no different, my dear sibling," I countered playfully.

"Your dreams of sailing the world are the talk of Hull," I teased, knowing his burning desire to explore distant lands.

"Let me clarify, dear brother, I am not obsessed with him; I am inspired. Ser Ulf, who rose to knighthood at the tender age of thirteen, won his first joust, just as I aspire to achieve. Moreover, he hails from humble beginnings, much like us," I explained, the admiration in my voice evident. However, before I could continue, laughter echoed from ahead, interrupting our conversation.

"Did you hear, Marc? The bastard believes he can ascend to become the White Knight!" Anthony, one of our mother's rivals in the trading business, jeered, his disdain dripping from every word.

"What a fool he is, Anthony! The lad doesn't even possess a knight to squire for, yet he dreams of knighthood," Marc scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.

Infuriated by their mockery, Alyn couldn't contain his rage any longer and lunged at Anthony, his fists clenched tightly.

Alas, Alyn's valiant attempt was swiftly met with a powerful blow that sent him crashing to the ground, blood trickling from his nose.

Enraged and fueled by a mixture of protectiveness and sibling loyalty, a fire ignited within me. Without hesitation, I stormed toward Marc, my heart pounding with a newfound courage.

However, the reality of the situation quickly became apparent as I found myself overpowered and overwhelmed by Marc's superior strength. Blow after blow rained upon me, as my valiant attempt to defend my brother only ended in failure.


"I will sever their wretched balls!" Mother seethed with rage. "How dare they lay a hand on my children!" Her voice trembled with fury.

"Oww, it hurts, Mother," Alyn whimpered, wincing as she tenderly wiped away the blood from his nose.

"Why did you foolishly engage in a fight with them, Addam? They are larger and stronger than you! What were you thinking?" Mother scolded, her words laced with concern.

But in the face of her questioning, I remained silent. Doubt gripped my heart, suffocating me with its oppressive weight. "I can never be like him," I thought, my self-doubt echoing within the depths of my mind. "I am just a feeble boy who dreams of the impossible."

"Addam," Mother called, gently shaking me. However, as I looked into her eyes, the words eluded me, and all I could do was surrender to tears.

She embraced me with tenderness, wiping away the tears that cascaded down my cheeks. "Addam, please tell me what happened," she implored, her voice filled with a soft, comforting tone.

"They called us bastards, Mother, and they declared that Addam could never become a knight," my headstrong brother voiced his indignation.

"Is that true, Addam?" Mother's question hung in the air, burdening me with uncertainty. I shook my head, a glimmer of hope flickering within me.

"Do not worry, my brave ones. I will confront them," she vowed, determination etched across her features.

"Now, is there anything I can do to ease your hearts?" she inquired, her voice a soothing balm.

"I want lemon cakes, Mother," Alyn requested, his voice holding a tinge of defiance.

"Alright, Alyn, I shall fetch you some lemon cakes," she acquiesced, her love for her children evident in her actions.

"And what about you, Addam?" Mother's gaze settled upon me, her eyes filled with a mixture of worry and understanding.

"I... I wish to attend the tourney at High Tide tomorrow, Mother," I confessed, the weight of uncertainty tainting my plea. Instantly, her countenance darkened, and a taut silence engulfed us.

"Mother, I implore you, please," I pleaded, my voice strained with desperation.

For agonizing moments, she remained silent, her thoughts shrouded in contemplation. And then, against all odds, she uttered the word I had longed to hear.

"Yes." The single syllable escaped her lips, filled with a mix of apprehension and resignation.

The tension that had gripped the air released its hold, replaced by a fragile glimmer of hope. Yet, even as I celebrated this small victory, the doubts that plagued me still lingered, casting shadows upon my dream of knighthood.

There you have it folks the best boy of the 'Blacks' has made his appearance. Let me know your thoughts on the above chapter.

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