
The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

A man is reborn as a dragon seed during the times when the "Dragons Danced"

Last_Quincy · Book&Literature
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Chapter 33 - Interlude : Lady Misery

122 AC

The third day of the sixth moon

Mysaria POV

As the Hour of the Wolf came to an end, I sat alone in my chamber, sipping on a glass of wine. The rich aroma filled the air, momentarily transporting me from the harsh reality that awaited outside. When I finally mustered the courage to rise, I approached the window and gazed out at the sprawling city below. There was an ethereal beauty to it at night, the shimmering lights casting an enchanting glow upon the streets. Yet, beneath the facade of grandeur, the true nature of the city revealed itself—a dark underbelly teeming with unimaginable horrors.

No, it could never compare to the splendor of Lys. There, beauty was celebrated and cherished, a tapestry of art and elegance. But here, in this wretched place, the beauty served only to mask the suffering and despair that lay hidden in the shadows.

I had witnessed things that would turn the strongest stomach. Innocent children, forced into savage combat while the noble knights turned a blind eye. The King's own son, complicit in the cruelty, would even place wagers on their fate. And the gold cloaks, the very ones entrusted with the protection of the people, would exploit them mercilessly, looting the very souls they were meant to safeguard.

While slavery may not be as overt in this city as it was in Lys, the similarities were striking. Here, everyone was enslaved in some way or another—enslaved to their circumstances, their station in life, their fears and desires. The chains that bound them may not be physical, but they were no less constricting.

I couldn't help but wonder how such a place could exist, how it could thrive amidst such suffering. Was it indifference or a collective blindness that allowed these atrocities to persist? Or was it something deeper, something inherent in the human spirit that allowed us to be both perpetrators and victims?

I had come to this city in search of something, a purpose perhaps, or an escape from the memories that haunted me. But instead, I found myself confronted with a reality far more harrowing than anything I had ever known.

As I stood there, contemplating the depths of despair that surrounded me, a sudden surge of determination coursed through my veins. I would not be a silent witness to this cruelty any longer. I would be a voice for the voiceless, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

With newfound resolve, I stepped away from the window, leaving the mesmerizing lights behind. It was time to face the city, to confront the demons that lurked within its walls. Armed with nothing but my convictions and the fire of righteousness burning within me, I vowed to make a difference, no matter how small.

The road ahead would be treacherous, fraught with danger and despair. But I would not falter. I would be a light in the darkness, a glimmer of hope for those who had lost all hope. Together, we would fight for a city that deserved more, a city that deserved to be truly beautiful, both inside and out.

And so, with each step I took, I carried within me the weight of countless lives, the silent cries of those who had been forgotten. Their pain fueled my determination, their suffering ignited the fire within my soul. In this city of shadows, I would be a force of light, a force that could not be extinguished.

And as I walked through the streets, my footsteps echoing against the cobblestones, I carried with me the hope of a better tomorrow, a tomorrow where the true beauty of the city would shine through, banishing the darkness once and for all.

As I stood at the precipice of change, ready to take on the daunting task of bringing light to this dark city, an unexpected realization dawned upon me. Sometimes, in order to combat darkness, one must forge unlikely alliances. And so, with a resolute heart, I made my way inside one of the many brothels that I secretly owned, where the devil himself had returned after a long sabbatical—the rogue prince, the King's own brother.

The brothel, a den of debauchery and temptation, stood as a testament to the depths to which this city had fallen. It was a place where desires were bought and sold, where innocence was shattered and souls were tarnished. And yet, within its tainted walls, there was a glimmer of opportunity, a chance to wield the darkness for the greater good.

The rogue prince, a figure of infamy and whispered tales, had a power and influence that stretched far beyond the reaches of the city. He was a man with his own demons, his own sins, and I knew that appealing to his darker nature could be the key to unlocking the change this city so desperately needed.

With cautious steps, I ventured deeper into the brothel, the scent of perfume and smoke hanging heavy in the air. The sound of revelry filled my ears, mingling with the hushed whispers of secret desires. I navigated the maze of dimly lit corridors, passing by closed doors concealing acts of pleasure and pain.

Finally, I reached a private chamber, where the rogue prince awaited. He sat upon a plush chair, his gaze piercing and intense. His features bore the weight of his tumultuous past, marked by a lifetime of indulgence and transgressions. Yet, in those eyes, I saw a flicker of curiosity, a spark of potential redemption.

"Daemon," I uttered his name, my voice laced with a coldness that mirrored the bitterness within my heart.

"Mysaria," he responded, a smile dancing upon his lips, but I could discern the falsehood behind his eyes. It was a smile that held no genuine warmth, a smile that concealed the darkness that lurked within him.

"You graced my establishment a few days ago," I stated, my voice steady but tinged with an undercurrent of pain and longing. Memories of our past danced in my mind, intertwining with the present, reminding me of the love we had once shared.

He chuckled softly, his laughter devoid of any true mirth. "Oh, my dear Mysaria, I merely wanted to catch a glimpse of you, to relive the memories we once cherished."

I regarded him with a mix of caution and disbelief. "Is that so, Daemon? Or perhaps there is another reason for your sudden interest in the places where shadows and desire collide? Are you seeking solace, or merely indulging in your insatiable appetites?"

His smile faltered for a moment, the mask slipping just slightly. But he quickly regained his composure, his eyes glinting with a dangerous resolve. "Lady Misery, you always were perceptive. But let me assure you, my intentions extend beyond mere pleasure-seeking. There is something larger at play here."

I narrowed my eyes, studying his face for any hint of sincerity. "And what, pray tell, is this grand purpose that drives you to tread these treacherous paths?"

Daemon's smile returned, but this time it held a touch of darkness. "Power, Mysaria. Power is what I seek. In these hidden realms, I have found a network of influence and secrets that can sway the course of kingdoms."

His words sent a chill down my spine, a stark reminder of the ruthless ambition that had always lurked beneath his charming facade. I had loved him once, but that love had been consumed by the ever-growing shadow that consumed his soul.

"And what of me, Daemon?" I asked, my voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and defiance. "Am I merely a pawn in your grand game? Or do you still hold a flicker of affection for the woman I once was?"

His gaze softened momentarily, a hint of regret flickering in his eyes. "Mysaria, you were never a pawn. You were my equal, my partner. But circumstances have changed, and we find ourselves on different paths. I have made choices that I cannot undo."

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, the pain of his words cutting through me like a dagger. "So, this is it then? We stand on opposite sides, driven by our own desires and ambitions?"

Daemon's smile faded, replaced by a stoic expression. "It seems that way, doesn't it? But I want you to understand, Mysaria, that despite everything, I still care for you. I have always cared for you."

A mix of anger and sadness welled up within me. "Care? Is that what you call it, Daemon? Care is not abandoning those you claim to love. Care is not betraying their trust for the pursuit of power."

He reached out a hand, an attempt to bridge the gap between us. "Mysaria, please understand—"

But I pulled away, refusing to be ensnared once again by his silver-tongued promises. "Save your words, Daemon. Actions speak louder than empty declarations."

The words I had spoken to Daemon hung heavy in the air, laden with the pain and anguish that had plagued me for years. I looked at him, searching for any flicker of remorse or understanding. And to my surprise, I saw genuine sadness etched upon his face, his eyes reflecting the weight of his past mistakes.

"Where was this care when you sent me away all those years ago?" I demanded, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and sorrow. "We lost a child on that ill-fated voyage, Daemon. All because of your cowardice, your inability to face the responsibilities of fatherhood."

He bowed his head, the weight of his guilt evident in his posture. "Mysaria, I am truly sorry," he murmured, his voice laced with remorse. "I was young and foolish, blinded by my own desires and the fear that gripped my heart. The loss of our child nearly drove me to madness, to the brink of killing my own brother in a misguided attempt to assuage my pain."

My anger wavered for a moment as I listened to his confession. The memories of that devastating voyage flooded back, the feeling of helplessness and grief that had consumed me. I remembered the darkness that had settled over our relationship, poisoning the love we had once shared.

"And so, in a desperate attempt to drown my sorrows, I sought solace in drink and the embrace of other women," Daemon continued, his voice laden with remorse. "I even embarked on reckless invasions of the Stepstones, hoping to find an escape from the overwhelming weight of my own mistakes. But no matter how far I ran, I could never escape the haunting truth of what I had done."

His words resonated within me, stirring a complex mix of emotions. I had known his vices, had witnessed his descent into self-destruction. But hearing him admit the depth of his regret, the acknowledgement of the pain he had caused, sparked a flicker of empathy within my heart.

"I am sorry for betraying you, Mysaria," Daemon confessed, closing the distance between us. His eyes met mine, and in that moment, I saw the vulnerability and sorrow that mirrored my own. "I am sorry for shattering your trust and for the anguish that followed. I wish I could undo the choices I made, but I can only offer you my sincerest apologies."

Silence enveloped us as the weight of his words settled upon us both. Part of me wanted to hold onto my anger, to let the wounds fester in resentment. But another part of me, a part that still carried a glimmer of love for the man before me, longed for healing, for closure.

I reached out a trembling hand, my fingers brushing against his cheek. "Daemon, the pain we shared cannot be erased, nor can it be forgotten," I whispered, my voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and forgiveness. "But perhaps, together, we can find a way to heal the wounds of our past. Perhaps we can salvage what remains of our love and build something stronger."

Tears welled in his eyes as he held my gaze, his hands reaching out to clasp mine. "Mysaria, I would give anything to have a second chance with you, to make amends for the mistakes of my youth," he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity.

"But I cannot," he uttered, his voice filled with a mixture of pain and resignation. "Rhaenyra needs me, and I cannot betray her."

His words struck me with a piercing ache, tearing through the fragile hope that had begun to blossom within my heart. I understood the weight of his responsibility, the duty he held to his wife, Rhaenyra. In that moment, I realized the depth of the sacrifices he had made, the choices he had been forced to confront.

Silence settled between us, heavy and laden with unspoken emotions. I met his gaze, searching for any trace of uncertainty or doubt. But there was none. His resolve remained unyielding, rooted in the loyalty and commitment he had pledged to another.

The pain of his decision was palpable, but within that pain, I found a sliver of understanding. It was a painful truth, one I had known deep down but had desperately tried to ignore—the man I had loved, the man who stood before me, belonged to another. No matter how much I longed for his presence, his affection, I could not ask him to abandon his duty, to forsake the promises he had made.

With a heavy sigh, I nodded, accepting the reality of our circumstances. "I understand, Daemon," I whispered, my voice laced with a mix of sorrow and resignation. "Your loyalty lies with Rhaenyra, and I cannot ask you to betray that."

He reached out, his hand hovering inches away from mine before slowly withdrawing. "Mysaria, please know that it was never my intention to cause you pain," he said, his voice filled with regret. "I wish there was another way, a path where we could be together without causing harm to those we hold dear."

A bittersweet smile touched my lips as I gazed into his eyes. "Sometimes, life presents us with choices that are neither easy nor fair," I replied, my voice tinged with melancholy. "We must embrace the path that aligns with our values and obligations, even if it means sacrificing our own desires."

"So let's discuss the other reason as to why you came," I remarked, my voice laced with curiosity and a hint of caution.

Daemon's eyes met mine, his gaze unwavering. "I need you, Mysaria," he confessed, his voice filled with a mix of desperation and determination. "I need your informants, your network within the city. Their knowledge and insights are invaluable to me."

I feigned innocence, my brows furrowing in feigned confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice tinged with a touch of innocence.

He chuckled softly, seeing through my act. "Oh, please," he replied, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "I know about your informants in the Red Keep. And your establishments have a way of loosening tongues the moment someone steps inside."

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth, my mind relishing in the vast web of information that I had carefully cultivated over the years. "Well, I must admit, my network has its advantages," I confessed, a glint of mischief in my eyes.

"What about the Gold Cloaks?" I inquired. "They may not be directly under your command anymore, but surely you still hold influence over them."

He nodded, acknowledging the truth in my words. "They are useful, no doubt," he replied, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "But not in the way I need them to be. I require someone who can keep me informed about the inner workings of the capital, someone with eyes and ears in the right places."

A smirk played upon Daemon's lips, a mixture of intrigue and amusement. "Luthor Largent is a loyal soldier and a capable commander," he commented. "But he lacks the subtlety and finesse required for the kind of information I seek."

His words hit their mark, and I knew that I held the key to his desires. "It can be arranged," I stated, my voice carrying a hint of mischief. "But, Daemon, it will come at a cost."

He raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and amusement flickering across his face. "I never thought you were in need of money," he replied with a wry grin.

A chuckle escaped my lips, knowing that our dynamic had always been complex and multifaceted. "It's not about the money," I clarified, my gaze meeting his with a sense of determination. "It's about making a difference, about enacting change. Once your wife ascends the throne, I have demands that need to be met."

Curiosity danced in Daemon's eyes as he leaned closer, his attention fully captured. "Very well," he acquiesced, his voice filled with intrigue. "Tell me, Mysaria, what are these demands of yours?"

A fire ignited within me as I revealed my intentions, my voice steady and impassioned. "I want to put an end to the savage use of children in Flea Bottom," I declared, my eyes hardening with resolve. "They are forced to fight and subjected to even worse atrocities. It's an obscenity that is either tolerated or ignored by the crown."

Daemon studied me for a moment, his expression contemplative. "I promise you, Mysaria, I will look into it," he responded, his voice carrying a newfound determination. "No child should suffer such cruelty, and it is my duty to ensure justice prevails."

"But there will come a time," Daemon stated, his voice filled with a mixture of gravity and determination, "when I may ask something of you, something that may test your loyalty and commitment. And in that moment, you will have no choice but to follow my instruction, even if it means making difficult decisions, even if it means taking the life of a child."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of their implications. A chill ran down my spine as I tried to grasp the depth of his request. The greater good, he had said, as if it could justify any action, no matter how morally ambiguous.

I met his gaze, searching for any sign of hesitation or doubt. But his eyes held an unwavering resolve, a conviction in the righteousness of his cause. It was a side of him I had not seen before, a glimpse into the depths of his ambitions.

"And what would this task be?" I asked, my voice steady despite the tumultuous thoughts swirling within me. "What is the greater good that would warrant such a sacrifice?"

Daemon leaned closer, his voice lowered to a whisper. "There are forces at play, Mysaria, forces that threaten the stability and safety of the realm," he explained, his words carrying an urgency I could not ignore. "Sometimes, in order to preserve the greater good, difficult choices must be made. Lives must be weighed against the welfare of many."

My mind raced, grappling with the moral quandary before me. Could I truly make peace with such a request? Could I justify taking the life of an innocent child, even for the sake of a greater cause? The answer eluded me, buried within the depths of my conscience.

"I understand the complexity of the world we live in," I replied, my voice measured and cautious. "But I cannot make such a decision lightly. The life of a child, any life, holds inherent value. It is not a choice to be taken lightly."

Daemon's gaze softened, a glimmer of empathy flickering in his eyes. "Mysaria, I do not ask this of you lightly," he assured, his voice filled with a mixture of sorrow and understanding. "But there may come a time when the balance of power, the fate of the realm, rests on a knife's edge. In those moments, we must be prepared to make sacrifices for the greater good."

"It seems I have to leave now, Mysaria," Daemon announced, his voice tinged with a hint of regret.

"Wait," I interjected, my tone firm. "You still owe me."

Daemon's brow furrowed in confusion as he turned to face me, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Owe you?" he repeated, seeking clarification.

I met his gaze, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Your former squire caused me some losses," I explained, my voice carrying a touch of mischief.

A flicker of recognition crossed Daemon's face as he recalled the incident. "You must be joking," he replied, a mix of disbelief and amusement lacing his words. "It was I who lost the gold dragons. I paid for him, and he didn't even fulfill the task that I asked of him. Any other person would have been overjoyed at the gift I gave him."

A chuckle escaped my lips as I clarified, "True, he may not have fulfilled his obligations, but he did manage to slip them a few extra coins to aid in their escape."

Daemon's expression transformed from confusion to stunned surprise, followed by a hearty burst of laughter. "He truly is a noble lad," he mused, shaking his head in amusement.

"I wonder how you were unable to corrupt him, Daemon", I said with a slight smile on my face.

A playful glint danced in my eyes as I bantered with my former lover. "That, I must admit, remains a mystery," he replied, a hint of mock disappointment in his voice.

"Don't worry," he assured me, his voice sincere. "I will make it up to you."

"I know", I said softly.

As Daemon turned to leave, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with a hint of uncertainty. The enigmatic Rogue Prince had re-entered my life, and with his return came the promise of intrigue, danger, and the allure of a world that existed beyond the shadows.

And so, as I watched him depart, I prepared myself for the next chapter of our intertwined destinies, bracing for the challenges and rewards that lay ahead, ready to navigate the intricate dance that defined our connection.

There you have it folks Lady Misery has entered the chat while the Rogue prince shows us why he is such a great giga chad. Hope you like the chapter.

Lots of love

- Lastquincy2004

p.s do comment your thoughts on the chapter.

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