122 AC
The twenty-fifth day of the fifth moon
Ulf Pov
The greatsword came crashing down and I quickly retreated backward.
"Stop running away like a maiden", came the booming voice of Hugh.
I threw away the helm at him as it was obstructing my vision.
"I cannot parry that greatsword you auroch", I reply in haste as he swings it again.
"Fight like a man and not like a fucking woman", said the master at arms who would be termed as sexist If we were in the 21st century.
Gritting my teeth I rushed in as Hughs's sword went over my head and with a quick motion I brought my sword hard on his knee.
But the six and a half feet giant felt nothing. I wondered whether this is how Rhaegar felt when he fought the 'Demon' on the trident.
Before I could dodge he kicked me on my chest and I flew toward the ground at breakneck speed.
It felt as If all the air from my body had gone out. While I was on the ground I could hear Ser Alfred blasting Ulf, before coming and helping me to sit up.
"Are you all right, Ulf?", he said with worry evident in his voice.
Wow, I had thought the Seven hells would freeze over before I saw Ser Alfred display some emotion other than anger.
"I will survive Ser Alfred after all I am going to be the greatest Knight in the seven kingdoms", I said with a shit-eating grin on my face.
"Oii that will be me", came the booming voice of Hugh as he offered me his hand.
"Sure you will", I said before muttering how It would be possible after I am dead.
Before he could reply the stern voice of Ser Alfred cut through the air.
We both became quiet as now It became apparent how he would tell us that we are the most worthless warriors that he has ever trained. He was akin to a drill sergeant who would make even the most experienced man start calling out for his mother.
"First of all you brat could you please tell me why the fuck are you using your left hand instead of your right".
Yes, I was practicing using my left hand as well as my right in order to make sure that I would not be useless if someone were to cut off my right.
Always be prepared for the worst.
I remained quiet as that was a rhetorical question and I was pretty sure that he would be pissed off if I gave him an explanation.
Seeing that I was not going to say anything he continued speaking.
"The last time that I had seen a person trying to do something stupid like you was one of the Prince's. Guess what happened? The Myrish put a fucking arrow through his throat."
The realization flashed through my mind that he was talking about Prince Aemon. By the gods, Alfred looked more pissed off talking about him. I smiled a little thinking about whether Prince Aemon fucked Alfred's mother or something.
"And you", he said pointing towards Hugh.
"Start using your fucking brains If the Seven even gave you any".
I nearly burst out laughing but I controlled it.
"Do not put to much power in your swings otherwise it would leave you open. If this shithead was using a fucking sword then your right knee would have gone and you would be dead you understand?", he said.
Looking toward Hugh I could see him nodding his head as If he was going to follow what Alfred had said. The fucker was going to the same thing and we both knew it.
"Do you know If there will be a war then you two fuckers would be the first ones to die, you know that right?"
Hearing him Hugh opened his mouth to say one of the best jokes that I had ever heard.
"You worry for no reason, Ser Alfred. There will be no war as King Viserys is a good king. I know that Princess Rhaenyra would be a much better Queen and will not plunge the realm into war".
Seeing Ser Alfred's expression was priceless. It seemed that he wanted to pull his gray hair off and start laughing at the same time. I guess It was time to teach Hugh some politics.
"Go and check on the princes", he said as he dismissed us.
We went towards the other side where the princes were busy sparring with each other.
Jacaerys was using a wooden sword while Lucerys was using a wooden hammer.
"Go on the attack Jace", I shouted out.
Hearing me he attacked Lucerys who was being pushed behind by his brother's attacks.
"Swing your hammer Prince Lucerys", Hugh bellowed.
Hearing him Lucerys swung his hammer which made Jace back away.
"Now Jace", I shouted out.
Hearing my command Jace remembered our lesson as In a quick strike struck his brother on his arm which made the kid drop his hammer.
"I did it Ulf", shouted the kid while I went and ruffled his hair whereas Hugh went and consoled Lucerys.
Seeing the smile on Jacaerys face made me remember how sullen he had become after we had returned from Driftmark. Ser Harwin was sent away by the king's command while his father the Hand went with his son to drop him at Harrenhall but sadly they both passed away due to a fire.
The Curse of Harrenhall they called it but I knew better.
"Ulf Prince Daemon is asking for you in his quarters", Gerardys said.
"My prince's It is time for your lessons as well", he said looking towards the princes who seemed not at all impressed by it.
"Hugh and I missed your presence in the training yard Ser Erryk", I said to the friendly kingsguard.
"I bet the ground missed your arse too since I wasn't there to put you down", he said while laughing.
The fucker had some good comeback lines.
"You may let him in Ser Erryk", came the voice of princess Rhaenyra.
Hearing the princess Erryk opened the door and I went inside.
It seemed that the Princess had finished feeding Prince Viserys who was busy gurgling in her arms.
Yup Daemon fucked his niece which resulted in him becoming a father as well as a granduncle. While Rhaenyra became a mother as well as a cousin to her own child. The family relations were well and truly fucked up.
"I heard you got your arse kicked by Hugh", said Daemon with a smirk on his face.
It seemed that the expression on my face conveyed the emotions.
"The maids told us", he said while snickering.
Ohh yes, the fucking maids. I had forgotten to mention that ever since puberty hit me the women in the damn castle had realized that I was not a kid anymore.
At the age of thirteen, I was around five feet and ten inches. My pale white hair reached my shoulders and my eyes made the women blush whenever I looked at them.
To be honest I was not much of a looker in my past life but the gods had blessed me. I was handsome and the daily training had really helped my body.
I was broken out of my thought as I saw Aegon slowly get up and take his first steps.
Daemon practically beamed with joy seeing his first son take his first steps.
I saw the young baby walk towards me slowly and after reaching a bit closer he started wobbling and I quickly caught him before he fell down. The baby started giggling happily and I handed him to Daemon who looked the happiest I had ever seen him.
As I looked towards the Daemon and Rhaenyra I realized that they truly were in love with each other. I remember how wroth Daemon was after we had returned back from Driftmark but marrying Rhaenyra had calmed him down a bit despite the King expressing his displeasure with their marriage.
To put further salt in the wound Rhaenyra had named their oldest son Aegon In an apparent slight against her brother.
Aegon had dark purple eyes which looked almost black and silver hair that was so pale that it was almost white. He truly was a cute kid and so was his brother who was born three months back.
Seeing the young child I wondered how much he was going to suffer in the future. He had lost his father, brothers, and dragon in the war before seeing his mother being eaten by Sunfyre. Truly a sad future lay ahead of him.
If you had asked me whom I pitied in the Dance then I would say the children without a doubt in my mind. They were the most innocent and the ones who survived were left to deal with their parent's fucking mess.
"Princess It's the septa", came the voice of Erryk.
"Let her in", said Rhaenyra.
"My Prince and Princess", said the septa while bowing toward them.
"Yes, what is it", asked Rhaenyra in a disinterested tone.
"It is Princess Rhaena, my princess", said the septa.
"What has my daughter done now", asked Daemon.
"My prince she said…. She said"
"yes what did she say", asked Daemon irritated by the stuttering septa.
"She said that the seven could go and fuck themselves", said Baela who appeared right behind the septa.
For a moment there was silence in the room until Daemon started laughing.
The Septa looked flabbergasted and It took Rhaenyra to give Daemon the stare until he stopped laughing.
"She is just a child septa do not worry", said Daemon trying not to laugh.
"This is not the first time that she has done this, my prince, she hates learning the seven-pointed star and is not at all interested in any activities that young ladies are supposed to do", said the septa.
"Do not worry I will talk to her. You may go", he said as the septa went away.
"You have to discipline her Daemon", said Rhaenyra.
While Daemon and Rhaenyra were discussing what to do I looked at Baela who looked sad. Rhaena had cut herself off from everyone and would rarely speak to anyone.
"Your brother took his first steps you know", I said to Baela whose eyes immediately widened and she rushed towards him.
"Ulf, go and find her", said Daemon.
"yes, my prince", I replied before leaving the room in search of the princess.
I made my way to the archery stand where she was busy shooting arrows.
"Princess Rhaena", I said softly.
"go away", she said.
"Princess the septa came and told your father what happened", I said.
"Old hag", she cursed.
"Who taught you these words, princess?", I asked curious to know which fucking idiot had taught a six-year-old to swear.
She did not reply rather was busy shooting the arrows which went way off-course.
"You are putting too much pressure princess", I said as I went and helped her adjust her aim.
"Go away", she said as she pushed me away.
As she turned towards me I realized that she was on the verge of crying. Her hair was in a mess and she was wearing a black eyepatch on her right eye.
"Please talk to me Rhaena", I said in a soft voice.
"She said that no man would ever marry me because of the scar", she said as she removed the eyepatch.
I became furious, the nerve of that bitch to say something like this to a kid.
"Father hates me and so does everyone else", she said as she started to sob.
"All of them look at me as If I'm a monster".
I looked at the scar on her face which started right from above her right eyebrow and reached to her nose.
"Nobody did anything to him, father let him go and nothing happened", she scream at me.
"You did nothing", she said in a defeated tone.
I slowly walked towards her and bent down while pulling her into my embrace.
"I am sorry Rhae", I said as I hugged her.
"Go away", she shouted.
I put my arms on her shoulder before looking straight into her eyes.
"No matter what anyone else says you will be the most beautiful person in the world for me", I said.
Hearing my words she started crying loudly and gave me a tight hug.
As I consoled her I realized how much she had to go through because of me.
In a world like Westeros looks were everything for women and no matter what I said others would always judge her as a scarred woman in the future.
But no matter what I would be there for her, I would be her Knight in armor, her White Knight.
As I entered the prince and princess quarters I realized that they were in deep discussion.
As they saw me enter Prince Daemon stood up and passed me a letter.
The letter stated Daemon and Rhaenyra were invited to the wedding of Aegon and Helaena and that they were to be present there along with their children.
"Pack your bags Ulf your time to become a knight has come", said Daemon with a grin on his face.