
The White Garden

Heed the dead, follow up the past, and the souls of the people would again grow great. But, what is courtesy to a man without love? Rules grants a responsibility upon the soul of a man, a purpose to live up to the expectations of his maker. A sinner would one be if one walks the wrong path, a sinner is a dead flower and a dead flower belongs to a black garden, a garden of emptiness and loneliness. Fated enmity was a pain to the protagonist’s ass. His kind had always been at war with the Vampires, creatures of the night that always vied for blood, a liquid tissue that soothed their throats and granted unto them, immortality. That was a trait his kind lacked, they were only considered as strong as their archenemies whenever they had an advantage in numbers. Fate had always proven to be a provider of an oddity. Amongst thousands of Werwolves, he was but the only odd one which might have been due to his origin. Envious was his kind of him for he possessed immortality but they could do nothing to him since he was their sire, an entity that had lived as long as the oldest Vampires. He had never participated in the war between the two races for he was a hater of battles and lover of peace. The peace ended when a mortal appeared in the plot. Loved was she by the resident of the white garden but hunted was she by the resident’s enemies. Her blood was proven to be useful to them but how could the protagonist let his hope be hurt by fate? The mortal was the only redemption he had left, for the sins he had committed. So, he yearned for a white garden, one filled with endless peace.

Michael_Millan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

The Lost Souls

(•Silvia Argent•)

Just as the new stranger within my life faded away from my sight like the rest of his kind, I hurried towards my car and drove myself back to my house. I locked myself up within my silent room and ignored every call that streamed into my phone. A lot of thoughts were bugging my brain and exhausted was I by them so I had no choice but to drift off to the land of unconsciousness.

A dark forest was it that I appeared within, the moon gazed at me and terrified was I by the scenery, bones of varying sizes were scattered all over the solid ground on which laid burnt leaves. Many meters away from my position stood the white haired stranger, Michael Morien. He was as dazzling as the moon was, he gazed at my eyes and words escaped his mouth but in an eccentric tone. `Mate, do not stray too far away from me. I won't force you into submission but I would let no other man claim you for you're mine.'

When I did escape the nightmare due to the fact that I was jolted awake by his words, I looked around in search for any change within the room. Realizing that the nap lasted for hours and night had already fallen, I arose from the bed and hurried towards my car. `Lost Souls' was a few blocks away from my house so I made a quick travel with no hesitation and very soon I was standing before the duo bodyguards of the bar.

I hesitated not and walked past them to the embrace of a dancing crowd. I had no choice but to walk through them and a lot of scents assaulted my innocent nostrils. I cared not about them as I walked towards a lone figure that sat far away from the crowd, I already knew he was the one I was here for, the Aaron Eratul. I hurried towards his position and when I was some distance away from him, he whispered without looking at his visitor but to my surprise, I heard the very silent words. `Welcome, friend.'

I sat my butt on the chair and what separated our bodies was a huge sandalwood table, he spoke whilst his gaze was focused on the table on which sat a dozen cups of wine. `Go on with your questions.' I remained unsettled by the mysterious behaviors of the strangers I encountered during the span of few days. `Are you also one of them?' That was the first question I hurled at him.

`No, I'm nothing like those creatures. My existence here on Earth is to get rid of em off her face. I'm an immortal warlock and my job is to hunt the bad guys.' I was satisfied by his quick answer. `Who's Navori and who are the Fetchers?' A question I couldn't forget to ask was hurled straight at him and that earned his gaze finally shifting towards me. `Navori was the son of nature, the first Fetcher rumored to ever exist which is untrue. The truth about him is that he was but an apprentice of my master, the Patriarch of the House Of Bones. He was a favored apprentice of my master, unlike the rest of us and when my master did find a way of making all of his apprentices incapable of dying just as he couldn't die, we were all glad. But, nature is very well known to have loopholes. We would be immortals, beings incapable of dying, but we would lose every contact we did have with magic, our body will grow enhanced but we would possess no magic, that was the effect of the magic spell.'

I really was focused on his words as he spoke, I was curious about something so I put forward a question. `So, that means you were once a Fetcher. What happened to Navori, then? I don't think that's where the tale ended.' He smiled and picked up a cup of wine. `Navori refused to lose every connection he had with magic for he was obsessed with it. He bolted towards our master and tried battling him for he believed our master didn't want us to be as powerful as he was. Our master was an immortal and yet had a strong connection with magic so he did believed that he lied to us. My master put him in his place and banished him away from his territory but that didn't stop Navori from trying be like our master. After few years, we heard he was killed by some creatures, The Trio Travelers. We had no knowledge about how he died but we did know he made some sort of deal with them. But, as I listened to your conversation with the Vampire, it's likely that Navori isn't entirely dead and needs a human body to possess, by performing a forbidden ritual.'

`There's more to this tale that I don't understand, what's my importance in this damned plot?' I had the urge to pick up a cup of wine which I drowned like a thirsty dog. He smiled at me and gave a sharp reply. `I don't know but the plot is sure revolving around you and that makes you an important chess piece.'

`I have one more question that requires an answer. What do you know about Werewolves? Can they influence someone's connection to spirituality cause I did have a dream that wasn't natural earlier today.' I was curious about the dream I had so I questioned him about his knowledge of Werewolves. A frown was it that appeared on his face just as I asked. `Werewolves? I know some stuffs about them but the important one was that there was one that birthed terror back in the old days, when we were still alive. I could say he was one of the reasons I and my other colleagues died, that was four thousand years ago. My master claimed he was his archenemy even before we, his apprentices, were born. What was the dream about?'

I was dumbfounded, Michael said he was a millennium and five centuries old and was the first Werewolf to exist. `Do you remember what his name is?' I really might have not been bothered with my encounter with so many ancient entities but I was damn scared. `His name, it was said by my master that he had no name. Tell me what the dream is about, did you see a Werewolf in it?' I might have drifted far way from Michael but one part of me still liked him so I wanted no trouble for him. `No, it's nothing much. Let's not talk about it. As it appears, I'm wanted by Navori and it's no good thing. What do you suggest I do?'

`I offer you shelter, come stay with us in my clave till we've found a way of erasing these vile creatures. You would learn more about these vile creatures and would also know how to defend yourselves from them. That's my suggestion and I advise you nod your head in approval.' He was probably interested in the dream for he looked unsatisfied but that didn't stop him from offering a hand of assistance. No one needed to tell me he was my best bet at avoiding the crisis. I did feel guilty for rejecting Michael but I had no choice but to. To avoid a supernatural crisis, avoid the supernaturals and don't get entangled with the plot for it could as well be one's downfall.