
The White Demon


pleaseignoreme · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

I don't want to be eaten!

Hasais POV

Now I wanted to just ran away. Those beasts were big and by big I mean really big. To our luck they are sleeping right now. Because else we would have been on their menu. And I personally have no intention to be eaten.

Ka-San looks at me with a serious expression on his face.

" Listen here brat. You destroy the stone and I'll fight them if they wake up. Do you understand?"

I looked at him with a serious expression of my own.

" Yes Ka-San I understand."

As we entered the cave we saw the stone it the middle of it. But there was a problem.... A big one. One of the beast curled itself around the platform the stone was laying on. Also another problem.... How am I supposed to destroy this big ass stone?!

We walked slowly to the beast and the platform. I put some chakra on my feet and jumped over the creature and on the platform. I lost my balance but still managed to grab the stone and jump up to Kaori. But instead of landing on the hard surface of the cave I landed on something rough but also soft at the same time.... Hmmm what could it be.

The roar behind me told me what it was. I landed on the beasts tale. Now we are fucked. The monstrous thing looked at us and then roared really loud. Guess what. More of those things crawled out of the tunnels that lead to the cave. As we wanted run out our way was blocked. I looked around not knowing what to do. Suddenly something catched my eyes.

None of the beasts dared to go out. It looked like they were afraid of it. With that I told that to Kaori and he made a plan. Even if it sounded simple it wasn't in this situation. We had to manage to get out of this cave.

With that Ka-San and I started running to the entrance of the cave. The creatures around us started attacking us.

Now it was kill or be killed.

3rd POV

The two lead ninjas fought against the beasts. With every kill they neared the entrance. The older ninja was a fire user so he used fire techniques and his big sword that was on his back while they were traveling. How didn't Hasai notice that? Nobody knows....

Ghem back to the story.

As Hasai almost managed to get out if the cave he was thrown back by a beasts tale. Now the thing was hiwering over him. Looking at the young demon with hungry eyes. Before the creature could kill the young boy it's head had been sliced off. Hasai stood up as fast as possible and ran to the entrance again.

After he finally managed to come out of the bloodstained cave he though he could finally breath free without worries. But the mother nature had other planes since the sun was slowly going down.

Panicking the boy though of a way to destroy the stone. He looked over to his new sensei and more panic washed over him. His sensei could turn into someones meal today. An idea came to his mind. With that he tossed the stone into the air.

Everything happened like in slow motion. Hasai took one of his kattanas and sliced right through the stone. When the two stone pieces hit the ground they exploded. The beasts that were still in the cave disappeared.

The two ninjas sighed in relief.

Hasais POV

Phew that was close. I almost believed I was going to die in there.

" You know brat, you did a really good job back there."

Kaori was panting but this didn't stop him from smiling.

" Well it's because I'm that awesome"

We looked at each other then laughed.


I'm sitting under a three waiting for Kaori to come back. I was just simply enjoying myself. The sound of birds singing and the water in the little lake flowing was really relaxing. I was slowly falling asleep. But I was woken up. I nearly jumped out of my skin as a hand was placed on my shoulder.

" Did you miss u-.. Ow!"

The person didn't get to finish the sentence because I hit them.

" Dai I swear if you scare me like this again then I'm hoing to cut your arm off"

He was now holding his hands in front of his as a defense. Kai was smirking while standing near him. He clearly was amused because I hit his brother. To be honest they're just like me and Itsiku. We love each other but also when one of us gets in trouble or gets hurt we just laugh at first and only then help each other. I wonder how he is doing. Considering he is looking after the kingdom right now.

" Chill Hasai. You know I meant no harm"

I looked at him dumbfounded.

" Ye sure. Whatever. Also guys have you seen Kaori"

Out of nowhere popped Kaori out. Why did he use this jutsu? Is he to lazy to walk?

He was holding some food up to me, completely ignoring the stares Kai and Dai were giving him. As we were eating I decided to ask my best friends some questions.

" So guys.. How was the mission?"

Said idiots turned their heads to me.

" Ah nothing special. Just checking on the academy and killing some intruders. Nothing more nothing less"

Dais carefree voice actually made concerned about my kingdom. What if Itsuki has destroyed it by now and those two were hiding it from me. Hmmmm.... Apparently I was creeping the two out because both of them started yelling at me.

" Stop staring at us with this creepy expression!"

" I totally agree with Kai. If you continue staring at us like that then we will definitely have nightmares!"

I giggled but stopped staring at them with my supposted to be creepy expression.

Ka-San decided that today we could rest up since we were supposed to meet his spy tomorrow. I was still clueless about who the spy was or who they were spying on. Well I guess I just have to find out tommorow.


A/N Well and I guess that you have to find who the soy is tommorow too! He hehe. I wish everyone a nice day or night :)