
The White Boy

He is the normal guy, but it seems that strange things are staying around him. Start from his neighbor, his ex-boyfriend and another things around him. He is just a normal guy that working as a tour guide. But, is it really a normal thing if strange things keep showing up around him?

NoonaBL · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 2

Teddy mingles with the tourists and grabs three bottles of cold drinks, and there is still plenty of time for the tourists for half an hour to take pictures, after which they will take these guys down the mountain to escape the hottest part of the day.

"Take this." Teddy said, handing the cold drink.

Steve took the cold drink that was given by Teddy, "Thank you."

"No need, the view is really nice here." Teddy sighed as he stood next to Steve and stared at the foot of the mountain. "No matter how many times I climb, when I see this sight I can't help but sigh for once."

"This is a natural wonder!" Rino made a deep observation next to him.

After drinking their cold drinks, the three of them watched the scattered tourists to prevent them from going to any dangerous places for the sake of taking pictures, as there were people every year who wandered off on their own and became separated from the group of tourists.

At that moment, Steve turned his head slightly to look up at the sky. At that moment, he seemed to hear the sound of glass breaking, and pieces of shattered ceramic falling to the ground with a loud and clear sound.

The flying birds made sharp sounds, by rushing out of the forest and scattering into the sky. The animals also seemed to be running for their lives, wildly running out of the forest. This sudden change made everyone freeze for a moment, and the air carried a thick sense of turbulence, and each breath was as hot as exhaling fire.

"Teddy! Get the people to safety quickly!" Steve was the first to react.

"Could it be..." Rino's face went pale. As a senior tour guide, he often reads about this phenomenon in books.


Steve and the others quickly directed the people to the side of the road. There was a clearing there and it was very unwise to run down the mountain now. When there are rocks that fall, the consequences will be unimaginable. The tourists didn't know what was going on, but looking at the faces of the three guides, they could tell that it wasn't a good thing. They spread out to the side of the road while Steve and the others kept order and tried to keep the situation from turning into chaos.

"Ouch, it hurts!" Steve looked back. The young girl who had previously secretly taken a photo of him stood up from the ground. Her knee was injured, blood was continuously flowing out. She fumbled frantically, "Help, help!"

"Teddy, you take them and keep going. I'll help the girl." Said Steve.

"I know you should be careful!" Teddy nodded at Steve and then continued to carefully maintain order in the group when Steve turned around and ran back to the girl who was panicking while trying to stand up, but unfortunately she couldn't move at all.

Steve looked at her wound, then took out a bandage and medical alcohol from the bag he had been carrying to stop the bleeding. Time was pressing, so Steve carried the girl directly on his back. He was just getting ready to take the girl away, when, with a *boom* sound, the whole land shook.

The girl let out a shrill scream, and Steve hastily dragged the girl to a completely open place. The earthquake lasted for about ten seconds before the mountain finally calmed down again. The animals also gradually calmed down. Steve let go of the girl, then she stood up to look around.

Luckily, there was no damage at the top of the mountain. Although the pavilion was still intact, the items inside were scattered all over the place, the modestly built shop was half collapsed. The girl sat blankly on the spot, it seemed that she had no reaction.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked in a whisper.

The girl blinked, stared at Steve for a few seconds, then shook her head vigorously, "I'm fine, thank you!"

Steve helped the girl to her feet, then took her to safety in the open. Rino had been observing their direction, and upon seeing Steve's figure, he let out a long, grateful breath. He ran over, with a bit of dust on his face, but his overall appearance was quite lively.

"Thank goodness you're both okay." Rino patted Steve on the shoulder, "Fortunately, this place was not the epicenter of the earthquake, so no one was hurt."

Steve nodded. The girl sitting on his back was also emotionally stable. Just as they were about to go to a safe place to wait to be rescued, a crackling sound was heard. Steve and Rino subconsciously looked up at the sky, only to see a dot which was slowly getting bigger and in the end something crashed into the top of the mountain.

"Hey! That's a person, isn't it?!" Rino shouted.

The person who was hit on the ground was wearing tattered clothes, and his entire body was covered with wounds. He sat down somewhat surprised, then carefully looked around him, and after seeing Steve and the others, he stopped and looked quite confused.

After ten seconds of staring at each other, the man slowly lowered his head, and then Steve and the others heard the sound of sobbing.

The man cried and shouted, "I'm back! I'm finally back!"

Rino looked at him blankly, "What do you mean you're back?"

"I'm more worried about other things than him coming back." Steve looked up at the sky and then at the man who was still crying, "He fell from a high place and hit the top of the mountain, which became a crater."

"I'm surprised he's still alive." Said Steve.

Rino froze, "Yeah, how is he still alive?!"


In October 2030, an earthquake erupted that affected the entire world and lasted just ten seconds.

Soon after, hundreds of thousands of people who had disappeared around the world returned, who had been within the boundless stream of worlds struggling to survive, fighting desperately to stay alive.