
The White Boy

He is the normal guy, but it seems that strange things are staying around him. Start from his neighbor, his ex-boyfriend and another things around him. He is just a normal guy that working as a tour guide. But, is it really a normal thing if strange things keep showing up around him?

NoonaBL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 16

The walls were made of white ceramics with various flower patterns painted on the surface, so when Steve reached the tiles and knocked around them, the tiles sounded exactly the same as when he knocked on a ceramic bowl. Lily faithfully followed behind Steve, didn't speak a word at all. Lily was trying to reduce her presence so that her presence wouldn't disturb Steve.

The sound of knocking on the porcelain could be heard continuously. Lily only felt that these knocking sounds were in her heart. Every time the sound of knocking was heard made her feel nervous and every time she heard it she would jump in surprise.

When the knocking stopped and Steve seemed to have found the right spot, he stopped and started rummaging through his backpack. Lily just stood next to him and gulped nervously.

Lily didn't know when it started, but she felt as though her surroundings were starting to get a little hot.

There was nothing in this strange space, only white tiled porcelain walls and a few messy tables. The whole room was very quiet, the only sound was the sound made by Steve, who was rummaging through his things. Lily got a little goosebumps, and couldn't help herself from pulling her own clothes so that they clung even tighter, but the clothes weren't at all moving.

Lily's body stiffened, she wore a long coat this time, reaching below her knees, but the coat wasn't so heavy that it couldn't be pulled up.

Her coat felt like something was hanging from her jacket, and when she tried to pull it up it would prevent her from pulling it up...

Lily lowered her head in horror, and the next moment she saw something hanging from the corner of her coat, a burning Paper Man. The Paper Man raised its head, looking directly at Lily. Lily could see the Paper Man's large, dark eyes, a scene so similar to something from a horror movie that Lily's head went blank.

She couldn't even scream, just stood there stiffly and stared at the Paper Man.

A little spark along with the Paper Man jumping towards Lily's clothes, there was the smell of something burning in the air. Lily finally reacted and tried to knock the Paper Man down, but the hem of her coat started to burn near Lily's hands and feet. Steve pulled off the girl's jacket and threw the coat away with the Paper Man hanging from the coat.

Lily fell to the ground, she stared blankly at the burning jacket and gave no reaction.

"Turn into fire?" When Steve observed the pile of burning clothes, the Paper Man stepped out of the fire with its body covered in flames, and black pieces kept falling from its charred body.

"Mister Steve!" Lily took two steps back in fear, "What should we do?! That creature is coming, it will turn us both into ceramics!" Lily said hysterically.

Steve pulled Lily up to her feet, "Let's get out of here first!"

Pushing Lily out of the space, Steve felt something heavy on the corner of his coat. A spark instantly ignited Steve's coat, so he immediately threw away his coat along with the Paper Man who was also hanging from his coat.

The lighter that was in his pocket fell out of his pocket and fell onto the tiny Paper Man, the red flame and pitch black color of the tiny Paper Man forming a stark contrast.

'Wait a minute... won't that match explode as soon as it heats up?' Steve thought dumbfounded.

"Run!" Steve reacted quickly.

"Okay!" Lily hurriedly ran, dragging her now ceramic hand. After that, her mind went blank, and she even felt that her whole body was in a situation that was very difficult to express. She could hear voices behind her and she clearly knew what she needed to do, but her mind couldn't control her body. What made her rush to run was her instinct to run away.

Due to stumbling hard, Lily almost fell to the ground again. Her defensive mind instantly returned to her body. She gasped and subconsciously looked back.

The Paper Man was standing where the jacket was burning, holding out its hand towards Steve, speaking in a crackling voice, "Can you help me build a pottery vessel?"

Steve stood before the Paper Man in silence, the distance between the two of them was only a meter.

This picture looks so scary and unusual. A young man with white hair and a Paper Man that was burnt to a scorch, the remains of his black body were continuously falling from its body, when suddenly, with a *bang* sound, an explosion was heard. Steve spread his arms, as if he wanted to grab something, but finally dropped his hands back, then turned and ran towards Lily.

He was too calm... Whether he was facing something that couldn't be explained or he was facing an almost insurmountable dilemma, Lily couldn't understand how he could stay so calm.

Why is Steve not scared? Coming to such a terrifying place with the possibility of turning into a ceramic and not being able to find a way to escape, normal people would definitely feel terrified.

Or is it, for Steve, this is nothing, and all she has to do is trust him and she can get out of here?

At that moment, under a very, very great fear that she felt, Lily placed all her hopes on Steve. In her eyes, Steve was the most powerful person who could save her.

The tiny Paper Man was blown directly on the spot, bits of paper flying all over the place, but Lily noticed that the broken piece of paper was still slightly moving. Whether it was due to fire or explosion, it couldn't annihilate this little Paper Man. This Paper Man was a monster!

After Steve reached her and ran with Lily to another place, he felt somewhat relieved for a moment, "Let's rest for now."