
The White Boy

He is the normal guy, but it seems that strange things are staying around him. Start from his neighbor, his ex-boyfriend and another things around him. He is just a normal guy that working as a tour guide. But, is it really a normal thing if strange things keep showing up around him?

NoonaBL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 13

She puffed her cheeks, her heart felt a little regretful.

Even though he was handsome, there was clearly nothing special about him. He was supposed to be just an ordinary person and now it felt like she only came here just to see a handsome man.

But, to be fair, there are so many people with the same name in this world. How could he find one random person whom her father called 'Steve'?

The bus started walking towards the foot of the mountain, those with equipment now grunting and choking as they followed Teddy for the hike. They were desperate enough to record what they came here for, Rino in the middle of the line, with Steve staying behind to keep someone out of the line.

Even though the sun was out, it was too cold this morning, and the sun didn't give much warmth. Steve sighed with white steam and was followed by the group in front of him, but at that moment, something caught his sight.

Steve went over and picked up a piece of broken ceramic from the withered grass, while in the area there were also more broken tiles scattered about.

No tourist will be idle enough to carry a ceramic pot while climbing a mountain.

"What is it?" Rino waved at Steve from the front of the line.

"There isn't anything." Steve picked up some of the ceramic pieces and threw them into the trash can next to him, "I'll be right there." Steve to Rino.

"Okay," replied Rino, who then led the tourists and continued their ascent.

Steve hastily followed, he was still stepping at the back of the line to prevent anyone from falling behind, while people were talking in low voices, and seemed to be enjoying themselves.

The leaves on the mountains began to fall, leaving the trees bare, so that the higher they climbed the colder they felt. The tourists couldn't help but wrap their clothes tighter and tighter around themselves, but still they could still feel the wind blowing on the mountain, and several people who had prepared masks beforehand hurriedly put on their own masks.

The wind grew stronger and stronger, and even though the sun was shining right on people's faces, the light didn't emit the slightest hint of warmth.

"It's cold, the wind is really strong." Said one of the tourists.

"Didn't the weather forecast say it would be a sunny day today? Why did the weather suddenly turn so cold?" Another tourist said.

"I shouldn't have abandoned my thick jacket just because it felt so heavy!" Complained other tourists.

It was really hard to reach the resting point. When they got there, Steve hastily allowed the tourists to sit and rest, and the three guides stared at the wind outside with serious expressions.

They take the tourists on a hike. Before they set off on a hike, they will fully investigate the weather and the temperature. Facing heavy rain or strong winds will make the climb very dangerous. They would definitely double check the weather before leaving, and it should be sunny and hot today, and although the sky is clear now, but what is wrong with this wind?

"The wind is getting stronger and stronger, do we still want to continue climbing?" Teddy said, looking at Rino.

Rino made a sullen face at the weather in front of him. The special weather detector still shows a clear day and there is no wind in the device's sails.

"Let the tourists rest first, while I contact the company. It will be really difficult to climb in this windy weather, and we are still only at the first resting point. It will get harder the higher we climb. You two stay here and keep an eye on the stuff, and don't let the tourists go out to wonder alone. I'll tell the office." Rino said to Steve and Teddy.

If they chose to bring down the tourists at this time, the tourists who had already signed up for this trip would not get a refund under the rules, which was not a trivial matter, so Rino had to report it to the office.

"No problem!" Teddy gave Rino an OK code.

The wind outside was still getting louder and louder, and Teddy breathed into his clenched hands and rubbed his hands together, but it was still very cold. Teddy and Steve exchanged words to distract themselves from the cold weather, then walked over to drink warm water to warm their bodies, when suddenly, *Ding*, the special attention alert for the official forum that Steve had signed up sounded.

As he took out his phone with his frozen hands, the official forum posted out news that was heavy on the board.

'It has now been proven that after the collapse of the boundless stream of the world, not only the Survivors came out, but the monstrous monsters that lived in the boundless stream of the world have also appeared in the real world.'

'The... monsters of the boundless stream of the world?' Steve thought in disbelief.

"Steve, Teddy, you guys are here." Rino, who had finished calling the office, approached them with his phone in his hand.

Steve walked over, while Teddy was running around with a paper cup with warm water in the other, exhaling white mist, "What's the decision?"

"The office has agreed, we will explain the situation to everyone after this, then hurry down the mountain." Rino handed Teddy the tourist's name list, "Teddy. You'll be doing the attendance later."

Teddy kept nodding "Leave it to me!"

After explaining the situation, most of the people nodded, understanding the situation. Normally, they would have to climb to the top of a mountain with their heavy equipment on their backs, and the wind just now had almost blown them away along with the equipment, so they were quite happy to finish the climb early. Rino was relieved, then he signaled Teddy to start his absence with the list that he had given before.