
The White Boy

He is the normal guy, but it seems that strange things are staying around him. Start from his neighbor, his ex-boyfriend and another things around him. He is just a normal guy that working as a tour guide. But, is it really a normal thing if strange things keep showing up around him?

NoonaBL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 10

They will announce information containing only three S-Ranked Survivors in this country, and other foreign countries will also publish local S-Ranks information on them at the same time.

Steve registered on the forum, but due to too much traffic, he was kicked offline many times. After the real name listing and authentication was finally done, he opened the announcement. The announcement did not allow replies or comments, and the only information it contained was the details of the three S-Rank Survivors.

Milo Miles, God of Light, Rank S Survivor.

Ricky Sorrowful Ghost, Rank S Survivor.

Reinan Dark Night Manipulator, Rank S Survivor.


Did he read the names wrong?

Steve repeatedly read the names on the announcement and finally confirmed that the three people were indeed: Milo, Ricky, and Reinan.

He couldn't help but look at Reinan who was next to him. The teenager who was sitting on the chair watching the news, had a slight expression but looked very focused, not looking at all like an S Rank Survivor.

The original announcement did not allow any replies or comments, but new ones can be made. Steve watched the countless announcements keep updating and finally had one of the most recent announcements, which was at the top, and the number of comments pages soared wildly, instantly updating this year's pageview list.

'Please tell us what these three S-Warranted Survivors look like?'

Steve sifted through similar answers and questions, and finally found an answer with the highest number of likes at the bottom. The owner of this answer is a Rank B Survivor, someone who has already joined the official team and knows a lot more than most people.

In his story, he made ordinary people understand how the existence of the boundless stream of the world existed. The boundless stream of the world was a space that could even be considered as another world, and if they wanted to get out, they had to ascend to the nine layers of that world, and legend had it that there was a way to go to the tenth layer. Every month the premise was that the world was going to force a deadly game, and because the death rate was too high, they were constantly refilling the world with new people in order to meet its quota.

In other words, the longer a person is in that world, the more they experience the game at hand. This time the Survivors rank based on the number of games they have gone through. 1-3 times were Rank D, 3-10 times were Rank C, 10-15 times was Rank B, 15 times or more was Rank A, and as for Rank S, they had survived more than 30 games.

30 death games.

Steve recalled the Survivors he had met so far, no matter if it was Milo, Ricky, and even Reinan, they all even displayed a calm and rational thinking disposition. They do not stay to receive psychological counseling and are complete and, without debate, are normal people. Perhaps this was also because their adaptability was also at Rank S. No matter what the situation was, they remained calm, they had clear analysis and judgment. This was their weapon to survive all the way to the Rank S stage.

Then Steve continued to scroll down, and he quickly read more information about the three S-Rank Survivors.

The God of Light, a godlike figure among the Survivors, once used a loophole in a game to steal the God of Light and directly control all beliefs on the playing field. He was able to completely cancel the playing field and his actions had spread among the Survivors. It is said that the character of this God of Light is good, and he does not kill, only directly sends people to prison. Most would cry and then follow him as a follower.

Then there's the Sorrowful Ghost. The issue about him was extraordinarily terrifying. Some say he tore up the ghosts with his bare hands, some say he ate the gods whole. His madness does not match his stature, which makes him the target of a lot of hatred. Someone once had the privilege of being in the same game as the Sorrowful Ghost. The Survivors concluded that people should never be offended and some of them even had nightmares at night just thinking about the Sorrowful Ghost.

And the last one is Dark Night Manipulator. He is also considered a legend because he is the only one who is still a minor and is among the top-ranked Survivors. He stole the power of the game boss in the second layer, directly penetrated the second layer boss and consumed his dark Yang energy. He can now manipulate dark creatures, such as corpses (Liches). This causes him to be able to skip any game that deals with dark creatures directly.

Steve stopped as he turned his head to look at Reinan. The teenager was still watching the news on television, his black eyes reflecting the image on the television, looking calm and well-behaved.

"Reinan." Steve called the teenager.

Reinan turned to look at Steve, "What?" answered Reinan.

"You can control the ghosts?" asked Steve curiously.

"I could have done that before." Reinan nodded and admitted it. "But after the destruction of the boundless stream of the world, we lost almost everything we got in the boundless stream of the world except for our own power, including those ghosts and monsters. Even if my ability to control ghosts and monsters doesn't disappear, there are no ghosts in the world, so I don't have to do that. So, I kind of lost my power." explained Reinan.

Steve thought for a moment, "Then the truth is, the God of Light has also lost his faith power, hasn't he?" asked Steve to clarify the things that were in his mind.

"That can be confirmed to be true," Reinan replied, "The person in the house next door isn't the God of Light, is he? How could it be him?"