
The Whistling Swordsman

Since the disappearance of my grandfather five years ago, I, Xeonix, have been tasked with finding out what happened to him. I will never stop trying to find the man that killed his own brother; the one who betrayed us all. Living up to the reputation of my family name, I must master ancient sword skills and arts, while attempting making allies along the way. It isn't an easy path I walk but it must be done. For this reason, I will strike back at those that endanger the protection of all I hold dear.

NeoGentrics · Sci-fi
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17 Chs



Welcome back listener to my tail of past events from my perspective and what led me to the present day incident with me passed out.

It's only been a few years since my grandfather disappeared; however, considering what happened to my family in the last year, it's tragic. Since that instance, I defeated Steve, avenged my family's death, and even managed to protect a forest from being burned to the ground along with saving the last remnant of a tribe that lived there.

And yet, I am still no closer to the truth behind my grandfather's disappearance. Now my new ally and I, having left Xaolyn Timber Forest behind, start off on our new journey to Shine Solstice. I don't know what we will find their upon arrival, but we can only hope.

As we continued our journey, the environment around us started to change. It had been about a week since the Fuse Master incident, when we left and continued our journey north towards the Arid Tundra a desert region between the Forest and the volcanic region. The temperature there is said to be unbearable but not unlivable.

Anything can happen there if preparations are not taken carefully. Shane and I were aware of this and prepped meticulously before leaving the forest. However, the trip across was not to be taken likely. If fortune smiles upon us, we may be able to rest at the lost city Vaporium in the mist of the desert.

The city of Vaporium was the legendary city of the sand and water. A city built of a many different kinds of rock and sand alike. This city was nourished by a single strait that spanned the center of the desert called the Turrent Straite. The river flowed from north to west with a very strange nearly sharp curve as it ran west to north; almost like a corner of a perfect square.

The city was said to be built in the midst of that curve to act as a defensive measure. The year of its creation was sometime in the early 3000's, though there isn't enough proof to back this claim. In addition, the city of Vaporium only has one entrance through the west gate for merchants and it's citizens, and towards the northern part of Vaporium lies the cities military bunker. The military bunker, although hidden slightly below, is accessible for emergency access. The city had a very stern yet strong militia. If it still stood today it would have been a great military power. They were known for their druid soldiers and arid marksmen, even though they are famously known for their desert tanks called Lamd Rovers; which are only manufactured in the city of Vaporium, and to this day only a few still exist in unknown locations. It is truly disappointing that this relic of a city, built by the ancient race of Celts, has been lost.

Unfortunately, the city was destroyed by a somewhat unnatural sandstorm during the day of the Aurora Anime Rebirth. When the storm hit, it lasted for an extended period beyond that of any other storm as if it was being controlled by an outside source. It came unannounced without any warning, and lasted over a week. Everyone and everything were instantly buried under mounds of sand and rubble. The walls as well as its military facilities were destroyed. The city was said to be lost. All that remains is a ghost of the once great city. A city in ruins.

Despite this fact, it is said that within the city holds a great secret. An unknown treasure of sorts. In my search for my grandfather, I'm hoping to find a clue here and figure out the secret behind this elusive treasure. Only time will tell.

It was getting late after a long day of traveling. We could see the distant lights of the city and knew it was near.

After what felt like months on camel back, we finally reached the Arid Tundra or rather its border. Not too far off from it was a rather large oasis. It appeared to be booming with business from all lands and locations. We decided we should replenish our supplies and be on our way.

However, doing this might spell disaster for us if we are found out. So, we decided that disguising ourselves, as we each journeyed through the oasis city to gather information and restock supplies, would be the best call.

I gathered a lot of information from the locals. From the people who worked there, and those who traveled through. I learned that the oasis was home to two great tribes. One was a desert tribe, the other was a mountain tribe. Both tribes had a history of fighting each other. However, after much research and talking to both parties involved, they were able to come together and stop their warring ways. Though, it was hard to believe since the tribes are both nomadic and constantly on the move.

There also seemed to be something more to the oasis that I wasn't sure of. The city itself was made entirely of stone and had a very dark feel to it. There were stories of a mysterious creature that roams the desert at night. No one knows what it looks like or where it comes from. Some say it lives in the shadows and that its appearance is only limited to its prey. Others say that it can take many forms to lure in unsuspecting victims. Either way, it doesn't sound good.

One thing was certain: the city was dangerous. I thought about how this place was supposed to be the home of the Druids, but the city reminded me of the old mine shaft I encountered. Just a shadow of a past civilization. But then again, who am I to judge?

All in all, the oasis provided us with much needed supplies and rest. However, the city was not hospitable to outsiders. The people here were a bit hostile due to our clothing and lack of camels.