
The Whistling Swordsman

Since the disappearance of my grandfather five years ago, I, Xeonix, have been tasked with finding out what happened to him. I will never stop trying to find the man that killed his own brother; the one who betrayed us all. Living up to the reputation of my family name, I must master ancient sword skills and arts, while attempting making allies along the way. It isn't an easy path I walk but it must be done. For this reason, I will strike back at those that endanger the protection of all I hold dear.

NeoGentrics · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Marketplace Swordsman

In the Past

We live on the planet Midosa, the second planet in our solar system. Our planet has suffered many wars, but the last war was many years ago. It has been approximately seventeen years since the last Great War on the continent of Picodesh. It was just another ordinary day at home for me, since the alleged death of my grandfather. The supposed truth is that he disappeared during the last Great War.

Besides that, nothing unusual has happened since then. Then again when you're at home in an exasperating neighborhood like me, there is never anything to do. The thought of boredom made me want to scream just to make that somewhat exciting. Most people my age would just go the library or the park. That would be perfect for me if I had a car or better yet a license since the nearest library is a few far away enough to make a bike ride feel like an eternity.

I would like to say that I have friends that could take me, but I would be lying. The only vehicle my family ever had was used by my dad who worked in town. Even still financial difficulties ensued and, as a result, my brothers and I were home-schooled through secondary grades. At least I was close to my family.

My dad worked full-time as a metalsmith repairing broken or worn tools, and my mom stayed at home teaching us. I'm the eldest out of the three. My brothers were still young and couldn't really go far so they often played in the yard or helped our mom in the garden.

Fortunately thanks to them, my days weren't always boring. Handling my brothers is enough for me during the day, but even they could tell you just how boring it really was staying at home all day. My name is Xeonix Novus and my family is well known for being great blacksmiths and swordsmen or at least we were.

I'm a proud graduate of Aero High School, with honors of course. I'm 22 years of age and my birthday is in a few months. At any rate my days are usually like this: wake up in the morning, clean myself up, eat, and then go outside to carve things out of wood to pass the time occasionally selling them for extra money in town. Regardless, even that gets old so now, I'm looking for a job to pass the time.

Unfortunately, my luck finding a job hasn't changed. My family considers laying around doing nothing a complete disgrace which is why I at least try to busy. We also have other rules that we must live by. One of which is fighting without a valid cause isn't allowed. They think that if there is no reason for doing something, then it should be avoided. The fighting without a reason doesn't sit right with me anyways.

I often feel like I'm the only one in my family that's truly out of place no matter what. Morality and honor are two of the biggest things in our family. No matter how hard I try to please them, I always seem to fail. Saying I should be able to do better. Nevertheless, I digress.

I live in a house on the outskirts of the city of Sacar in the Orion lands. The Orion lands are a mass group of mountain ranges on the eastern side of the continent of Picodesh. There is a total of fifteen mountains with a city on the middle one and five outer hills. In sequential order, I live on the last small hill despite not being farmers like our neighbors.

My dad works for an industrial metal-repair company in the city as I said before. The only reason we even live so far from the city is because of my father. He told us he did not want us around irresponsible juveniles that lived in the city. Though I never could fathom how he thought we would ever be like them, I was young and didn't know better. Regardless I still do what my father tells me to do. I think the only reason he doesn't like the city is due to the man that is currently running it.

His name is Mr. Eon Pax. The man is a dirty low life that benefits on others' misfortune, or so I've heard. A lot of rumors go around about the guy. Personally, I think they are a load of hogwash. Then again, the only time I see him is on the news; he is always rallying and parading the troops throughout the city. It makes me wonder who he is preparing to fight or better yet who's at war with him. The only war I know we officially fought was the Congo War, which was a little over 17 years ago when my grandfather disappeared so to speak.

Speaking of my grandfather, I always wanted to be like him. He was an amazing swordsman. I wanted to learn the sword arts as well, but schools cost too much. So, I couldn't really learn it. All I have that is kind of close to a sword was a Cardinal Dagger my grandfather gave me when I was five years old. It's a type of chain blade however due to its age the chain had broken off. Despite this though, the dagger portion was still good and strong. I always took care of it and sharpened it.

Later in the day I decided I would go buy a newspaper and see what is current, but I was too tired so I went to sleep. The next day I told my mom I was heading to the store in town to buy a newspaper, and like most moms, she told me to be careful but after she gave me a shopping list of extra things, she wanted me to buy and bring home.

Knowing mom well, I just said yes and took the list of items she needed. Then I got my bike and rode into town. The dirt roads are often bumpy and narrow depending on when it rained or how hard it rained dirt.

When I finally reached the store, I tied up my bike, and then I saw a newspaper rack. So, I picked up a newspaper then went inside the store to get the rest of the items on my mom's list. As I was getting the last item I bumped into this tall, well-built man in a thick tan coat with black pants. He had twin swords on his back. Of course, you cannot just simply bump into someone like that and not say something. So, I got up, dusted myself off and apologized to the man.

The man just glared at me for a few seconds then said, "It's okay kid, I should have paid attention on where I'm walking. Wait, what's that on your side?" he asked. I quickly glanced at my side and saw my dagger. I replied "OH this? It's my dagger I use to carve things out of wood when I'm bored." "Oh, and why would you do that instead of something more practical? I mean you're not that young, are you?"

"Well, I wanted to be a swordsman one day, but I cannot afford the classes or a weapon and jobs now of days are really hard to find." The guy stares at me for a few seconds. Then said, "Why do you want to be a swordsman?" I told him, "My grandfather was a great swordsman back during the Congo War. Sadly, he died in that war and was never able to teach me. I was only five at the time so too young to learn."

Then the guy said, "Oh, and what's your grandfather's name young lad? "His name was Xeon Clerics." He looked at me surprised as he backed up a bit, then said, "The Xeon Clerics? The legendary Whistling Swordsman? Defender of the helpless and hero of Picodesh?" I replied, "Uh, yes!? Did I say something wrong?"

"Ha-ha, oh no, I was one of his students back when he was a master swordsman teacher. The school was unfortunately destroyed during the war. However, his students are still around teaching those who wish to learn or simply continue practicing what he taught us and perfecting it. That's if they weren't caught and killed back then though. I was quite young at the time, so I didn't see much fighting myself. I did cause quite a stir during my time in the academy," he said with a grin.

"That's cool, I wish the school was still around," I said disappointingly. "Hey, I have an idea, since your grandfather couldn't teach you and I was one of his loyal disciples, how about I teach you? What do you say?" he asked. "That would be great, except I don't have the money to pay you or a weapon," I answered.

He looked at me once more then said, "Since your grandfather was a well-respected man plus a renowned swordsman, I'll teach you for free, but on one condition. That condition being you find or buy your own training blade. You don't need an actual weapon to learn basic sword arts. How about that?" he said back.

I thought about the offer for a minute, then said, "I'm sorry sir, but I can't do that to you; neither can I use my grandfather's fame either. It would be dishonorable of me." He looked at me once again and smiled. "Boy, I don't want to do it because you are his grandson. I want to do it because I promised him, that I would not let his teachings die. 'The way of the swordsman is like a leaf in the wind; we go wherever the winds of destiny guild us,' he used to say. "And what better way to do that than to teach his own grandson."

He laughed then said, "I owe your grandfather so much in crystals." Listening to him I knew he would not give up till he repaid his debt to keep his word. So, I agreed. Oh, and on that note, my grandfather was also what they called a loan shark and crystals are our national currency.

"Oh, wonderful but don't think I'll go easy on you because you're the grandson of Xeon," he told me with a smug look on his face. "Don't worry I don't expect special treatment. However please don't use me as a punching bag to get back at him for some weird reason," I replied. "I'm not."

He laughed then said, "Great, so all you have to do is find or buy a blade, until then meet me on Shaman Hill to start training. That is where my dojo is located, okay?" "Yes Sir," I replied. "By the way, sir, what was your name? I don't believe I caught it." "Oh, sorry how rude of me, just call me Kenshin, Kenshin Sensei," he said. I told him okay then left the store, untied my bike, and rode home.