
The Whispering Shadows of Valhalla

This is the initial arc of the "Siege of Valhalla." In this first section we get to know a bit of the world and important characters on the planet of Valhalla. Valhalla is proving to be a garden of the future for the Pimogie Empire. Things get shaken up when Robertus, a Caesar in the Pimogie Empire and the planetary governor of Valhalla, is invited to a party being hosted by the Federation. Seeing this as an opportunity to mend the relationship of the Pimogies and the Federation, Robertus needs to see if it would be a wise choice to attend, for his life could be on the line, and that Valhalla is safe in his absence.

Hulkpoolza · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

Veiled Tensions

Robertus is startled as he is kicked awake, he looks up through his sunglasses and sees Romeo Pesci looking at him.

"Wake up, you… Governor." The grumpy old figure looks down on him, "can't keep acting like you don't have a job."

"I don't pretend I don't, I just delegate my duties to others, isn't that what you always say" the sleepy Robertus responds as he stretches his legs again. As he gracefully rises he easily towers over the Cherwinski Corporation's Head of Security.

Romeo gestures to a path that leads back inside the Governor's Palace, "Get back on your chair, and lets get to business."

Robertus leans up against the tree, a half smirk gracing his lips, "We both know I can just ignore you trying to boss me around, but unfortunately we do have things we have to do."

"You know we don't have to do that game everytime Robertus." Romeo grumbles as he leads the way back to inside the palace.

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" Robertus, clearly amused with himself, chuckles as he removes his sunglasses. "Also, Romeo, did you know that ever since you allowed Pimogie designers to work on the planet's new construction and retrofit some existing buildings, energy usage has dropped by thirty percent compared to buildings made solely by the Cherwinski Corporation?"

"That's not my department," answered Romeo sounding annoyed. "Why don't we just wait to talk."

Robertus smirks to himself as they continue through the garden. "I don't understand why you can't just admit to the superiority of Pimogie designs"

Romeo trips over a vine on the path, cursing in Slavian as he gets up. Robertus offers his hand but Romeo refuses, "I don't understand how someone like you can't find peace in a video game like everyone else."

Robertus takes the lead. "Sometimes I play video games, but it's really just not the same as being outside for real. You can get the feeling sometimes, and it can look real but there is a fakeness to it, the sun doesn't have heat, the wind isn't brushing your skin and rustling your hair. That and its just nice to feel like I am connected to the natural world," Robertus say as moves through the garden with ease, ignoring the slight against him. "Nature is vital to life and I feel like I can connect with it better being truly within it. Like any good Pimogie, its good to make it a point to enjoy nature."

Romeo is less than amused by Robertus' answer. "That sounds a lot like something an Artemite would say. You sure aren't one of those hippie fools?"

Robertus stops abruptly at the comment, causing Romeo to run into him.

"Whats the issue? I thought everyone saw those naturist cultists as strange. I mean isn't their high priestess blind and lazy. She from what I have heard doesn't even do her obligations for your government…"

Robertus slowly turns around, stopping Romeo as he looks down upon him simply uttering, "Do not insult the Artemites."

"I…" Romeo stops himself, as Robertus continues to only look at him seemingly scanning his eyes. Romeo for a moment feels fear. Robertus even though he is of a different nation than him still holds a vast amount of power over him. Even though he knows its unpalatable, Romeo can't help but, worry that he could have signed away his death. He ponders for a moment as Robertus turns away seemingly satisfied in what he saw. Romeo feels dread wash over him as he realizes that the high priestess is of House Clericus. He had unwittingly insult a member of his family, he is uncertain of the relation but he has done it. Or maybe Robertus had taken offense due to Artemis being the daughter of their empire's founder. Still again an insult to his family. Romeo feels uneasy as he might have colored the quickly approaching meeting.

Robertus is annoyed at Romeo for his shallow worldview. How could someone so old be so one minded. Robertus is frustrated by this, it has always been admirable for anyone to strive to always stay learning. He wonders though if maybe in a strange way Romeo was attempting to humor him.

They continue on in silence for the rest of the way as they come up to the central entryway into the garden. The two imperial guards who were waiting for Robertus pull open the doors. The imperial guard's Legatus Aaron stands at attention with the remaining two imperial guards. Aaron turns and they all start making their way to the throne room. Much to Robertus' delight Claudius is waiting for them at the central stairwell.