
The Whisper In The Ice

A teenage girl named Roxie suddenly has the power of ice at the age of fourteen. Then, she transferred to a special school called the Fiaxora Academy, where she had to hone her power to become stronger. Also, in this place, she is determined to find her missing father since the age of ten, who turns out to be the King of the Oryn Kingdom, and she had to discover a reason why she should be protected from Lord Seifer who currently ruled over her father's and her soon-to-be kingdom. Will she be able to find her father? What will happen if she encounters Lord Seifer? Will she fight or will she run away? ~ • ~

TrinityPhoenix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

The Grumpy Owl (2)


Suddenly there was a rather large owl, it had very thick feathers with sky blue feathers, it had very large eyes and red pupils. It has an emblem on its forehead. It also looks like it has a collar with feathers around its neck.

According to Roxie, the owl looked very beautiful.

The owl then flew to Livy's bed which is on the right side, it stayed there, then it shook its feathers.

Roxie then walked slowly toward the owl.

The owl then glared at Roxie.

"Are you the girl that Lord Ioreos has ordered me to look after?" he asked ominously.

Roxie gasp, she then covered her mouth with both hands. Then, she blinked over and over again.

"You can talk?!" She asked hysterically, pointing at the owl.

~ • ~

The owl rolled its eyes.