
The Whisper in the Abyss

Freya Bell, an orphan girl with magic running through her veins, is randomly accepted into the Magic school of her dreams. Without any knowledge of who submitted her application, she travels across the land to Gervorshe Royal Magic Academy. Here, she meets the love of her life, makes new friends she never thought she could, and uncovers something evil lurking in the school.

Sierra_Silva_7953 · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 2

Mom told me about love once. Her voice was warm and soothing, like honey. "One day when you are older, you will find a special boy who loves you. And you will love him." I didn't know what that meant. The word love sounded almost foreign. "Your dad and I fell in love and married. You will do the same when the time is right."

I woke up from my dream on a bumpy train. The sound of the wheels squeaking, and the mechanics making a low hum inside my ears. After we took the carriage to Reitz station just outside the village, I guess I must've fallen asleep once we got on. I look down at my watch and see that it's only been an hour since we left my home. Who knew trains could go this fast. Even as old as I am now, I still don't quite understand what my mother meant. Why did I dream that? Across the train cart is the Acceptance Letter. He is murmuring and speaking in his sleep. Paper sleeps? Let alone talk in their sleep? A small chuckle escapes my lips.

As I sit up and stretch, the conductor walks by. "Gervorshe station next! I will repeat, Gervorshe station next!" My heart begins to pound in my chest. This is it. My dream is going to come true. I move my hand over to Mr. Letter and shake him awake. "Mr. Letter!!! We are almost there. You need to wake up." My voice is full of excitement, but the letter just mumbles and tries to go back to sleep. I keep shaking him till he is aware of what I am saying. The train stops a few moments later, and I'm already gathering my suitcase in my hand.

Stepping off the train, the smell of food, the sounds of eccentric voices enveloping all around me, and stores lining up everywhere is all so wonderful. New faces and new people all over, but for some reason it all seems familiar. I don't have the foggiest idea why, but I feel like I've been here before. Almost like a daydream. Left and right, people are bumping into each other, having intimate conversations with each other, and vendors are advertising their merchandise.

"Welcome to your new home town." The letter says with pride. He floats next to me, closer to eye level so I can see him better. "Now off on our way to the aca-'' I tune him out before he can finish his sentence when I notice a very cute wand shop. All kinds of shapes and designs for new and improved wands. One is made completely out of crystals. Another one is made from dark oak and has gemstones welded into the handle. Before I know it, I am wandering away from the letter and onto my desires.

The different stores have all of my attention. New clothes, cute shoes, even a pet shop. If I had money with me, I'd be paying for almost everything I can see. Vendors hand me coupons, pamphlets showing off the newest deals and items, and even hand me free food. So many new things here that I have never seen before. I keep filling up with more and more excitement as I walk. I want to scream from my happiness.

"Hey Mr. Let-" as I turn around, I notice that he's not behind me. In fact the station is gone too. Everything around me is strange and unfamiliar. Where am I? Did I really become that lost? He can't be far. "MR. LETTER!" I shout on the top of my lungs, but no answer. Panic sets in my chest and I can feel myself holding my breath. Think Freya, think. Which way did you come from? I look behind me, some of the shops I have passed are starting to close for the evening. I need to retrace my steps back the way I came. It's now almost six o'clock, and the sun sets very soon.

But going back doesn't help at all. I come into the clearing ahead of me. In the middle is a white marble fountain spewing water from all sides. The water shoots high into the air, and creates a small mist with the wind blowing. With a big sigh, I plop down on one of the side benches and put my head in my hands. "Where am I? And where is Mr. Letter?" I can feel tears coming and I don't want to cry. Not now. What's going to happen if I don't make it to the academy on time? What will happen to my acceptance? Will it be terminated? Will they not accept me? I feel an anxiety attack coming on, so I start tapping my foot on the ground.

"Couldn't help overhear you talking. Is there any way I can help?" A deep and strong voice talks behind me. I whirl my head around to find a tall man standing there. His scarlet hair rustles in the wind, while being lit up by the sun, making it look aflame. His golden yellow eyes are gazing into mine, making my heart almost leap out of my chest. "I'm just here to lend you my help. If you need it, that is." He looks so familiar, yet I know that I've never met this man before in my life.

"Are you talking to me?" My voice comes out very gentle, making me sound petite and fragile. "Do you see anyone else around here?" He chuckles lightly. He has a good point. It seems to be just me and him here in this opening. "So is there a problem?" He comes a tad closer, and I can't help but flinch slightly. "Don't worry, I'm not a scary guy, so you don't need to be on your guard... Which is exactly what a scary man would say." He chuckles lightly and scratches the back of his head.

His mature face shows sheer innocence, making my heart skip a beat again. A small laugh escapes my lips, but I'm quick to shut up again. I don't even know him. He could be a mass murderer for all I know. "Now there's a smile. Much cuter with a smile across your face." His words make my cheeks ignite. The only other person who has said that to me was my dad. I can't help but feel even more shy than I did before. "Name is Victor King. You?"

"Freya." I put more emphasis on my voice so he can hear me say it. He whips his hand out towards me and offers it to me. "Nice to meet you Freya." I blush and take his hand. "Nice to meet you too." We let go of one another and stand in silence for a minute. He's so intense, that I'm not sure how to react. "Now, if you're not too suspicious of me, I'd like to help you."

I speak up quickly. "No I don't find you suspicious, I was just caught off guard is all. Really, I don't think you are. I'm usually good at telling, if people are good or bad. And you are good." He crosses his arms across his chest and leans closer towards me. The words seem to just pour out of my mouth.

"Well now you've put so much trust in me, I can't make a move." I don't quite understand what he means, so I look at him puzzled. "Ah don't worry about that. Now will you tell me what's going on?" He stands back up to full posture. "I'm lost and I'm supposed to be on my way to the academy and my... The g-guide was helping me but I wandered off."

"Is that why you are wearing their uniform? I see. Well I just moved here, but I've gotten to know the area pretty well. I can take you back to the station." With those words I jump to my feet, feeling my mood lighten up. "Oh thank you!" With me thanking him louder than I planned to, he led the way down through different buildings and apartments.
