
The Whirlwind Marriage of a Vengeful Empress

Yunqing, an unswervingly loyal and kind young miss from the Zhao family, became the BeiMing state's empress. She has always been a loving, loyal, and dutiful wife to the Emperor as well as a befitting Empress of the state of BeiMing. Yet, she was cruelly plotted against, discarded by those she was loyal to. Her trust was treated like a mere dirty rag—her newborn baby, as well as her life forcefully and unjustly taken away from her. She regretted the most important life-changing decision she had made in her past life. She was given another chance to live. Zhu Yunqing, a meek and naïve girl, cheated in life by her so-called friends and boyfriend. She let her cousin, boyfriend, and best friend control and destroy her life despite her parents' warning, almost bankrupting her father's company. Her own uncle and his family being a catalyst in the whole scheme. Zhu Yunqing killed herself out of regret. Empress Zhao Yunqing reincarnated into Zhu Yunqing's body. She wanted nothing more than to live a peaceful life, but it seems it was too much to ask for in her second life. And what is with this young master who keeps asking her to marry him? Events of her past life caused her to harden her heart. Will it remain a block of frozen ice, or would someone bring the heat that would melt her ice palace? How can one who was accused of committing live in the body of one who attempted suicide? Follow Yunqing on her Journey through two lifetimes. "You can't love me. I have scars that are hidden." "Then I'll be the world's best doctor and heal them." "I cannot give you my heart." "Wifey, let's get married" "Okay, but we will need to draw up a contract." "Great! I would also love to have kids with you too. How many would you like? 4? 10?" "…"

Maiyime · Urban
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80 Chs

Red Wine Spritzer

Wei Chujiu had previously shown the picture of Zhu Yunqing to the bartenders, telling them what to do when she found out about the schemes of Yu An Qiao. So they could easily recognize her, and the one who served the drinks had already switched it.

Zhu Yunqing held her glass to her mouth with a satisfying smile etched on her face, but she only did that after she double-checked the drink. She was one with an extremely sensitive nose and especially after she trained under her physician mother in her past life. She could easily detect if there was anything wrong with the drink. So, the counter plans Wei Chujiu arranged were not really necessary, but it was easier for Zhu Yunqing. Well, at least one of the plans was very useful; it gave Zhu Yunqing a much better plan.

Since Wei Chujiu had helped in dealing with the two lowlifes Yu An Qiao hired to do her bidding. Zhu Yunqing had a better plan which she felt would deal a heavier blow to Zhu Yanyu other than just ruining her evil plans.

'Humph! A cheater would always be a cheater. You just have to hand the treasure to them in their hands, and that's all it takes,' Zhu Yunqing sneered internally, finally taking a sip of the drink.

The minute Zhu Yunqing tasted the drink, it tingled her taste buds to the extent that she wondered what sort of drink it was. It teased her palates with softness as the cold bubbly drink rushed down her throat. The drink Yu An Qiao had ordered for them was a Red Wine Spritzer. A dark fruity and bubbly refreshing drink. It was an easy to drink cocktail with a subtle finesse and a lingering fruity aftertaste that could make one's taste buds run mad on ecstasy. Its rich and bubbly flavours vibrated in her mouth with each sip she took letting the aroma of the drink waft her nostrils.

'This tastes so much better than Rice Wine!' Zhu Yunqing couldn't help compare the drink to Mijiu (Chinese Rice Wine). The first time she tasted Mijiu in her past life, she almost puked as the taste was too strong for her, so she resulted to drinking different teas just like her mother. She so much loved the drink that she ordered another one.

While drinking, Zhu Yunqing tried to indulge Yu An Qiao, who was busy bringing up memories of the past.

Zhu Yunqing was halfway done with her second glass when she remembered Wei Chujiu warned her not to get drunk. Although, she wasn't feeling the least bit intoxicated.

'Focus, Yunqing! You came here for a purpose,' Zhu Yunqing internally cautioned herself. She could no longer let herself drown in the pleasuring and tasteful feeling she was getting from the drink. After all, she still had time to enjoy it later.

By now, Yu An Qiao was feeling a little bit uncomfortable but she only attributed it to the alcohol content of the drink. She has never been a heavy drinker. A single drink could easily make her drunk. She only chose this drink because she was familiar with it as Zhu Yanyu, who was a heavy drinker, always ordered it whenever they went clubbing. She was also told that the effects of the drug would be maximized if taken with alcohol. Plus, she felt that with the deep red colour it would be easy to conceal the fact that something was added to the drink. So, she decided to take the same drink in order to reduce suspicion.

Although Zhu Yunqing was self-indulging in the taste of the cocktail drink, the slightly uncomfortable movements Yu An Qiao made did not escape her eyes. Immediately she noticed them, she noted mentally, 'Time for action, I guess.' A smug look gathered on her lips before disappearing.

"I better go home now. My mom would be worried as I am still recovering, so I can't stay out for too long," Zhu Yunqing said with a soft tone trying to sound every bit intoxicated and uncomfortable as she possibly could.

"Ah-h! Can't you stay for even a bit! I was so happy that we have finally cleared the air between us. It was hanging over me and disturbing me for a long time," Yu An Qiao whined. Her tone sounding more intoxicated than before.

"No, I am feeling quite uncomfortable now. I should go," Zhu Yunqing said in a casual tone.

"Oh! Okay then. Can you please help me to my room? I think I am too drunk to go home in a taxi," Yu An Qiao said in a hoarse tone. She raised her hand to her head to make it seem like she was woozy as she stood up. A sudden slight heated sensation took over her body the minute she stood up. 'I guess I must be pretty drunk, huh!' she thought.

"Why don't I tell my driver to drop you off?" Zhu Yunqing asked casually.

"Oh no need it will take too much time as my new place is in the opposite direction of your house, and I am quite tired now for that kind of journey. Just help me to my room. I always book one whenever I come out with Yanyu, so I booked one out of habit today. I will just stay and then leave tomorrow!" Yu An Qiao uttered frantically.

"A… alright! What are friends for~~" Zhu Yunqing said with a controlled smile. She laughed internally as she thought of Yu An Qiao, who seemed to have fallen for her own trap. 'Now, I am wondering how dumb my body's original was. Well, as they say, birds of the same feathers flock together.'

'Yes! This was a piece of cake! I wonder why Yanyu was being so cautious. She's still obviously the same dumb Yunqing,' Yu An Qiao thought, giving herself a mental high-five for a job well done.