
And The Beginning

Screaming and pounding, Larissa was the only one attacking and Ohm, was the only one getting attacked. Despite suffering the onslaught, Slots was actually on his way to outlive his suicidal opponent. It would only take a few more seconds until she died from overexertion. Smashing his head or tearing him in half was not enough to defeat the Infinity Man. He who existed, with intellect, in every cell of his body. He only needed a break, a moment to rearrange himself. And every thing would be fine. Even the gravity shifts weren’t as negative as they seemed.

It was by complete and simple coincidence. But a certain moment arrived.

Where Ohm was negated any weight. The gravity in him was null. And for that one abysmally small fraction of a second, he remained completely still, completely weightless. Being in zero G, was not a close comparison. On the other hand, Larissa had all the weight. And that gravity shift, had it lasted any longer than it did, would have flattened the Earth.