
The Wereworld: Rise Of The Hybrid

{NOTE: THE NOVEL IS RECOMMENDED FOR 18+} He is an Hybrid of a Werelion and a Weretiger, who fell in love with the daughter of a Supernatural hunter. Luther was Seven years old when his Planet the Wereworld was invaded by the old therians. The Wereworld is the birth place of all Werecreatures, including Werewolves and others. He was transported to earth with his mum, but she eventually died, leaving Luther alone in a strange world, he was taken by a policeman named Bruce, and his wife Helen. In order to keep Luther safe from his true identity, Bruce and a doctor named Collins, used a medical device to wipe away Luther's memories. Luther's identity was changed, and he was now called Kenneth; he grew up in New York city, with no knowledge of his true self. However Kenneth finds out who he really was, and by then it was too late, as he had already fallen in love with Nora, a supernatural hunter. What will happen now? Will this be the end of their love story?

Anthony_Destiny · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs



All the students went back to their usual activities, some chatting, some cracking jokes, some gossiping, while others were reading. Meanwhile I remained on my seat with my friend, I was about putting back my biology textbook, before a lady approached.

She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. Her waist was tapered and she had a burnished complexion. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. Her delicate ears framed a button nose. A set of dazzling, angel-white teeth gleamed as she blew gently on her carmine-red fingernails. It was a pleasure to see her flowing, moon shadow-black hair. Her enticing, constellation-blue eyes gazed at me over her puffy, heart shaped lips. She had a bouncy personality and a sugary voice, which I adored. Not content to be just another drone, she wore vibrant clothes.

"Hi" she greeted me, I was busy lust over her angelic beauty, I didn't even hear her voice. "Hello!" She greeted me again with her pleasant voice. " uhm...sorry hi" I managed to respond.

"No problem, my name is Nora Stewart, I'm new here. And I'll like to borrow your biology textbook, to do the assignment given to us by Mrs Fortune, I promise to return it tomorrow" She asked me politely. It was wise if I refused her request, since I also need the textbook to do mine, but it'll be so crazy, no one, I mean no one can resist her magnificent beauty. "Sure" I said given her the textbook. "Thanks" she replied, leaving the class, all the boys in the classroom were already feeling jealous, especially jack and his pack of bullies, our eyes met in contact, immediately my heart beat skipped, he was a scary looking monster, disguised in a human form, he walked to my direction, with his five gangs, his hulk like physique, is enough to scare anyone on the planet. He then came closer to me, so close like he was gonna kiss me, my statue was nothing compared to his, his broaden chest, and massive muscles. "Hey little man" he mocked, then pushed me against the wall, the whole class were washing the humiliation, no one dares challenge jack, he's the strongest guy in the whole school, even some lecturers is frightened of him. "Hey leave him alone" Michael tried to help, but he received a punch from one of the bullies on his face, which made him fell asleep.

Jack walked closer to me, I tried to move back, but I couldn't since a wall was behind me, he then grabbed me on the chest, and lifted me high up my feet, but still pressed against the wall. "Listen to me carefully Ken, I want you to do all six of us assignments by tomorrow, am I clear?" Jack said to me threatenly.

"But I haven't done mine," I explained to him.

"Are you trying to challenge me?!" he asked me furiously.

"In case you don't know, it's an order, not a request" He said again.

I said nothing, only nodded positively.

"Good boy" he said mockingly, tapping my cheek, then dropped me on the ground, I stood up dusted my clothe, Jack was going, but then he reversed and delivered a heavy punch, straight on my face. "I almost forgot that" Jack said, his gangs broke into laughter, meanwhile I held my broken nose in pain. The bullies finally left, the whole class symphatised my pain, all the girls were ready to pay for my treatment, but I rejected their offer, my mum is a nurse anyway, good thing the new girl is not in the class, when all this happened, I would have been fucked up. Well this isn't the first time, I'm used to it, what always surprise me is, why am I the only one these guys attack, did someone tied on my back a carton, boldly written on it bully me?

Well I pray all this ends soon.


Michael finally woke up, he held his jaw. "Argh! these guys need to be dealt with" He said.

"Just forget about them, by the way, who's that girl?" Kenneth asked.

"You mean the new girl, Nora?"

"Yeah she"

"You see, that's why it's good to come early, you were absent when she was introduced, but nevertheless I know less about her, except her name, but why'd you ask?"

"Me? nothing, just want to know"

" You know, I can easily find that out, only if you admit you like her"

"what? no, common don't go there" Kenneth denied.

"Anyways, it's your problem"

After Several Hours

Lecture was over, and all the students were going home. Ken, as usual, was with his pal. They were out of the school premises, and they waited for a taxi, since they both can afford a private car. Kenneth turned his face left, then saw Nora, her driver just arrived to pick her up, he smiled in lust, as he watched her get in her car.

"Hey man!" Michael yelled at him, Ken then got back to reality, and found a taxi at his front, Michael had already stopped one. "Oh,come on, let's go," Kenneth said. Michael went in first, Kenneth was about to join him, then a strange man snatched his wallet from his back pocket. "Hey, thief" Kenneth yelled, then went after the thief, meanwhile the driver was about to move. Ken chased the thief, who was wearing a black hoodie, black pant, and a blue Snickers, they ran through crowds, the thief tried to get away, but Ken's eyes was fixed to him, the man kept dragging people behind, him in other to distract him, the thief finally passed through a quiet narrow road, with Kenneth still on his tail, the road was a dead end, a wall was at the end, making the thief unable to run anymore.

"You can't run anymore, I've got you, now give me my wallet" Kenneth said. The Man said nothing, he just cracked his bones then, removed the hood on his head, he then turned, his face was really scary, his left eye was bad, and some scars around his face.

"You better turn around and go back kid" The man warned.

"Please, just give me my wallet," Ken said again.

"You want to be stubborn? I'll teach you a lifetime lesson" he said with a frightened voice.

Ken was scared to the brim, but he still stood there. The man ran towards Ken, with a direct punch, on Ken's already broken nose, Ken fell on the ground, holding his bleeding nose, the thug was not done yet, he kicked Kenneth's face, then lifted him up, tossed him on a garbage can. He moved again with an intention of hurting him more.

"Hey! stop!" A voice was heard from behind.

The man turned, and surprisingly it was a lady, she wasn't seen well due to the sunlight, which made her shadowy.

"Mind your business girl, before I hurt you" The man threatened her.

She walked closer, making her visible enough, she was striking, her natural red hair, was displaying to the sudden wind, she has a natural pink eyes, her lips was rep like a strawberry, her fair skin was attracting, donned in a blue leggings and a blue shirt, which matched with heels. She then moved more closer to the man's face.

"I will like to see you try coward" she cursed, then nodded him on the nose.

"Argh! f**k!" the man said, his nose was already bleeding.

"Good, now you know how that feels"

Kenneth was already lost in the realm of surprise.

"I'll make your mama cry for you" the man stormed out his aged voice.

He delivered a punch, She moved quickly and responded with physical strength, using her elbow to hit on his shoulders, then kicked him on the gut.

"Stay down, and give him his thing" she said fiercely.

"Never" the man brought out a gun, then instantly released fire. She easily dodged the bullets with physical speed, then grabbed the man by the arm, she twisted it, immediately he dropped the gun, she twisted it harder, increasing his pain.

"Arrrrhhg" the man screamed loudly.

"Now, hand over the wallet to me," she said.

"Okay, okay" The man gave her the wallet, then she let him go, he quickly went on his heels.

"scandrers,'' she said, then gave the wallet to Kenneth, whose mouth was opened in disbelief.

"Thanks, thank you very much" he said, receiving his wallet, she helped him get up to his feet. "Check if your money is complete, if it's not, I'll go after him again" she said nicely.

"No no need, you've done enough already, thanks again" Kenneth said.

"By the Way my name is Kenneth, can I know yours?" Kenneth said with a handshake.

"My name is Lia," She said, receiving the handshake.

"Lia?" Ken thought, it's like he had heard that name before, from somewhere.

"Yeah, is there a problem with my name?" she asked.

"No, it's fine, nothing really, by the way, I should get going now, my friend is waiting for me, thanks for the last time" Ken said before he left.

"You are welcome".

Just then a male figure landed behind her.

"I can't believe you still followed me here" she said, then turned, it was someone she knew, he had a shoulder length hair, a normal eyes, herculean physique, he was on an armless jacked, which was open, exposing his chest, with a werewolf tattoo, he might probably be in his twenties.

"Trying to hide, you forgot wolves are the best trackers?" The unknown man said.

"I wasn't trying to hide, just taking a walk" she said.

"You know, you just defied the law, involving in human activities," He said.

"Hey, the young guy here needs help, and that's all I did, I helped him, no big deal" she said, folding her arms.

"The laws are to be followed strictly" The young guy said again.

"F**k the laws" She said.

"Hmm, that's left to you, come on let's go back to the hideouts." He said, then

dashed with a super speed, she sighed, her eyes turned gold, then she followed suit, with an incredible speed, leaving tracks of dust behind.

Kenneth was walking on the street, he couldn't get his mind off this mysterious lady, when he touched her, he felt a connection, like they have known each other before, or like they are of the same kind. Then he saw his best friend coming towards him.

"Hey Mike, I thought you've gone already?" Kenneth asked.

"No way will I leave my best pal alone, so what happened? Do you get your wallet back?"

"Yeah," Ken said, showing him the wallet.

"Cool, tough guy" Michael said, more like he didn't believe Kenneth could have done that, since he is a weakling.

"It wasn't me actually, someone helped me out, it was a girl," Ken said.

"Yeah, cause I know you couldn't.....wait, did you just say a girl?" Michael asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I was surprised too, she was so strong and fierce and pretty," Kenneth said.

"Wow, let's leave that for another day we gotta go" Michael said.

Black Out.....

New York


The night of the city was busy, and all the artificial lights made it bright and displayed in beauty, Citizens walking to and fro, busy vehicles etc.

The skies also played its part, introducing many shiny stars, and a glowing silver full moon.

Two blurring objects bolted into the woods, with supersonic speed.

They stopped after arriving at a place looking like a very large estate, due to the many houses in that particular compound.

The place was protected with a large fence, and a giant gate

They walked near the modernized gate then placed their hands on it, the tech gate scanned their ID, then it opened automatically, the duo walked in, they were Lia and the unknown man known as wally. They walked into a particular building that had the shape of a half moon, it was placed in the middle of the estate. They walked in and saw a man, he was facing opposite them, with his hands folded behind.

"Where did you go too?" He asked and then turned, revealing him to be Wilbert.

The duo were already scared at that point, unable to answer his question.

"I asked again, where were you too?" He stormed his active voice.