
The Wereworld: Rise Of The Hybrid

{NOTE: THE NOVEL IS RECOMMENDED FOR 18+} He is an Hybrid of a Werelion and a Weretiger, who fell in love with the daughter of a Supernatural hunter. Luther was Seven years old when his Planet the Wereworld was invaded by the old therians. The Wereworld is the birth place of all Werecreatures, including Werewolves and others. He was transported to earth with his mum, but she eventually died, leaving Luther alone in a strange world, he was taken by a policeman named Bruce, and his wife Helen. In order to keep Luther safe from his true identity, Bruce and a doctor named Collins, used a medical device to wipe away Luther's memories. Luther's identity was changed, and he was now called Kenneth; he grew up in New York city, with no knowledge of his true self. However Kenneth finds out who he really was, and by then it was too late, as he had already fallen in love with Nora, a supernatural hunter. What will happen now? Will this be the end of their love story?

Anthony_Destiny · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


The whole school was really short of words, she was like a wonder woman on display. There was a sudden uproar cheering her name, but she didn't care about that, her only concern was Kenneth who was in pain, so she ran to him. "Are you okay? she asked, then bent to him.

Kenneth immediately felt alright, the moment he heard her angelic voice.

"I'm fine" he replied, then she helped him get up to his feet.

But something was wrong, the cheers of the students turned into a screem, they all ran back to their hiding spot.

Kenneth clearly saw the Werebear coming towards Nora, he wasn't dead actually dead, he raised his hand, attempted to rip of her head with his sharp claws, but Kenneth pushed her away, and received the attack, the claws of the beast slashed Ken's chest, leaving deep wound, Men fell down on the floor, but Nora caught him. "No!" she yelled.

"Ken!" Michael called out but Kenneth was already unconscious, his body was sucked with blood. The best licked the blood on his claws, then walked closer, but abruptly, a silver sword pierce through his chest, from his back.The Werebear growled thunderously, then fell down dead, exposing the subject of the action to be Mr Stewart, the leader of the Supernatural hunters, abbreviated as SNH. He was accompanied by two other hunters. "Darling, are you alright?" He said, running towards his daughter, after putting his sword back in, the other two hunters took the dead creature away. "Dad, he risked his life to save me" Nora said, she cried bitterly, she couldn't bear to see someone hurt, especially for her sake.

"It's okay, my princess, he is gonna be fine," Stewart said, bringing his daughter closer to his arms.

After the corps arrived, the news had gone viral already. Bruce and his allies came in, the moment he saw his boy lying unconscious on the floor, he felt discomfort, he quickly went to his son. "Kenneth! Kenneth!" He called out but didn't get a response. So he ordered two of the policemen to take him to the ambulance, Bruce stood up and looked at Stewart. "What happened here, why was my son badly injured?" Bruce asked.

"I'm sorry sir, I was the one who was supposed to get hurt, but he risked his life for me" Nora explained still in bitterness. "This is not an excuse, this was supposed to be your duty Stewart, you better pray nothing bad happened to my child, or else, you'll be counting the bullets I'll put in your skull" Bruce said in anger then left.

Stewart sighed then said "Come on Nora let's go home"" He held her as they moved gently, and so did all the students went home, their day has been ruined.


The news spread like a wildfire, and Lia saw it on the TV. "I know that boy, isn't he the same guy I saved?" she thought to herself after seeing Ken on the television. "I should be out there helping these humans' ' She said. Then went out of her room, Lia tried to sneak out of the environment, she attempted climbing the wall fence, without anyone seeing her, but unfortunately she was stopped by Wally.

"What do you think you are doing Lia?" He asked. She paused and turned . "For just once, will you stop stalking me?" she said.

"I'm not stalking you, only keeping an eye on things around" Wally replied

"Well if you aren't, just let me be" She said, then brought out her metallic claws, ready to climb the giant wall, but then Wally, held her by the arm. "You are not going anywhere Lia" Wally said, in a serious tone.

"Well, I would like to see you stop me, she said stubbornly, but Wally dragged her to himself. "Lia, you can't leave, it's for your own safety" he said, trying to convince her, but instead of listening she nodded him on the nose.

Damn! That must be her favorite combo.

"Argh!" Wally yelled silently, his nose was already bleeding.

"Just stay out of my way, or else someone might just get hurt" She said fiercely. "If that's what you wish" Wally said, instantly his wounds were healed.

Lia's eyes turned gold, her fangs and claws popped out, then she dashed towards Wally, delivering a direct blow on his chest, Wally moved back with force, and hit the matters behind, he then grinned, his eyes turned blue, and claws and fangs rushed out at once, Lia smiled, this was exactly what she wanted, the duo clashed together, in a beastly combat, Wally held her from the waist and tossed her to the ground, Lia stood, then pushes Wally back, kicks him, knees him in the air, and then lands a devastating kick that sends the Beta Werewolf into a nearby building. The noise made everyone come out to watch, including Wilbert, Wally Jumping off the building, attempting to do a double axe handle on her opponent. The Werelioness blocks and both combatants counter each other's rapid punches blow for blow.

Their blows created shock waves, to the entire estate.

It ended as Wally pushed away the last blow and kicked her at the gut.

Lia held her stomach, bruises all over her, she was bleeding from her nose and mouth.

"Sorry about this Lia, but you let me with no choice" Wally said.

Lia starts laughing, which was weird, her injuries healed rapidly, loud bone cracks were heard, her height increased, furs came out of her body, her clothes were torn, Lia was in her full beast form. The female lion jumped toward her opponent and grabs him and uppercuts him into up in the air, about 50ft high. In orbit, she proceeds to bring him back down to the earth with a hammer punch, slamming him back into the ground, forming a large crater. With the Sensational one struggling to get up. The Female beast landed back down and stomps down on Wally's chest. Blasting him with a continuous punch, burying him deep in the ground, which started creating cracks, Wilbert saw this and he had to stop their fight or the entire Estate might be destroyed.

Each punch made Wally mad, she countineou punching him, then he roared out loudly, as the force pushed her out, Wally jumped out from the crater now in his Werewolf form. He growled deadly. "Oh no, this will only get worse" Wilbert said.

Wally kicked Lia into another building and jumped into the air. Lia climbed out and spotted the Werewolf jumping through the air, wiping away the debris on her shoulder. She jumps out and chases the Beta, who goes on a violent rampage, destroying a car and roaring.

Wally picks up the parts of the car and tossed it on the Werelioness, who blocked it by backhanding the car. the werewolf punched Lia through several buildings, barely effecting her, only generating more damage. Wally runs towards her and punched the Werelioness, blasting her into the atmosphere. Falling back to earth.

Wally is really mad, and in this mode, he doesn't hold back.

Meanwhile, Wilbert had called several wolfwarriors to stop them.

Lia was also a tough one, she sped towards him and attempted to punch his jaw, but he held both her hands, headbutting her over and over, then uppercuts her up, before she could elevate up, he grabbed her legs bring her down to the ground, then rains deadly punches on her, Lia was really weak, he tries to attack again, but he was punched away by another Werewolf, who seems to be an alpha with his red eyes, Wally roared at it, then bolted towards it with a punch, the alpha wolf, only caught his arms then punched him on the ribs breaking some internal organs.

Lia was already unconscious, she transformed back to a human, but naked, as two maidens quickly covered her with a blanket and took her away.

Wally fell down to the ground, but get on his feet again, the Alpha wolf dashed towards Wally with an unseen speed, delivering blurry punch, he was so fast that Wally couldn't see it, not to mention fighting it, then the Alpha werewolf finalized it with a deadly blow on the chest, which forced Wally to turned back to human, vomiting out blood.

"Oh, no! What did I just do?" He asked, after realizing the damage on the estate....