
The werewolves truth

the insane lone wolf may be insane but she who stalks stalks in the shadows she who relentlessly tracts her desires she who stands in defense of those she loves she who howls with me in joy she is the true alpha the true Luna the legend the true Luna angel

insanelonewolf21 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The escape

Scars Pov been a month in this hell hole silver still hasn't come back and this ass hole doesn't seem on giving up until I agree to be his, but I will never agree to be his mate soon he might try and force his mark on me, hopefully silver comes back soon so we can get out of here and kill that bastard before he tries, just then she hears silver in her head. Silver Pov how's it going scar replies where the hell have you been this bastard has been using me as his punching bag whenever he gets mad or stressed, silver then says I know I am sorry took longer than I had planned but the time has come for us to get out of this hell hole and take back our life scar then ask how you plan to do that. Silver then ask do you remember that dream I had told you about scar then replies yeah what about it silver then says it wasn't a dream but a memory from my past from when I had another friend, that memory was from a war in the past scar then ask what does that have to do with anything who cause all that damage silver then replies I did I lost control of my powers and cause all of that scar then says how when we only have the element powers silver replies do you remember that legend about the moon goddess choosing two werewolves to lead the supernatural scar then replies yeah silver then says we and our mates are that legend it normally two but in this case it four. Scars Pov so we have the power to end all living things, heal her warriors, the power to grow wings in any form and the Lycaon form silver then says yeah scar then ask how we are just now finding out about this silver replies because I lose my memory of my past lives and only get them back when the moon goddess needs me. Silver Pov, we will kill him when he comes back to feed us for now, we should save our strength scar agrees and they rest. Scars Pov she wakes up and sees that it nighttime so alpha jack should be coming any minute to give us food scar starts calling for silver to wake up eventually she wakes up scar then says we need to get theses chains off before he comes silver then ask do you know where the chip is so we can take it out scar then says no. So scar starts looking for the chip she find it right under the ear in their neck scar then gives silver control so she can get it out silver switches to Lycaon form and uses her nails to pull it out once she gets it out she switches back to human form and uses her fire power to heat up the chains so she can remove them from the wall they don't take it off fully so it looks like they are still chained to the wall five minutes later alpha jack walks in with a plate of food they have their eyes closed so it looks like they are still sleep he walks up to the bed and says little vixen scar slowly opens her eyes and sits up and ask what do you want he sits in the chair and hands her a plate of food she eats the food while he watches then he ask have you changed your mind yet scar then sets the plate beside her on the bed and says I will never mate a ass hole like you alpha jack then says you give me no choice and with that he jumps up and grabs scar by the neck he brushes some hair to the side exposing her neck scar then says don't you dare he then pulls out his fangs and goes to bite her neck but scar eyes then turn silver showing her wolf is in control for a second this shocks him then he snaps out of it and goes to try and bite her neck but silver to fast and grabs his neck sending him flying across the room and hitting the wall, he tries getting up but she already on him grabbing him by the neck again and throwing him again he hits the wall with a thud instead of trying to get up he mind links for help. She then starts slowly walking over to him but before she reaches him the door swings open revealing three of his warriors they come charging straight at her she then switches to her Lycaon form and grabs two of them by the neck and throws them across the room and the third one just stands there frozen alpha jack then yells at him what are you doing just standing there, the frozen warrior then charges at her as she is fighting him more shows up and they join it she realizes she might lose this then so she gives scar half control and told her to think of all the elements forming one big ball they close their eyes and concentrate the ball in their palm all of a sudden a light appears and all the warriors start backing up silver spreads their wings and starts flapping them so it creates a wind and sends the ball at the warriors they all try and get out the way but was to late and they all drop dead they then turn to alpha jack and create fire in their palm and throw it right at him and he starts to burn up silver then gives scar full control and they walk out the building once they make it outside scar gives silver control and she sets the whole building on fire. Scar then ask where to now silver then says our mates scar agrees then says you get some rest w got a long way to go silver hands control over to scar and she turns into wolf form and goes hunting she comes across two deer's she goes after the one on the left first kills it before the other one realizes then goes after the other one she eats them both then starts looking for a cave to rest in after five minutes of searching she finds one next to a lake she goes in the gave and rest for the night.