
Things Are Starting To Get Interesting...

__________Tango's POV__________ 

'... The werewolves feel hungry once more, and they long for blood.' Ren says, 'Werewolves, you've survived every single obstacle on your way so far. Shall your victory last? We don't know. Anyways, open your eyes and choose your fourth victim.' 

Tango is on edge. He's the little girl, or peeking girl, if you will, and so far, he has found nothing. 

Whaaaat?! Tango nervous to get caught peeking?! No. *gasp* How dare you say such thing! 

Frustration takes the better of him though, so eventually, he peeks through his fingers, and glances around. 

Dangit. He can't see everyone; his hands are in the way. Well, at least he'll be able to get more info on who is NOT a werewolf. He has at least a clear view on Doc, Bdubs, False... and Cleo. 

Cleo... has her eyes opened and seems to be looking left and right, constantly alternating between the two. She has a questioning expression on her face, but eventually, she grins and nods in understanding. Then, she points towards False, who is sat right next to her. 

'The werewolves have made a choice, and another victim has fallen to their hungry mouths. The werewolves close their eyes, belly's full, content with their crime.' Ren announces. 

Tango is about to close his eyes, too, but just before he does so, his breath hitches and he freezes. Cleo is staring right. Back. At him. Her eyes pierce through his. "She knows," Tango thinks, "she definitely knows. I'm so screwed." Then, she smirks, winks, and closes her eyes. Tango quickly does the same. He knows that it's a game and they're all just having fun, but Cleo can be absolutely TERRIFYING. 

And she knows it. 




'Hermits, the sun is rising, as she always does, and you all wake up this time. The villagers sigh in relief, no victims have fallen.' Ren says. Tango's eyes widen slightly. Hadn't False been killed? 

Then, Ren continues: 'How? It couldn't be the werewolves being kind. Those beasts are ruthless and wouldn't waste an opportunity for a feast. Then why was everyone alive and well? However... there has been a rumour going around Hermitville for a few years. Rumour has it a witch lives in town. They should be able to use a killing potion, and a revival potion. Maybe the rumours were true? Maybe a witch saved the night. But why now, and not earlier, or later? We'll never know. The villagers didn't question it further. It was beyond their minds, and for now, they were happy with their little victory. But time was key, and with this small advantage over the werewolves, the villagers decided to vote out another possible threat. Hermits, go ahead and voice your suspicions.' 

Without thinking, Tango blurts out: 'Cleo's a werewolf!' Every single Hermit's gaze snap to Tango, and he recoils a bit, surprised by his own bluntness and the sudden attention. 

'I-uhm... I didn't think this through, did I?' He says before continuing: 'I mean, I saw Cleo last night with her eyes open when the werewolves were out on their killification-thingy because I am the peeping little girl. Or boy, in my case. So yeah, that- that's why Cleo is a werewolf y'know and yeah so I'm just saying we better vote her out and-' 

'Okay Tango. We get your point.' Bdubs chuckles, 'So, you're saying that Cleo is a wer-' 

'I'm sorry, Bdubs, but Imma cut you short.' Grian says, 'I'll explain, but long story short: Tango is lying.' 

"Huh?" Tango thinks, feeling conflicted and slightly angry. 

'No I'm not! I saw Cleo last night. Like I said, I'm the peeping girl!' He retorts. 

'No no, let Grian explain, okay?' Xisuma cuts in, looking slightly confused as well. 

'Okay, so, hear me out,' Grian says, 'The reason Tango is lying is because, well, I'm the peeping girl.' 

'How?! That's not true!' Tango exclaims, 'I know it! Last night, I'm telling you!' 

All this while, Cleo has not shown even a slight change in demeanour. A rock-hard pokerface she has. This irritates Tango even more. 

'And I'm telling you, that Tango is lying.' Grian retorts. 

'Grian,' Cub starts, 'Can you actually prove that Tango is lying? So far, all we've heard from you is claims, but no evidence.' 

'Okay,' Grian says, 'First off, the same goes for Tango, he hasn't given us evidence either. As for if I can prove that I am, in fact, speaking the truth, I can. Sort off. You are going to have to trust me a little bit here, because I can only prove you right if you vote Mumbo off.' 



'What?! Why me?' Mumbo splutters. 

'Because I saw you with your eyes wide open last night, mister.' 

'Wait what? I- I dunno about that buddy. 'Cause I'm not a werewolf, I'll have you know. Nope. Those are absolutely false accusations G.' Mumbo nervously chuckles. 

Tango is flabbergasted. 

'I- huh? How? What? That's not right' he weakly protests, but Mumbo's rant waltzes straight over his surprised splutters. 

'Like why on earth would I be a werewolf Grian,' Mumbo continues, 'This whole game I haven't said anything. I'm just a citizen trying to not get eaten alive! You have absolutely no reason to suspect m-' 

'But I do,' Grian interrupts, 'I saw you, and you overreacted really badly there, Mumbo Jumbolio. I'm sorry, but it's way too easy to read your lies...' he giggles. 

'I- Really?' 

At this point, all the Hermits, including the ones already out and Ren, are laughing. There's just something amusing about this situation... 

'So...' Ren says, having tears in his eyes from laughter, 'Shall we let the voting commence? Point your wiggly fingers to the one you suspect most.' 

After everyone points towards their suspect, he continues: 'I could count all the votes, but everyone, save for Tango, -really dude, you gonna stick to your cause? - pointed towards Mumbo. So... uhm... Mumbo, your speech was lovely, but you're out.' 

Mumbo's cheeks are on fire from embarrassment, but laughing with the group anyways, he shows his card to the group. He was, like Grian said, a werewolf. 

"How?" Tango thinks. "How has the man done it? He's not even the real peeping girl!" 


Needless to say, this round has left Tango very, very confused.