
The werewolf within

Lisssvw · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

The change, my brother had talked about me changing? Is this what he meant? My whole body hurt when I got out from under the ice bags. And everything seemed to be twice as loud. My head ached. It really was one of the worst feelings I've ever had.

I grabbed my phone and called Jackson. "Hey love, how's the weekend going? I hope your enjoying every second so far!"

"Well it's going great but I'm hurting a bit so I might come home earlier." Jackson took a long breath on the other side before answering, "Lizzy, stay as long as you can, your brother will only turn 21 once." He was right I guess. We went on talking about his sports and about my pain. He thought I had a hangover although I knew I didn't since I wasn't drinking the night before.

After our phone call I decided to stay there. I didn't want to let my brother down and tried to ignore as much of the pain as I could.

I climbed under the ice bags and my body ache's instantly felt 10 times better.

"Lizzy's going to need time to sleep, but I'm sure she'll feel better by tonight" I heard Hana say. I couldn't see her and I wonder who she was talking to.

"Okay sure, we can get you guys there later tonight. I'm sure you have lot's of problems to take care of Durant" I heard my brother say. Wait when did Durant get here?

Are they outside my bedroom door? I couldn't see them through the open door. It didn't make any sense. I mean I could hear my brother moving pans downstairs in the kitchen. I could hear Shani jumping on the couch next to Chase. I could hear Hana put on the kettle. The sound was so detailed like I could picture them moving from the noises I heard. It was like listening to a story on the radio.

Then I heard a beautiful deep voice saying, "You take care of your sister then, James, we'll see you tonight. Her change has already taken much longer then its supposed to. So keep a close eye on her."

"Thanks Durant, I appreciate that you're here. I know you're very busy" my brother replied. I heard the door open and footsteps of at least 4 people leave.

What did they mean? They keep saying Durant is soooo busy and had lots of stuff to take care of. What did they mean saying I'm changing, and that it's taking too long? Something must be horribly wrong with me. My heart rate started picking up and I sat up.

"I guess she's awake" I heard my brother say from downstairs.

Hana must have run up the stairs because a few Seconds later she's in my room with tea in hand, "Heyy Lizzy you're awake!"

"Yeah I feel like I've been through a workout, and you know I hate those!" I told her. She started laughing out loud. "Well at least your hatred for sports are still the same" she chuckled and laid down next to me.

Jett walked in then and asked if I felt alright. This surprised me as I'm not really good friends with him or anything. Then he looked at Hana and she blushed! She blushed! I've never seen hana blush ever! It was so weird. Jett gave a quick smile and hurried out.

"What was that! You completely blushed all over" I giggled telling her. "I did not!"

"You definitely did" I tell her smiling from ear to ear.

"I mean he's just very sweet and I like being around him" she stated.

"Oooh is this one of Hana's little crushes?" I asked her with a teasing smile.

"Not really, I think there's more there" she said gazing away. I then smirked saying "Yes like with Luke? He was the love of your life also?"

"It's not like that. You'll know when you meet someone one day, that he's just amazing" she said, "and your right I have in the past fallen quickly for guys, but its different now."

I just nodded even though I knew she was lying, she always says this about every guy. But looking into her eyes I saw that spark of hope, so I just smiled and continued asking her about him.

I heard my brother coming up the stairs while the TV was still playing downstairs. My brother started by asking me a few weird questions. Like if I felt hot or if I felt like running. I wanted to slap him, this questioning was ridiculous, everyone knows I hate running.

Then he asked "Maybe you can hear some things that you normally couldn't?" I looked at Hana then at my brother and bit my lip nervously.

"I'll take that as a yes then" my brother said, "what exactly can you hear?"

I then told him how I heard their conversation downstairs in the kitchen.

Hana smiled and glanced at my brother. He then told me it's completely normal, like that's supposed to make me feel better... I didn't really see how this was normal but left it.

"You'll be going through more changes similar to this, but the pain won't be so bad again" Hana said staring at me with a smile.

"Why? Why do you keep saying I'm going to change?" I asked her.

"That's something we can't tell you, you have to figure it out on your own, but when you have then we'll tell you everything, I promise" she answered.

It was so vague, and so unlike her. She always tells me everything. I just wanted to know what was happening but no one seemed to want to tell me so I asked one last question.

"Does everyone in the world go through this?"

"No not really, its only a selected few that goes through this when turning 18. Usually it takes a few days weeks but your already a month past your birthday," she answered.

I tried to process all this in my head but gave up. I didn't really understand any of it and decided to go to sleep because I still felt that ache in my body.


"Come on little sis! We have to go now," James shouted at me again for the third time. I'd woken up a while ago feeling a lot better. But as always I was running late and my brother was not happy.

Me and Hana giggled and walked down, ready to go out for dinner tonight. I wore my amazing ankle boots with a skinny jean and a flowy white top. Most of my clothes were classics and plain colors. I've wanted to wear more expressionate clothes in the past but never felt confident enough so I stood by the basics.

We drove off to the nearest town and stopped in front of a little board saying "husky's diner". We walked in and the boys ordered a beer and some steak while I got me a small toasted sandwich.

However after eating it I was still hungry. I got me a pizza as well and only then did my hunger pass a little. This was weird since I usually only ate a little. I guess skipping breakfast took its toll on me.

As I took my last slice, I saw them come in. Wow, he had definitely changed since I last saw him. I immediately recognized Durant, his dark hair and shocking blue eyes, but now he had a beard. He wore a black v-neck with jeans that tightly hugged his bum and legs. He has a lot of muscles that definitely weren't there before!

I felt bad thinking about him as attractive since I was dating Jackson. Not that I would go for Durant, I was just admiring him from a far. And I'm not blind I know a pretty man when I see one. So why did I feel bad now?

Behind him were three guys, one I remembered as Peter, with black hair and dark brown eyes. The other two guys I hadn't met before but behind them was also a beautiful girl with blonde hair that was cut short and blue eyes.

My brother stood up first to greet Durant and then the others followed. I went last. "You're looking a bit better, I was getting worried there for a minute" he said when I hugged him.

I forgot that he saw me this morning and instantly felt embarrassed. Durant gave me a smirk like he knew what I was thinking.

"Well I feel much better, thank you!"

"I'm guessing you know about this change on my 18th birthday? Did you also get pains like me?" I asked him.

"Yes I also went through it but I changed when I was 15 like your brother" he said like I had known my brother changed earlier.

"Why did you change earlier?" I asked very curious. He looked at my brother who just shook his head.

"Well because we have to lead, we are a bit stronger and therefore our change takes about two months. So we change a few years earlier," he smiled and touched my nose.

It was very weird, like he was treating me as a child. His description was complicated and I felt like it was some incrupted hint and I was the only one who hadn't figured it out yet.

"I see, so who are you meant to lead?" I asked him. He smiled again and looked me straight in the eye as he said: "You ask a lot of questions Lila, but I'll answer this last one then we'll go enjoy ourselves."

Lila... I haven't heard that nickname in a while. And he was the last one to call me that. It felt strange hearing my childhood nickname again, but it sounds right leaving his lips.

"Okay? So tell me then, who are you suppose to lead" I asked him again. "All of you, all of the people who goes through this... Change" he said.

More incrupted words. "Well goodluck with that because you are one of the last people I would listen to" I said chuckling.

"Then its a good thing you're in your brother's pack and not mine" he said with a smile. Pack? Like in dogs coming together? Maybe its just some word they use for united people.

I opened my mouth to ask him again but he sushed me and held out his hand, "no more questions, would you like to dance?" I knew he was changing the subject but I didn't mind, I welcomed the distraction.

"Yes please" I said sounding way more eager then I'd meant to sound. But I just loved dancing so much! We went to the middle of the dance floor and to my surprise Durant was an amazing dancer.

He spun me around and we moved all over the dance floor. As the last note came he picked me up and swung me around before dipping me. He stared at me then lifted me up and walked away without saying another word.

I watched Hana and Jett stare at each other and dancing the whole night. While Chase and Shani couldn't keep their hands off of each other. I suddenly felt a sadness in myself. I felt alone.

I mean I loved being with Jackson and surely we had a good future ahead of ourselves but we don't have this... This intimate feelings for each other.

I suddenly felt lost and took a sip of my drink. Forget it I told myself! You're here to celebrate your brother... So I tried to enjoy myself the rest of the evening. Drinking probably a bit more then I should for an 18 year old. But it was fun seeing everyone again, in fact I couldn't remember a time I went out with my own friends. We usually always hung out with Jackson's group.


Morning came, so the girls and I decided to cook breakfast. We made bacon, eggs, sausages, French toast and even a fruit salad. I thought it was enough food to last at least a week! But I was wrong. Not even half an hour after we started eating the food was done! I mean I knew my brother ate a lot, but here everyone ate at least three times what I normally eat.

But I had also eaten a lot this morning. It's strange how I keep feeling extremely hungry the whole time.

After breakfast I went for a walk outside. The scenery was just so beautiful I had to go for a walk in the woods. I stopped by a waterfall before seeing two large shocking blue eyes looking at me. I jumped from fright but when I looked again it was gone.

It felt strange like my head was telling me to run away but my body wanted me to go looking in the woods. To go searching. My head is the reasonable one so I decided to head back.

"James, is there any wild animals in these woods?" I asked my brother.

"Well yes we are in the woods little sis" he said laughingly like he made the world's funniest joke.

"Yeah okay, do you know if there's maybe some wolfs?" I asked looking down and biting my lip.

"Yes of course there is" he said like it was normal for wolfs to be running around.

That's when I felt it again. Pain running through my spine, up into my skull. It burned. I groaned in pain. Then I screamed...

In an instant Durant were next to me, where did he even come from? I mean I only saw my brother next to me and Durant just popped out of no where, moving even faster then James.

"What's wrong?" James asked me then looked over his shoulder and shouted: "she isn't supposed to be going through more pain!"

"Yes I know, I don't know what's wrong. We can take her to the other house and I'll ask Pixie to look at her?" Durant told my brother. He only nodded in agreement and before I know it I'm loaded in the back of Durant's jeep.

It was over an hour drive and I honestly felt like I was dying. Now and then we would stop at a garage to get more ice bags, but not even that was helping at the moment. I cried in pain the whole ride there. And when we finally stopped I couldn't keep myself up.

Suddenly the blonde girl I saw with Durant's group last night came running out, she pushed past everyone and told my brother to carry me and follow her in. "What do you think pixie? Will she make the change?" my brother asked very serious. She looked thoughtful and answered "Yes she will but we have to put her in the ice box."