
The Werewolf Series

Volume 7 The Rejected After Luke and Micah got rejected by their mates, they decided to fill each other's emptiness and pain with love. Everything wasn't perfect at all. But Luke and Micah showed their love despite many hindrances. While the two were busy being in love with each other, the King of Vortex/ King of Vampires came to help until they found out the connection they had from Aelia and Gavin and to the King's deceased wife, Lily. With Melissa in the picture, they find out that a messed up soul mate match was something of a black witch’s twisted game. From rejection to unrecognition... and from their dark past. Volume 6 The Princess and the Hunter--- Iris met her soul mate in the waterfalls in an unexpected moment. She was naked when they first met and her first description to him is PERVERT. Raoul has been waiting for his soul mate all his life. After Lyndon's parents died that also stand as his parents, he drown his sorrows to women who are willing to have sex with him. Every night, different women, until her. Princess Iris of Blue Moon. Although, Iris was resisting from him, both of them couldn't hold the lust in the present and they make love anytime they want. And a mysterious deadly-past are getting on their way. Volume 5 Innocent Seduction Simple warning: "I won't let her take what's mine." --- Cassandra Cassandra was the second daughter of the King and Queen of the Blue Moon Kingdom and the youngest of the siblings. She was known as heartless, lack of empathy, and a weak Princess who hide behind her magics. Lyndon was a boy who lived in a very simple way with his family, who is head over heels in love with a she-wolf. He doesn't know that love could be so dangerous that would lead everyone to death. Volume 4 His Deitee Laura helped Eponine escaped the Red Moon Pack to find Ludwig the Warlock that will help her. Flowers blooms in his kingdom with his arrival and at the same time, the Warlock's lonely heart that is yearning for warmth received a most precious gift, which is his reincarnated soul mate, Eponine. Volume 3 She's Killing Me Although she tried to kill her mate many times and hurt him emotionally, Drake never gave up on her. He loves her since childhood. They might've forgotten each other but not until they meet again. However, she kept forgetting him and her mission is to kill him. Drake won't stop until he had the antidote to cure her and to kill those people who turned his mate into a monster. Although she hurt him emotionally and physically, a great love would never fade. They are meant for each other and yet she's killing him. Volume 2 The Beta's Love for the Goddess All of her life she wished to have her soul mate. But on a snapped it just disappeared and she stopped wishing to have him. He will do everything for her. He is head over heels in love with her but he doesn't know why she stopped wishing to have him. Volume 1 The Hopeless Alpha's Mate Zoe the Princess of all werewolves and her cursed is to feel every mate’s rejection. She will feel the pain right into her heart. She’s cursed as mateless. She is cursed to live alone until she grows old. However, she’s the last hope of the werewolves. Everything changed when she entered the New Moon pack and that’s where she met a boy named Nicholas claiming to be her mate. Note: Special thanks to the maker of the book cover, my friend/co-writer sagorika_adhikari This is also a compiled werewolf series. From Blue Moon Princess to the Enchantresses

TheIllusionist · Fantasy
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262 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Seven

—Zoë Danae Mnemosyne—

There are lots of people in the big church we had here in the town. After the wedding, we will be crown as King and Queen of Blue Moon. But the wedding hasn't started yet. I am standing in the small stage facing the three big mirrors while they are fixing my gown. The gown is white, and they just put a veil on it. They helped me wore my white gloves. I breathed and looked at Minerva who seemed frustrated.

'You should relax. You are not the one who will be crown as Queen and the bride.'

'It's just… this is crazy!' she leans on the mirror holding her head. 'I had punished the wolves that rejected their mates… I can't punish Seferis. Helena put a spell on him. Even my Mother can't break the spell around him.'

'What spell?' I asked her. She breathes closing her eyes.

'I am still finding out. I know that the spell that Helena put him will fade when she died but the spell is still around him and still alive. There's a possibility that Helena is still alive.'

'That's impossible. I killed her. It was still fresh in my mind. I killed her…' I tensed up.

'No…' she chuckled shaking her head and sigh. 'I was just paranoid or something. I shouldn't ruin your day.' She walks to the sofa and lie there. 'Wake me up when it is starting.' Then she closed her eyes. She was fast asleep. She's really tired.

'You look beautiful.' Someone speaks from my back. I saw Keynes smiling at me. I wore my mother's amulet and it suits my gown.

'Thank you…'

'Minerva seems so stressed out.' He commented glancing at Minerva.

'Yeah… she even kicked Yves' ass just to get out of her way.' I whispered.

'Hmm… by the way, the wedding will start in thirty minutes.'

'Okay,' I smiled at him. 'Thank you Keynes…' I stepped down from the stage and walks to him.

'For what?' he asked.

'You know what…'

'Oh, that? Well, it's my responsibility. You don't need to thank me.'

'You are my big brother though not in blood. Thank you, Keynes…' I hugged him and he hugged me tightly. Tonight he will crown too as my right hand.

'C'mon… let's go outside…' he pulls me outside and we left Minerva. Yves will wake her up.


Minerva seemed annoyed but she sighed and force a smile. The wedding had started and everyone is smiling at us. I was walking in the long aisle and I wanted to walk briskly to my mate and say I do's then we will be crown as King and Queen and then we will proceed in mating, however, the gown is heavy and I need to walk slowly.

We face the Enchanter he will give us his blessings as the ritual of wedding in werewolves. We held each other's wrist while he is reciting the ritual. There's a warm tingling burn on our wrists. The name of our wolf was burned on our wrist. I have Tobias and he has Selene.

Then next… we say I love you to each other and say those cheesy words. But I have to rush. Then next, he gave me the scepter of my mother and he crowned me. He put his thumb in the middle of my forehead and something burned there. He did the same to Nathan.

'The Royal Majesty, King Nathan, and Queen Zoë Danae Mnemosyne.' The Enchanter Eros announced. He is half God. He is also Minerva's father.

Everyone stood and clapped their hands.

'Hail King Nathan! Hail Queen Danae!' Yes, I was called here on my second name.

After the coronation, I grabbed his hand and we ran to the graveyard.

'Are you going to kill me here?' he asked wrapping his arms from my back as we walk.

'No! Hey… not at my back… we might get tripped.' I pull him to my side before he stepped on my gown and we get tripped. I breathe as we are in the middle of the cemetery. I open the gate of the monument. 'I wanted them to meet you.'

'I am pleased to meet them too.' He kissed the back of my hand.

The Alpha's and their commanders are inside the palace while the town people are outside. I found it unfair so had invited all of them inside the palace. The Lords even stopped me. But I told them that they are my people and everybody is invited to my wedding and my coronation. Every Alpha's from different packs had introduced one by one to us. Except for those rogues.

'Queen Danae, King Nathan.' Mr. and Mrs. Gregg bow to us.

'Don't be silly you don't have to do that.' I told them. They just chuckled at my boyish attitude. I was like that even I was a kid running around.

'Mother, father.' Nathan nods at them.

'Since, you are the King now. What's your plan?'

'I will visit our pack and I will put Yves as the Alpha. He will act like Alpha and Terence as Beta but I am still the Alpha of our pack.'

'That sounds… complicated.' I told him.

'It only means that I will still look over to my people.'

'Well, now you are a King and every pack is now your people.' He scratched the back of his head.

'Yeah, you are right. I will put Yves as the new Alpha and Terence as Beta and dad, please put our strongest fighter as the third in command.'

'As you wish King Nathan.' His father nods.


'You should act like a King, not my stupid son.'

'Dad… am I stupid?' he asked furrowing.

'Well… sometimes…' he answered looking at me. I giggle because I know what he means.

'Don't worry dad… I will guide this man.' I said tapping Nathan's shoulder.

'You should, he's always in rush.' Mrs. Gregg said winking at me. I bit my lips and giggle. I nudge him on his rib to get his attention.

'Mom, Dad we should entertain the guest.' He said that as an excuse.

We walk holding hands together. I saw Minerva who is busy on her phone while Yves is just watching her from the corner. Terence is with Dina flirting at each other. Yeah, they are so flirty. Then there's Harris and his Princess, Lily, dancing in the middle.

Chase and Grace are roaming around the paintings while he is telling the histories of it including the paintings in the ceiling. Gab and Rebecca were cuddling each other then I Gab grabbed Rebecca out of the party. I shook my head. Keynes and Natasha are entertaining the guests together. He is now practicing her as the second had of the Queen which is me.

Sam kept on distracting Sally from her responsibilities. She was my servant or assistant. I give her a day off just for this event. I can take care of myself. Sam even begs me to give her a break so he can take his time with her.

I and my mate walk around and talk to the people of our town in the garden. They bow at us and we smiled. It was so chilly here. Good thing that it's not raining in snow.

'So, having fun?' I asked them.

'We are… it's been eight years since that incident, then I need to leave my beloved Kingdom.' One of the town men said.

'Well, everyone is invited and welcome here.' I said to him. He said that he was one of Gerald's employees on making weapons for the knights.

We meet everyone and welcome them thanking them for their gifts. We had lots of gifts in our room. When I had declared the wedding it immediately scattered in the whole town. They even decorated in the town of my picture and Nathan's picture. Also the Flag of Blue Moon.

'It's already one in the morning. Can we proceed to our room?' he whispered in my ear. 'Minerva mentioned to me about us mating… we need to break the curse.' He nuzzles his nose on my neck.

'Okay…' I giggle.

We speed up to our room ignoring the two guards outside the room standing on both doors. We went to the bed and he lays me on the bed. I giggle helping him on his King outfit.

'This sucks.' I sat up and help him.

It takes at least five minutes to remove it all except for his boxers. I laugh at his annoyed expression. Then he started kissing the crock of my neck leaving love bites. I moan then I remember that there are guards outside that might hear us. So, I use my magic to make the room bulletproof from their ears.

'Let��s open at least three on the gifts then let's play… what do you think?' I asked him as I pull off my gloves.

'No…' he holds my waist tight. His hand crawls all over me that give me good shivers and electric flows in my veins. He ripped the gown that makes me gasped. Oh, I remember that he loves wild.

'Nate…' I murmur planting kisses on his muscular shoulders.

'Yeah? I'm busy…' he continued ripping my dress and throws it at his back. I am only wearing a lacey bra and lacey panties with panty-hose.

'Nate… mark me again…' I said to him.

'Hmm… get ready.' He said in a hoarse voice. He kissed my right neck, and his fangs brushed on my soft skin. I hold to him. I gasped when his fangs were buried on my skin, and I can feel my blood run.

'Ahhh…' I moan that I know Tobias drives crazy. Selene, my wolf is getting wild from his bite. He licks it and sucks it. It was burning and it aches but the pleasure I felt is more than the pain of his mark.

'You okay, love?' he asked pulling his face to look at me. I open my eyes. His eyes are burning like mine

'I will mark you too…' I open my mouth, and my fangs elongate. I kissed the crock of his neck at the left side, and I bit him. He groans sexily, holding on me tight.

Then I can feel my freedom from the curse.

This is it.

The next chapter is about mating and full of sex-thingy. You might want to skip it.

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