
The Werewolf Prince is My Pet! (BL)

[Pupa is busy with other novels, on indefinite Hiatus.] [Warning: Mature BL content full of kinks ahead.] Cha Junshik was a 24-year-old man who lived alone and earned money by being a BJ (Broadcast Jockey) who streamed his ‘self-care’ session. The diminishing views of his Livestream worried him as this was his only way to earn money. Thus, he started searching for a partner to spice up his live stream. But his search was in vain until that day... when a portal suddenly popped and a man with wolf ears fell on his bed... naked. He was as taller and more muscular than Junshik, but this weird man with wolf ears suddenly hugged his thigh and begged, “S—Sir, please let me stay. I will do anything! Anything as long as you let me stay!" The werewolf prince begged. Cha Junshik saw an opportunity. This Wolf guy had sculpted muscle, a handsome face, and a perky butt. "Anything, you say?" A smirk grew on Cha Junshik's lips as he leaned in and pinched the wolf's chin. "Put this leash on and listen to my orders." -- Official Commissioned Cover -- Contact me: Instagram: @foreverpupa

ForeverPupa · LGBT+
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229 Chs

Cam Pom! (2)

"Mr. Cha, Good afternoon!"

The shrilly, squeaky voice hurt his eardrum immediately, but he had to endure it. He wouldn't lie that he just couldn't get used to it, "Good afternoon, Im Areum."

"You're very handsome today, Mr. Cha!" Im Areum complimented.

"Haha, thank you," Junshik forced a smile and accepted the compliment.

Honestly, Junshik didn't have any problem with his students complimenting his appearance. Because he indeed modeled for a few catalog shoots in the meantime, just to get extra money.

But he also had a line between just a simple compliment and downright Sasaeng* behavior.

Im Areum was one of those obsessed young girls who started stalking everything about him on social media and started asking about some very private questions in his private Kakaotalk*.

Some Sasaeng can be creepy by silently following him from behind whenever he is out or something. While the others could be annoying and make him uncomfortable with their advances, just like Im Areum.

Areum continued showering compliments to Junshik, much to Junshik's annoyance.

He was relieved that more and more students joined, and Areum zipped her mouth eventually. Junshik started the class right at 3 P.M.

"Good afternoon, class. Today, we continue Professor Kim Sungmin's topics last week about the Introduction of Quantum Physics. Please listen carefully because this topic is difficult for many students.."

Cha Junshik was a physics major as an undergraduate and was currently continuing his postgraduate under the same major. He had to admit that he liked studying physics, but he didn't have any idea of what he'd do next, so he just continued his study to postgraduate and decided to be a lecturer or university teacher instead. Because he also had experience teaching his friends and tutoring a few high school students for math and physics.

The students were mesmerized by Cha Junshik's charisma as he fixed his glasses and continued his explanation. Most of them didn't listen to whatever Junshik was saying, but the sheer fact that a handsome man could be this smart amazed them.

Some were brave enough to silently take a video of Junshik, but Junshik didn't care much about it. It was better than taking his picture outside of work.


Meanwhile, Alpheus struggled inside Junshik's room because his short legs as Pomeranian really didn't help. He continued jumping for almost 30 minutes without any result.

'Urgh, why is this so hard? I'm tired now….' Alpheus complained.

But when he remembered this was a training regiment given by Sir Junshik Hyung, Alpheus refused to give up.

'Alphie, you can do it! This is Sir Junshik Hyung's order!'

But Alpheus knew his limitation. Rather than trying the same thing over and over, he observed Sir Junshik Hyung's room, trying to find some prop that could help him.

Then he noticed that he could jump from the box, then to the chair, table near the bed, and jump from the table to reach the bed!

"Oh! I can just do it like that! Sir Junshik Hyung must've intentionally arranged everything to help me! He is really a great, generous man!" Alpheus praised Sir Junshik Hyung to the moon and back.

Thus, he stood in front of the box, tapped his small dog feet to prepare for lunging, and then, "Jump!"

"Hup!" Alpheus successfully landed on the box, then he did the same and jumped to the chair and table.

He looked around from the computer table, and the bed was only one jump away. But he stayed on the table for a while because his dog nose could smell something that attracted him.

He started sniffing around the computer table and noticed something, "Oh, this is the same scent from that tissue, and it feels a bit white and sticky…."

Alpheus continued sniffing, "Ah, it smells weird, but I like it, somehow. I will ask Sir Junshik Hyung what this smell is! But for now…."

Alpheus prepared himself and then jumped to the bed, landing safely. He was so happy that he started jumping around happily. "Goal! Alphie is the best!" Alpheus praised himself.

After celebrating his success, he jumped from the bed to the floor and ran towards the door.

"Arf! I have to tell Sir Junshik Hyung about this!"

Alpheus saw the door wasn't fully closed. He peeked and saw Sir Junshik Hyung wearing attire that made him look majestic. That must be his royal attire!

Alpheus slipped from the door and excitedly wagged his tail. He ran towards Junshik, who was still teaching the students, and barked loudly, forgetting that he should keep his silence out of excitement, "Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!"

Junshik was surprised when Alpheus suddenly barked so loud right under his feet. He wagged his tail and nibbled on Junshik's toes.

"Mr. Cha has a dog?" One student asked because the barks were loud.


Small note:

Sasaeng*: Stalker, usually obsessed fans who stalk idols or actors/actresses.

Kakaotalk*: A popular messaging app in Korea.

Thank you for readingg!

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