
Alphie vs Laura Lovena (1)

"Whoa— back off, Alphie. I can't breathe!" Cha Junshik complained, but Alpheus only tightened his hug even more.

"No! Alphie will not leave, Sir! I don't want Sir Junshik Hyung to ignore me like you did last night! I can't handle the unknown heartache when I'm not with you!"

"Unknown heartache?" 

"Yes! Sir, when I'm not with you, my heart ached so badly that I don't know what to do!" Alpheus started sobbing and hugged Sir Junshik Hyung tighter. "Sir, please don't leave me. I… I don't think I can breathe if you leave."

Cha Junshik bit his lower lip and forcefully pushed Alpheus away. Of course, Alphie could exert more strength to hold Sir Junshik Hyung, but that would crush Sir's bone, so he finally released his hug. 

Cha Junshik distanced himself from this wolf prince. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and said, "You can breathe even when you're not with me. No need to exaggerate it."