
The Werewolf Physician

Plot Anastasia James is a specialist who spends significant time in Oncologist medical procedure in the best disease research emergency clinic in the country. She is likewise a werewolf. Notwithstanding appearing to be cold and brutal, Anastasia veils her delicate heart and internal agony and longs for closeness with individuals. She trusts emphatically in the holiness of human existence, and smothers her aggravation to treat critically ill patients and save lives. Among her partners is Lima, a superstar doctor who entered clinical school at 18 years old and is likewise the nephew of the Island bunch executive who possesses the medical clinic. Lima is exceptionally competent, however bombastic and prideful, yet Anastasia winds up succumbing to him. She likewise gets brought into a contention among great and malevolent as she experiences William, an untrustworthy clinic boss who acquires everybody's trust with his delicate disposition, yet deep down harbors a hazardous desire for power and an ability for remorselessness. Anastasia is a werewolf, being contaminated with the LT-01 infection she acquired from her tainted (werewolves) guardians. However cold and uninterested outwardly, Anastasia is delicate and minding within, bearing the agony of losing her folks who were killed by the evil contaminated William. She trusts unequivocally in the sacredness of human existence, and smothers her aggravation to treat critically ill patients and save lives. She succumbs to individual specialist and youth associate Lima. Specialist William, a malicious werewolf/LT-01 contaminated who harbors a risky desire for power and an ability for brutality. Alongside Anastasia's folks, he was a mentee and individual scientist of Dr. Robert, the pioneer of the LT-01 infection. Seeing the infection likely in human improvement, he intends to expand the exploration, to which Dr. Robert and the other mentees firmly differ for moral contemplations. Dazed by voracity, he paints himself with the infection, kills Dr. Robert, and sends his men to chase Anastasia's folks. He turns into the overseer of Athena Emergency clinic, acquiring everybody's trust with his delicate attitude and utilizing the medical clinic to proceed with his examination on LT-01. Outline 1.Anastasia is a expert and researcher at the satisfactory medical sanatorium in the country. 2.Anastasia is a werewolf. 3.Anastasia hides her proper identification from her colleagues. 4.Anastasia meets a mysterious man who is additionally a werewolf. 5.Anastasia falls in love with the mysterious man. 6.Anastasia is torn between staying with the man she loves and satisfying her dream of turning into a super doctor. 7.Anastasia's real identity is printed to her colleagues. 8.Anastasia's colleagues accept her and embrace her for who she is. 9. Anastasia and her mysterious man confront the risk of hunters. 10.Anastasia and her mysterious man go on the run and find a secret team of werewolf protectors. Finally: Anastasia and her mysterious man unite the werewolf protectors and form a effective alliance that fights in opposition to the hunters and ensures the security of all werewolves.

rumen_asamiagor · Fantasy
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8 Chs

U.S. Athena Cancer Center

Chapter Three

The hospital staff is looking forward to Dr. William, the new director,'s arrival. Moreover, a well known specialist whose standing goes before him is supposed to show up around the same time. Dr. Anastasia James, who trained at Grey, M.D. Johnson, Royal America, Meunchen, and Gagama as a volunteer, is the subject of all the attention. A poisonous pot of supernatural brew is created by their simultaneous arrival. The professor knocks the lens out of Dr. Anastasia's sunglasses as she rushes to the conference room. She quickly flees after they have a rude argument. For orientation, the Associate Director meets with Dr. Anastasia. She has responded to her inquiries and informs her that she will receive her ID and pass tomorrow, but for the time being, she will only have access to her laboratory. She identifies the items from the requested list that are missing: drinking water with a pH level of 8, custom meals, a Major League cable channel subscription, and LG Twins season tickets. Check.

The case of the patient whose surgery has been rejected is currently the subject of an open discussion. The professor is in charge of the patient-related discussion. There is disagreement regarding whether radiation or surgery should be used for treatment. When Dr. Anastasia enters the discussion, she quickly suggests the Appleby operation as an alternative strategy. The Associate Director uses the opportunity to introduce him as the new Manager of HPB Team 1 with everyone's attention on her. Dr. Lima, the professor, after more heated debate, insists that the patient be treated in his manner. Already, he and Dr. Anastasia have fought. Dr. Anastasia begins her rounds after putting the silver pill box in her lab's safe. Dr. Michael, an additional surgeon, is currently in the office of the Associate Director complaining about the shifts in team leadership. He is informed that he will lead Team 2 of HPB Surgery. The resistance to cooperation has grown as a result of the hospital's chaotic hierarchy. At the entrance of the surgery room, Dr. Anastasia and Dr. Lima argue over who should perform the procedure. Despite the fact that Dr. Lima will now be a member of Dr. Anastasia's team, he continues with the decision he and Dr. Michael made prior to Dr. Anastasia's arrival. He is warned by Dr. Anastasia that the surgery will not work.

Dr. Lima, cocky and overconfident, leads the team and starts the surgery. In the surgical observation gallery, the Chairman arrives. Everyone gets up. He and Dr. Anastasia have their first encounter. He waves to Dr. Lima, who waves back to him very amiably. Dr. Lima is regarded as a genius by the Chairman, despite the fact that he overestimates himself and lacks. He asks Dr. Anastasia to take care of him with a smile, to which she says, "I don't think it needs to be me specifically." However, the favour is demanded by the Chairman; He is, after all, his sole nephew. When Dr. Lima encounters issues with the surgery, it comes as no surprise. Dr. Anastasia calmly declares that the grenade is about to fall. After a few seconds, the artery breaks. Anastasia, Dr. Ka…boom." Panic. Blood loss is substantial, and the vital signs are erratic. Transfusion is initiated by Dr. Anastasia. He ignores Dr. Michael's instructions over the gallery's microphone. Everybody becomes apprehensive. Uncle Chairman is aware that Dr. Anastasia has vanished. After rushing to her laboratory, Dr. Anastasia cracks open the safe and takes a pill from the silver box. She shows up in the operating room wearing a gown and gloves, ready to take over the failed surgery. It is tense in the working room and perception exhibition. Dr. Lima contends with Dr. Anastasia, however she advises him to save convention. It's an impasse. Uncle Director steps in and tells Dr. Lima to move the activity to Dr. Anastasia. We now know that Dr. Lima is a cocky, egotistical, and mean jerk who is more concerned with himself than the emergency he has created. He proudly displays his position of privilege as the Chairman's nephew. However, he raises his hand and tells his uncle to watch the surgery when he stomps into the gallery to question his uncle's decision. The Appleby procedure is completed successfully by Dr. Anastasia. She has established her reputation on her first day.

Dr. Lima criticises Dr. Anastasia's mannerisms and underplays her skill in the hospital lounge. The coworker can't get over how young she looks and says that she looks like she's in her 20s when they guess her age as 35 or 39. a reminder that a werewolf adolescent ages after being infected for several years.) We get a terrible taste of what collaborations between Dr. Anastasia and Dr. Lima will resemble when they scarcely endure each other at the patient's bedside in recuperation. They will have to work together a lot as colleagues, but neither will try to control the other's flaws because of them. A second good remark is due. Dr. Lima is hardheaded, defensive, and sarcastic. Dr. Anastasia lacks interpersonal skills and is cynical. She informs him that she will not prioritise him like the other women. She informs him that his performance review will not contain any blanks because she is Team 1 Manager.

After her first day in the hospital, Anastasia makes her way back to her home. She is greeted by her cheerful friend, who then takes her vital signs: normal. She tells Anastasia that the hospital database she hacked earlier is suddenly locked. Tomorrow, according to Anastasia, her ID pass will fix that. Dr. William has arrived in town, and Uncle Chairman has picked him up. We learn from their conversation that Dr. William orchestrated Dr. Anastasia's simultaneous arrival. Uncle Chairman is overjoyed and contemplates how he obtained Dr. Anastasia's acceptance. Uncle Chairman's claim that the two of them "aren't exactly friendly" doesn't make it clear how much he knows about them or what he means by it. Humdinger, a robot that Anastasia's friend has secretly constructed over the past three years, is presented to her. "It's very nice to meet you, Master,"Humdinger says to Anastasia. Humdinger is Anastasia's personal health care assistant and a wealth of information about love. Her friend triggers Humdinger, who delivers a series of forward-looking and somewhat inappropriate "love" phrases. Anastasia orders her friend and the perverted robot out with no humour. I anticipate that Humdinger will serve as the drama's comic relief. In the meantime, Dr. William has summoned a group of con artists, who gather at night in the city. He drinks after grabbing his own werewolf remedy from a safe. It is clear that his master plan is coming to fruition.

Anastasia watches the video her mother left her alone in her room with tears in her eyes. There are recorded minutes from her life as a youngster with her loved ones. Mother explains to Anastasia in her message that she was born with the virus because she and her father were infected. They were on the run since they disagreed with the philosophy of other people who were tainted. Her mother assures Anastasia that her father died protecting them, despite the fact that their attempts to find a cure were unsuccessful. She must now make good use of her skills to assist others and discover a cure. How frequently has she viewed the video? When Anastasia stands up in front of her mother's face on the screen, she feels so alone. Charlotte!" (Finally, Anastasia's delightful companion has a name.) Anastasia is unable to take Humdinger's laundry list of statistics as her welcome. Humdinger's upbeat programming can't be discouraged by insults. From a robot, "Have a nice day, Master" never sounded more sincere. Anastasia and Charlotte's relationship become more apparent to us. They have clearly moved in together to this new location; they have been working on Anastasia's mother's notes for some time; and Charlotte keeps an eye on Anastasia's vital signs and takes her medications. She is aware of the werewolf family. Anastasia is given a brand-new compound that Charlotte has just created to deal with the rise in surgeries (more exposure to the moon).

Anastasia reaches the medical facility. The entrance is adorned with a large welcome banner for Director William's Inauguration Ceremony. Despite the fact that William is intimately familiar with Anastasia, there has been no indication of what Anastasia knows about William. Dr. Anastasia joins the site. A note appears: interviewing residents. A panel questions a number of interviewees. Assessments, internships, and grades are examined. The last applicant, Mia, appears to be lacking. She lacks proper credentials and does not speak English. When she is asked why she applied, she is met with polite sighs as she recounts how her mother's illness and treatment at this hospital inspired her to become a doctor. "You can start today," says Dr. Anastasia. After assigning her to her team, she leaves. When Mia catches up with her to express her gratitude, she bursts her bubble by explaining that she chose her because she appeared to require little sleep.