
The Werewolf Nextdoor: The 9th Cycle

Highschool can be the places that change you forever, but when Karto moves into a new town that is home to a well-known school, he finds something there that is kept secret from the outside world that will change him for the foreseeable future. Or is his reality fake?....

Karto_Trak · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 11- Teeth and Claws PT 2

Abril's POV

My heart stopped for a moment, did he figure it out...

"What made you think that I may or may not have found my mate?" I asked nervously.

"I have heard that if you answer a question with a question you are hiding something. All you have to do is say yes or no." Karto spoke flatly.

I sighed, "Yes I have, are you going to ask who it is next?"

"Only if I beat you in the sparing match." he snickered.

We reached the training area my Dad had set for me, and we started with a few warm ups. After that we were ready, I partially shifted showing a tail and a pair of ears.

"So before we get on with it, I want you to fight me as if you were up against an opponent that you dislike." Karto spoke as he wrapped up his stretches.

"But I don't want to hurt you!" I whined.

"I'll be fine. I am going to defend myself along with throwing a few punches. Okay?"

I pouted, "That doesn't make me feel much better."

Karto's POV

I knew she didn't want to hurt me, but she did ask for me to help her. I closed my eyes and took a few breaths. After a few seconds I balled up my fists and held them up, "Come on Abril. Just come at me with you best sh-."

I blocked her right attack. That's when things began to pick up. She was fast almost too fast. I even nearly too a kick to the head.

Then I noticed she began to slow up. I landed some hits and swiped her feet knocking her to the ground.

"Are you okay?" I said holding out my hand.

"I- I'm fine just got the wind knocked out of me." Abril groaned taking my hand and standing up.

"You have the skills but you use a lot of energy at the start."

"My instructor told me to hit hard fast and get the opponent down."

"Well in some cases that does work but not always. You'll have to pace yourself and take some hits to wear down your opponent. Not only is it better it's also a better strategy for hand to hand combat."

"Okay what else."

"Always expect the unexpected when going against any opponent. Those unexpected things can cause the fight to end. Lastly get creative in your attacks. I find doing something different for each move makes it harder for you to be predictable."

"Thanks Karto your the best!" Abril spoke hugging me tightly.