
The Werewolf King: My Saviour

What happens when you discover that your mate was lying to you so that he can keep you prisoner because he thinks being human makes you unworthy of being an Alpha's mate?

QuiliviaDeTreasure · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


He walked away from the sofa that i was sitting on, his eyes turning to their usual ice blue colour. "I see you have him wrapped around you fingers now. Good for you. Now what did you want to tell me, mate", he said through a clenched jaw, clearly not liking the fact that his wolf listened to me more than him. "I Zebrine Collson reject you Aiden Knox as my mate", i said with a scratchy voice, his eyes went wide with shock. "You can't do that. How dare you!", he screamed, his eyes started turning from normal to glowing colour. He was having an internal battle and i just hoped that his wolf would keep his promise. He closed his eyes and when he opened they were glowing, it was his wolf. "He will never accept your rejection, i have to accept it or else he will keep hurting you. I can't let him hurt you... We accept your rejection", he said then roared in pain, his roar shook the whole house. Boris rushed in the room with worry on his face only to find Aiden kneeling on the floor, his bones started cracking, he was shifting. He pulled him outside the house. My mother rushed in pulling me in a hug, "What happened Zeb, talk to me", mother begged me to explain but the pain i was feeling in my chest was unbearable, i screamed, my vision blurred.

I woke up in the hospital... again. My chest was hurting less and i was grateful for that at least something felt normal. My mother was sitting beside me along with Jennifer. "Mum", i called with a sore throat making Jennifer rush to give me some water. "Thank you", "Am such a horrible friend and am so sorry for not helping, we were all under the Alpha's command and we had no idea why he was hiding you in that house. Am truly sorry", she said making me smile weekly. "It's ok really. I don't blame any of you. I just want to get out of here and start over", i said shifting my gaze to my mother who looked sad. We have always been together, just the two of us, i thought things would change when Boris showed up but it didn't, he was amazing to both of us and his love for my mother was the one that gave me hope every time things went south between me Aiden, i kept telling myself that he would never hurt me because i was his mate, too bad he was not Boris. "Zeb, i wont stop you, you are my baby and i never want to see you hurt, i will talk to Boris and we will be out of here as soon as possible", she said standing up, no doubt going to find him. She was missing the point. This was her life and i was not about to make her move away because of me, she made friends and was loved by everyone. "Mum, am doing this alone", "Nonsense, we are a family", "And we will remain so, just without me being here anymore. I will go to a human town and start a fresh. I will make sure i call you everyday, i promise", "No way! You are not leaving me here with that monster", she said with tears in her eyes. "Mum listen to me. We don't want to put Boris in trouble, he is the head warrior, the pack needs him, they need you at the orphanage too. You need to stay. I promise i will be safe", i assured her but she kept crying so i gestured for her to come for a hug and she did, i let her cry on my shoulder. Jennifer sat quietly, she looked sad, she was my first and only friend and no doubt feeling guilty. "I will be calling you too Jennifer", my sentence made her face light up.

Boris gave me some money and his humungous car. I could see that he didn't want me to leave but had no choice. "I love you guys so much", i said in a group hug right before we heard a painful roar, we did not have to say anything to each other to know who the person was. I gave them a final hug. I was about to get into the car when Beta Cade appeared from the forest, he must have been on patrol. "Am sorry Luna, I should have protected you", he said looking at his feet. The damage was already done and the worse part is, he knew everything and never said a word. I didn't blame him. He was friends with Aiden since they were kids so there was no way he would have betrayed him for me. "It's ok Beta Cade, i don't hold anything against you. I just want to move one with my life", i said then got in the car. I waved to my mother and Boris. Driving away. I was going to start over, i wanted a new life away from all the hurt.

I have been driving for two days with sleep every six hours. I just passed a sign that showed i was in a town called Ocean City. It was so beautiful and they obviously having an ocean in the east side of it. I asked the locals where i could find a hotel near the centre of the town and they directed me to an apartment building. "Hello, i need an apartment", "Any floor in particular?" the lady asked and i shrugged my shoulders. She went on and gave me the one on first floor. It was facing the ocean. "This is an amazing view", i whispered to myself but she heard me anyways. Impressive hearing for an old lady. "I have a feeling you will love it here", she said leaving me alone to explore the apartment. It was furnished and for that i was thankful, i hated shopping for furniture, it was one thing that Boris and i had in common, we used to relax and let my mother handle it. I went to collect my things from the car which were not a lot. An hour later i was settled but super hungry. "My apologies Ma'am, is there a place where i can get some food anywhere near?", "Of course dear, my son owns a diner just a few blocks from here, they have amazing food, i bet you will like it. It's called Soul Food", she said with so much energy making me giggle.