
The Werewolf Keeper

"I don't need someone who can light up my life, i just need someone to stay with me in the darkness." A werewolf keeper has a sacred duty. Hannah is learning that all the stories are true. She must fight witches, learn from vampires and protect an endangered werewolf. Love and family are on the line. Hannah is the werewolf keeper and this is how her story began.

moonkeeper_ · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Everything was ominously quiet whilst the dust settled. Spear rose to his feet, looking down at the small woman by his side. Destruction appeared unharmed and Spear sighed quietly in relief. The great dome had collapsed above them and Spear's cloak was caught in the debris. They'd just barely escaped being crushed by Olympus' grandest cathedral.

Destruction's eyes were closed and the tension she felt was clear in her clenched jaw and contracted brows. Guessing the direction of her interest, Spear likewise concentrated his enhanced senses on the throne room. It wasn't hard - their King had never been a quiet royal.


Spear winced as the king's voice reverberated around his skull. He stopped listening to the throne room and instead focused on the west side of the city. Spear listened hard, picking through the voices and sounds to build a picture of what was happening. He breathed more easily as time went by. Destruction and him had probably experienced the worst of the damage.

Destruction snarled suddenly and Spear had a hand on her arm in an instant.

"What's happened?" He asked in concern. Destruction opened her startling eyes that glowed as cold and bright as the stars and Spear read the fear behind them.

"Movement's been detected in the Desolate Plains."

Spear's grip on her arm tightened. Surely they couldn't be attempting to rise again?

"But the Blood Stained Lady, well you defeated her the last time..." Spear's voice was hopeful but Destruction was shaking her head before he could finish.

"I can no longer set foot on Earth. Not since the fall of Cerberus closed safe passage to the Underworld." Destruction's quick mind was already racing through the possibilities. "No," she murmured thoughtfully, "the only one who can defeat the Lady is a new Keeper."

"One has to Spear. Somewhere on Earth is a man or woman destined to be a Keeper." Or we're all doomed.


Lucy Knight made a feint of throwing the stick and burst into a fit of giggles when poor Penelope bounded wildly across the park. Confused, Penelope turned back to Lucy to see the precious stick still firmly in her grasp. Her excitement peaked once more and she returned instantly to stare in wonder at the baby branch, wagging her little tail violently. Jessica Daniel's was ignoring this endearing game and was instead trying to tell her best friend what her horoscope was.

"Oh!" Jessica squealed excitedly, "it says that this week is a really good one to start a romance." Lucy snorted.

"Please those horoscopes are nothing but silly superstition." Lucy watched Penelope bound back to her, slobbery stick returned for her to gingerly pick up once more. She was alerted by the silence to the fact that her best friend was now in a huff with her. "Sorry Penny I'm going to go hang with Jess now." She apologised before walking over to where Jessica lay tanning on the roundabout.

"She can't understand you, she's just a dog and a dumb one at that." Jessica turned slightly from her friend. She was determined not to be easily placated this time.

"She's adorable and you are the first person to brag about it." Jessica concentrated on appearing to be reading her own horoscope. Lucy decided to try a new tactic. "So speaking of romance in the week ahead...how's Harry?"

That was it, Lucy was instantly forgiven and a cosy hour passed by in speculation about Harry's body language and what it could possibly mean. This was only interrupted when a buzz in Lucy's pocket told her that she had a text. She took out the battered brick (she wasn't allowed a new phone, something about irresponsibility and rollerblading).

From: Hannah

Dinner. Now. X

Lucy smirked at her cousin's authoritarian attitude. It was Thursday night, Hannah's turn to make dinner. Nobody was allowed to be late for Thursday night dinner.

"I've got to get back, Hannah's made lasagne." Lucy sprang lightly to her feet. She stretched her stiff legs whilst waiting for Jessica to reluctantly gather all her scattered belongings together.

"No fair. My mum's started one of her diets again - ergh! I'm going to turn into a salmon! An adorable but very unhappy salmon." Jessica shuddered dramatically.

The girls walked together with Penelope lagging behind on the lead. The conversation turned to the Hannah/ Jordan situation.

"She'll never go with him." Lucy stated confidently.

"I think he really likes her, he keeps inventing reasons to go to the shop when he knows that she's working." Jessica tried to make her tone light but she was scrutinising Lucy's face.

"Poor guy." Lucy feigned fascination in a ladybird that had landed on her arm.

"It would be cool if they did get together though, my brother and your (well Hannah is practically your sister) it would make us like family." Jessica gushed happily.

"Only if they got married." Lucy corrected. Having Jordan Daniel's for a brother in law - did I murder someone in a past life to deserve that?!

When they reached Lucy's house the girls said goodbye - both looking forward to tomorrow when they would leave for their first guide camp together. Lucy watched her friend drag an exhausted Penelope down the road. Grinning to herself she turned to head into the house when suddenly she had to lean on the wall for support.

Lucy gasped. It was like the bricks were moving, wriggling amongst one another. She looked up at the sky and she saw ocean tides as the clouds billowed in circular currents. Lucy started to shake. Terrified, she tried desperately to cry out for help. Only a small strangled sound escaped passed her locked teeth. Abruptly it stopped. The brick wall was once again a stationary barrier and the sky was the good old sky once more.

Lucy was panting as exhausted as if she had just run a marathon. She slid down the wall and sat on the floor - trying to catch her breath whilst her hands were still trembling uncontrollably. She heard the locks of the front door being pulled back and the heavy door swung forward.

Hannah was stood over her, apron on and wild, dark hair tied back into a long plait.

"You're very nearly late." She began but then she read Lucy's shaken expression. Her voice became softer. "Is something wrong?"

Lucy was about to tell her cousin what had just happened but then her eyes fell onto all of her camping equipment stacked neatly in the hall. Would they let her go if she was sick? Lucy straightened up and forced her mouth into a tight smile.

Lucy was panting as exhausted as if she had just run a marathon. She slid down the wall and sat on the floor - trying to catch her breath whilst her hands were still trembling uncontrollably. She heard the locks of the front door being pulled back and the heavy door swung forward.

"Nothing, just tripped is all."