
The Werewolf Keeper

"I don't need someone who can light up my life, i just need someone to stay with me in the darkness." A werewolf keeper has a sacred duty. Hannah is learning that all the stories are true. She must fight witches, learn from vampires and protect an endangered werewolf. Love and family are on the line. Hannah is the werewolf keeper and this is how her story began.

moonkeeper_ · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Hot Guy

The cousins headed home as the pale sun was slowly rising. Hannah had slung Lucy on her back and raced through the tree's - unhesitating and pumped with adrenaline. Lucy had grimly clung onto her cousins neck, eyes streaming as the cold night air stung her face. Lucy's nerves were beyond the point of fraying - they were decimated against the rocks. Hannah came to a stop when they'd reached their driveway. Once again on steady land, Lucy vomited in the hedge and Hannah guiltily patted her gently on the back.

"We'll practise."

Lucy shook her head violently. "Sorry Luce, but unless we want Hope to think we've joined some kind of gang - I need to return us snugly to our beds after every transformation night." Lucy shuddered. Hannah picked her up and carried her into the house - somehow closing the door behind them, and when had she opened it in the first place? Lucy's brain felt like it had been turned to mush and now was lost to what on earth was going on. Hannah set her down on her feet when they reached the bathroom. "You should wash, you're kind of filthy."

Like a zombie, Lucy obeyed - but when the water showered down on her, burning her icy skin, she came to reality with a jolt. She was no longer the only freak in the family...and at least werewolves featured in movies and books and stuff, who had even heard of a werewolf keeper? Wait, was she really comparing two supernatural creatures this light heartedly? Yes she was, because that was what she was now. She was a werewolf and one day that would be normal to her. One day in the very far ahead future she decided.


Hannah hit the library. She took out all the books with references to monsters and mythology that the limited collection offered. As she flipped through pages on pixies and weird looking fairies, her mind wondered to her mystery rescuer. What was he then? Hannah had been puzzling the mystery all morning. Her final, tentative conclusion was that he might be a werewolf keeper like herself and this suggestion made her desperate to find him once more.

Her first place to search would have to be the woods, perhaps she would find something that she could use to identify and trace him with. Hannah checked out her books and put the most useful looking ones into her bag. As she was walking out of the library her phone vibrated in her pocket. Retrieving it the screen read caller Lily. Hannah grinned and hit the green button.

"Hey loser!" Hannah greeted walking down the sunny high street.

"Whatever freak. I'm organising a cinema and meal thing, are you in?" Lily's light soprano voice replied.

"When are we talking about?"

"Tonight, I want to see that new horror that's out, my sister told me that it's really good. Sarah and Joe have already said yes."

"Sure, count me in - I don't think I'm up to anything tonight." Unless of course Lucy transforms into a werewolf in which case she became a lot less available.

"Great. That new guy in the village is coming too. Apparently he and Joe are friends now. I'm encouraging this, Joe needs some male bonding because he spends too much time just around Sarah. It's cute and all but not entirely healthy. Also Denise says that the new guy's hot!" Hannah smiled whilst her friend babbled on. A night out would be good for Sarah and perhaps it would help someone else also...

"Do you mind if I invite Jordan?" She asked stopping in the street, she had reached 'the point' beyond here there was no signal for mobile phones. Stupid middle of nowhere village.

"Jordan? As in Jordan Daniels! Finally you've regained sanity and have quit rejecting him already. Do realise that my cool radar has sky rocketed now through being your friend. Thank you!"

"Relax, I'm just asking him as a mate and I'm not even sure if we are mates. I just think it might do him some good to get out the house."

"Whatever you are totally whipped!" Hannah rolled her eyes. She wouldn't have said anything if she'd known Lily would take it so badly.

"What time do you want to meet up?" Hannah asked in a resigned voice. Time would be the only thing that could convince Lily now that she was not in love with Jordan Daniels.

Lucy stared down at the clear lettering.

Here lies Jessica Harriet Daniels. Beloved daughter, sister and friend. RIP.

"If I had never been born she would be alive now." No one was around to hear Lucy's confession. The graveyard was otherwise deserted. Jessica's grave was a shrine of colour due to the flowers friends and family had offered to her. Tears ran down Lucy's lowered face. "I'm sorry that you ever met me. I'm so-rry that...I went on that st-upid guide camp. I-m so-rry for eve-ry-thing!" Lucy sobbed falling to her knees and smothering her face into the grass.

After a few more strangled sobs, Lucy slowly realised something. There was something wrong with this grave. Lucy sniffed and stroked the earth using the wolf's buried instincts to work out what was wrong. Jessica's grave had been disturbed. Lucy sniffed even more deeply, she guessed that the ground had been disturbed only last night though the evidence was very well concealed, the man behind it had some skill in this area. Why would anyone disturb the grave of a thirteen year old girl?

The group met up at the train station. It was a small affair with two platforms, no shops and only one train an hour. Lily was predictably late. Joe introduced everyone to Jack Evans. Hannah looked over this new 'hot guy'.