
A feeling of worth


"I can hear him," I exclaim in excitement. Blue stops walking the minute I react and his eyes remain fixed on me. My heart flutters like a stupidly delighted bird and I quickly look around to see if there is anyone else nearby. "How do you hear him?" Blue asks me curiously.

I don't want to get my hopes up but there is just this feeling of affirmations inside me. It is almost like I am so sure about it.

So I say "I can hear him in my head."

"But how do you know it's him?" Blue asks.

"It just is. I can feel it... I think" I reply.

"You think you can feel him?" Blue asks with a dubious look on his face. "Uh yeah, I think so. I can feel it. I think it is him."

I can see the hesitation in his eyes but the next time I hear his voice call out my name, I pull the book closer to me. I feel the sounds that emanate from it and suddenly, it all makes sense.

He is inside the fucking book.