
My dad will love you

Dusk finally came and Eva had just finished taking a bath and was dressing up when a knock drew her attention. She quickly silky light pyjamas, walking to the door, but before she reached the door, the swung open and a tall figure walked in.

"Remember you are meeting my family tomorrow" Lee Ming's cold voice said

Eva's ears are burning red since he walked into the room.

"I remember. But why are you taking me to meet them and would they even like me?" Eva said

Lee Ming searched her dark eyes and saw worry. He sighed before saying " Why I'm taking you there is my business" he thought for a while before he continued "You don't have to worry about them liking you. I'm your man, you should only be worried about me liking you but rest assured, my dad will love you" he said before walking to the door.

"Come down for dinner" he said before leaving. Minutes passed and Eva didn't leave the room. Lee Ming thought of going to drag her down but changed his mind. She disobeyed him. Now, she'll get her punishment.

In the middle of the night, Eva laid in her bed while thinking about what Lee Ming said. She should only be worried about him liking her? She didn't care if he liked her or not. So why did she suddenly become worried?.

She didn't even go down for dinner and decided to stay here. But now, hunger was taking a toll on her. Eva stood up from the bed and walked out of the room, determined to find the kitchen. After walking for a while, she was about to enter the kitchen when his voice came

"This ladybug is actually disobedient and now wants to steal food?"

Eva's legs were rooted to the ground when she heard his voice. Lee Ming walked up to her ear and said "You disobeyed me Eva. I ordered you to come for dinner. I didn't ask you if you wanted to come or not, it was not a choice but an order. Now, since you disobeyed, you'll be punished."

Eva was about to turn around but before she could, he swept her off her feet and carried her and walked towards the entrance of the house. He kicked the door open and dropped her there before closing the door.

This man really carried her outside in the middle of the night. Earlier on, Lee Ming was working in his study when the heard the door of Eva's room open. He walked out of the study to see the little creature going down the stairs. He followed her slowly till she got to the kitchen.

Eva was shaking due to the cold wind blowing against her skin.

"Lee Ming!!!I won't disobey you again just let me go" she said banging the door.

The man on the other side of the door smirked devilishly before walking away to the living room.

The night went on and Eva was still outside, only wearing a light silky pyjamas. The wind started to get stronger. Soon, the rain started pouring down and Eva was drenched, like a lost puppy left out in the cold.

With shaky and wet hands, she banged heavily on the door.

"Lee,Lee please...I promise to do anything you ask just let me in please. If I get sick, I won't be able to satisfy your desires you know" she said hoping the man would hear.

Fortunately, Lee Ming was still in the living room wide awake and just heard what the little woman said. He walked towards the door and slightly opened it.

"You promise to obey my every word?" He asked staring at the young girl who was disheveled and was on her knees staring at him with puppy eyes. Her saying she was going to obey his every words wasn't what shook him, but the fact that she said she won't be able to satisfy his desires if she gets sick. But he didn't say it.

"Every word" she said

Lee Ming stared at her for a while before opening the door fully. As soon as the door was opened, Eva ran straight to the kitchen. Though being under the rain for so long, she was still very hungry. But before she could get her hands on something to eat, Lee Ming swept her off her feet and carried her upstairs.

"Let go of me..." Eva repeated but the man didn't stop until he got to her room. He kicked the door open and threw her on the bed. Her clothes were still wet and it hugged the shape of her body. Showing him her perfect curves.

His eyes searched her body with extreme want rushing in his lower belly. He stared at her for a while before trapping her lips in his. He kissed her passionately as his need for her increased. He moved from her lips to her neck slowly sucking and nibbling on her white soft skin.

"What....are..you doing?" Eva said between moans

"What do you mean?" Lee Ming asked moving to her ear lobe. Sucking and gently biting on it.

Eva bit her lip hard to avoid another moan from escaping from it.

"I mean, why are you doing this?..please stop" she managed to say

Lee Ming stopped his heated action and looked at her in the eyes

"Just shut up and enjoy it. Besides since you are not sick yet, you can satisfy my desires now" he said before kissing her again...soon, he ripped the shirt of the pyjamas but luckily, Eva was wearing a small bra top inside of it. But because of the small size of the bra top, it pushed her breast upwards, making them more inviting.

As Lee Ming was about to rip the bra top too, Eva's loud angry stomach growled and the man stopped his movements. He looked at her flat tummy as if angry with it for spoiling his moment. He then said to her before walking out of the room

"Wait here"

Eva's once cold wet body was now replaced with extreme heat from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet.


Minutes later, Lee Ming came back into room with a tray of hot ramen and chicken. He found out that the woman had already changed into another night wear. He shook his head internally before walking up to her bed and sat beside her.

Eva was flushed when she saw him, her ears were burning red.

"Come and eat" his husky voice said to her

"I can feed myself" she said about to take the tray from him. This wasn't the first time he was feeding her but because of what they had just done, the embarrassment was killing Eva inside.

"You helped me fulfill my own desire. Why can't I help you fulfill yours?" Lee Ming said before she could answer, he stuffed the hot ramen into her mouth.

"Its too hot" she said nudging his side

"Sorry" Lee Ming said rubbing her lip with his thumb. Eva's heart softened with his action.

He fed her slowly till everything was finished and he left her to sleep.
